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Andrew in CA

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Everything posted by Andrew in CA

  1. I don't watch ABC outside of Lost, so I haven't seen any previews. I didn't think it would be a true spoiler anyway, for obvious reasons, but I do know people that don't even watch previews because they want to know absolutely nothing about the next episode. Anyway, your thoughts on the constant, esp. Ethan being in Juliet's sister's apartment building, is really intriguing. I don't doubt that Desmond and Faraday aren't the only ones being affected by the whole constant thing, though they are just the ones that are the most aware of it. It could really be a major key. Great theory. Only 2 more hours!!!
  2. I loved that game. Remember Eggplant man? One of the top villains. Does anybody remember a tv show with the nintendo characters, like mario, link, maybe kid icarus... but I know that eggplant man was one of the villains on that show. Please tell me someone else can remember it. For that matter, does anyone remember the name of the cartoon show with Gretzky, Jordan, and Bo Jackson (I think)?
  3. Goonies was awful. Back to the Future and Karnov were some awful games, too. Kid Nikki was terrible, but in a funny way, so you could play it for a few minutes.
  4. I cannot believe I forgot Rygar! That one is my favorite. A couple of summers ago, I dug up my NES and Rygar was still in it. I spent about 6 hours playing it all the way to the end, not even realizing how long it was taking me. Addicting game. The thing with Friday the 13th is, I didn't even know where to begin, what the point was, the map was so confusing, etc. I've still never beaten it. Also, Wizards & Warriors was sweet.
  5. Stinger Metroid Zelda II Mega Man II Jaws Kung Fu Friday the 13th (Probably the hardest game that I've ever played)
  6. Agreed. So weak.
  7. Chomsky and his ilk are no fans of Obama. They see him as the lesser of 3 evils, but they are certainly not fans. But, I do see your point in that Obama is attracting way more college students and grads than Clinton, while she brings in the much discussed "Reagan Democrats"- which is a notable and interesting divide. I doubt, though, that the party would dissolve if Obama lost (though it probably should- this is the biggest Dem layup since 1976. Though McCain is a formidable opponent, you've got to think that with all the new voter registration for the Dems and the war and the recession it shouldn't be too difficult for either Dem candidate). I think our mindset is much too settled on R or D to have anyone abandon the system. Which is a shame, though. I would bet that if you polled people on how they stand on taxation, foreign policy, social issues, etc., you'd find more people agreeing with Libertarians or Progressives than we have now. What about the other way around? If McCain fails considerably, do you think that moderate or socially liberal republicans that feel their party has been taken over by religious conservatives will split? I bet they will start to think about it. You have Huckabees and Giulianis, both Republicans, but are their policies compatible? Does anyone else feel that it sucks that McCain has to stand down to Pat Robertson now because you have to get the religious right to vote Republican to have a chance to win?
  8. Not only that, but THE CANADIENS ARE THE #1 SEED. It's not like they completed a major upset- they just took care of business (and it took 7). Why couldn't the Expos ignite this kind of passion?
  9. Yes, I understand that and partially agree with you. However, do you need to go about getting more money by acting like a jerk, poisoning your team's season before it begins, alienating your fans and upper management, and hurting your own future contract negotiations in the process? Football contracts are not fair to the players because of what you outlined- essentially, giving all the power to the owners. There has to be a better way of negotiating than putting your face on national tv and calling out your coach and teammates every other week. That's why I say STFU and play.
  10. Right on. I hope Cincy shows other players who would try to hold their teams hostage that if you are going to sit, then sit. You hurt your own career, you hurt any future contract negotiations, you hurt your teammates, and you become hated throughout football. You signed the contract, now STFU and play. The Bengals may be worse off for eating money and sitting one of their best players, but it would make an example for other selfish players. This whole scenario is so infuriating.
  11. Not me, because they wanted Kennedy and Hughes. Look, it's going to take time, most likely 3 years, before the Yankees can even hope to have their young guys fulfill their potential. Personally, I don't think much of Kennedy, but I think of IPK, Phil the Franchise, and Joba, only one is going to become a reliable #1 guy. 2 will most likely become serviceable 4 or 5 guys or fail. Failing to trade for Santana was a sign that yes, the Yanks are actually going to wait a few years and let their young guys develop before the WS is in reach. That is the philosophy I want them to follow, so if IPK sucks for the rest of his career, I won't be angry.
  12. C'mon, you gotta root for Campbell and the Sharks!
  13. Thanks. Maybe I have it the other way around....
  14. Possible spoiler for those who like to know absolutely nothing about future episodes- On the latest ABC Lost podcast, the writers said that something significant about the black smoke will be revealed in this week's episode. They said it could range from a total explanation to a realization that there is no possible explanation. I hope this thing makes sense, whatever it is. I'm thinking it is controlled somehow by the Others, maybe by whoever is running the Temple or a station in a yet to be discovered area. Also, they said that we will definitively know the fate of Rousseau and Karl and who has taken Alex. Regardless, I can't freakin wait for the rest of this season!
  15. Are the Fins going to play him at LT? I was under the impression that he was a RT, and could be shifted to LT but would therefore become less effective. I don't know much about him- I think I read that in MMQB, so take it for what it's worth.
  16. And I can't watch either because I don't have vs. I really wish hockey was back on ESPN....
  17. I'm pretty sure it was the Moops. Learned it from Trivial Pursuit.
  18. Anyone that thinks this is art needs his head checked. Wtf.
  19. Thanks for the info. My cert is PADI, and I figured you'd probably only need the card. And I'll definitely take a refresher course before diving again- I wouldn't feel safe if I didn't.
  20. OK, I realize this has gone off the original post, but I do have a SCUBA question for anyone out there. I got certified in 2005, but for various complications, my divemaster didn't sign my divebook and I didn't record the time, depth, etc. of my final 2 dives either. I have the card, and I did complete certification, though. Is this going to be an issue next time I dive? In essence, does owning and keeping a divebook really matter? Also, I'm not positive, but I think I need to take a recertification lesson or something before I go diving again since it's been nearly 3 years, correct?
  21. Very true. It's easy to read Zarathustra and link it to Naziism, Uber-mensch=Nazi Supermen or whatever nonsense. But if there is any common thread in his philosophy, it's break down and question all forms of thought, down to the most basic ideas of good and evil. I can see where a casual reading of Zarathustra might lead to a nationalist German identity, but to think that was his thesis is severely flawed.
  22. That was great awareness on Gerbe's part, but the goal itself was a lucky deflection. Gerbe's goal where he just laid out and tapped it through, the second goal of the game, was phenomenal. The guy's got such great ice awareness and has no problem skating against guys half a foot and 50 lbs. bigger than him. What a game, what a year for BC. I hope Gerbe sticks around for one more year, earns the Hobey (which he would've gotten if he didn't go ice cold for the last 7 or so games of the regular season- but Porter was fantastic this year, too, much deserved), brings BC a repeat, and then goes on to bring the Cup to Buffalo.
  23. Admittedly, I've brought nothing to the topic. As I stated earlier, I'm no expert on the subject, yet you took that to mean I was a know-it-all. I called you out on something I wasn't involved in, and have already stated I should have stayed out of it in hindsight. So we've had this little pissing contest going, and I'm done. Unless you'd like to carry on and get offended at more stuff, your lordship .
  24. Yeah, I thought Angela and Angela/Andy were the best moments of tonight's episode. Even Andy's tuna bit still gets me. Overall, not a terrible episode, but certainly not their best. I'm just glad it's back.
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