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Andrew in CA

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Everything posted by Andrew in CA

  1. "She highlights the f*** scenes for you?" I know someone said it, but definitely Dirty Work
  2. I think it's 2008, current time, in the final scene.
  3. What a great post, 100% agree. This needs to be acknowledged and discussed with much more urgency in debates and the political sphere in general, IMO. China is not afraid of us.
  4. I would guess that he is using that alias to keep hidden from Widmore.... I don't think widmore's desire to find the island is going to end with Ben's departure. I agree w/ Dr. D that Locke must've had to move the island again... no way he would've left unless forced... Also, is Charlotte going to be a more important character than we thought? And are Miles and Faraday now on the island?
  5. So many questions, so I'll throw one out there: If we assume Clair is part of the island/Jacob in the same way Christian Shepard is, and she told Kate to keep Aaron away from the island, did Locke break away and anger Jacob to cause the "bad things" that happened after the O6 left? Ben and Locke said they all had to go back, but if Clair is an extension of Jacob and told Kate to keep Aaron away, is there a split? Crazzyyy episode
  6. Good article, but part of his premise is that you have to pick a team to follow. Why? I like that the EPL is the only league I can follow where I don't have a favorite team and can just enjoy the game without angst. I like to watch certain players and find myself rooting for the underdog, but it's never a life or death situation like when I'm watching a Bills game. This is part of the appeal for me, that I don't have any reason to like one team over another and can just enjoy the soccer.
  7. Orpik knows how to win championships...
  8. I think it's the only thing that will.
  9. I'm with you- I don't really hate teams, just fans or media slobbering. I do love watching the Cowboys, Phins, Pats, Duke, BU, and Notre Dame lose, however. Not necessarily in that order.
  10. Yeah, that's what I thought, too. It was the only way for Lapidus to let the Beach people know where the guys with the guns are- remember what Michael said, he doesn't want that on his conscience. As to whether or not Jack will interpret the phone for what it is, is another story- he could lead them right to their annihilation.
  11. Now I'm confused.... is everyone being ironic, because if so, pBills, you had me fooled. This has been a very entertaining morning.
  13. During a 311 concert a few years ago at Tweeter Center, there was a 15-20 second break between songs, and a Yankees Suck chant started. And not just a few people, but the entire f'n crowd. At a ballgame, understandable, but at a concert where NY was never even mentioned? Pathological....
  14. I've been thinking that, too. But then how can everybody else see her and converse with her? And what purpose would the island have for keeping her "alive" then? Maybe to bring Aaron into the jungle for Christian Shepard to take... What about Rose's comment, too? That the island heals, so why is Jack getting sick? I'm still pondering that one... $100 bucks says Jin dies in the season finale. I stole this from the EW recap, but: maybe the redhead freighter girl (Charlotte, I think) has some connection with Sun's dad, Mr. Paik. I mean, she speaks Korean? I think that Mr. Paik might be more involved a la Chalres Widmore than we've seen so far...
  15. Yeah, seriously. Not a one outside of the city in NY State. I'm wondering what their criteria is. I wouldn't send anyone to Charlie's Kitchen unless they were already drunk.
  16. http://kissingsuzykolber.uproxx.com/2008/0...e-security.html
  17. I'm a big fan of McGeary's (best wings in the Capital Region), but Bayou? Not so much. I wish Eamon's was still around... Also, one Africa and one Australia. Neither continent known for beer, granted, but there are some sweet spots in both. I imagine that a lot of this list was based on beer selection. Hopleaf in Chicago and Sunset in Boston are two places with great beer lists but not the most interesting location or drinking/dining experience.
  18. No Ricoeur? Useless. In all seriousness, that's extensive (probably goes without saying....).
  19. Start with Dr. Seuss- "Green Eggs and Ham" is a classic. You can then move up to the Berenstein Bears anthology, and if you feel like a real challenge, head to the Goosebumps series. Beware, though- you're in for a scare! Then Dostoevsky.
  20. Jamie Silva, S
  21. I'm thinking Jamie Silva for our next pick. He's fast and a hard-hitter, but not good in coverage. I think he can be a special teams starter.
  22. If you can't see him, you can't tackle him
  23. TE and Center are the biggest needs, unless there is some fantastic DE out there. After that, BPA, again, unless someone falls
  24. Or maybe Desmond killing Sayid?
  25. After some googling and youtubing, I discovered it was "Captain N: The Game Master" (http://youtube.com/watch?v=El7TBZWZbNY). Pretty rad. Thanks. That intro alone brings me back.
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