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Andrew in CA

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Everything posted by Andrew in CA

  1. Dude, dude, dude, why? First off, why be such a jerk about the Yankees? Has being a Bills fan taught you nothing? You like hearing this kind of crap from Pats fans and Cowboys fans? I expect this kind of a-hole stuff from the Yanks fans that are Jets/Giants fans, but not the Bills fans, man! Please, try to show some class. Second, aren't you counting your chickens before they're hatched? The series in Boston isn't even over yet! If they lose today and then drop 2 out of 3 to the O's, everyone is going to be back to crying again, and you're going to hear it from those d--- Boston fans. Let's not act like they just got into the playoffs by winning 2 games. Pull out that s--- talk when you've got something worthy to brag about, like NYY in and Sux out, hopefully in about 2 months. Why do you want to be rid of Giambi? He's having a really good year- 20 HR's and an OBP of .394- I want that on my team. And depending on any more trades they make, I'd put my money on the Yankees offering him a one or two year deal- not the $20 million or whatever option he's got, but maybe $4 a year. Also, Gardner got sent down to AAA with the Nady deal in order to keep him playing everyday. He'll be back up when the rosters expand and might make the postseason roster, but he won't be doing anything in the bigs this year. I was disappointed in his lack of BBs during this stretch he's had in LF, since he had a .400 OBP thereabouts in the minors. Hopefully, getting him to see more AAA pitching in August will bring his eye back and he can make an impact when he comes back up.
  2. http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/2008/01/24...microbreweries/ Hat tip to KD in CT from whom I found out about this website in another thread.
  3. I guess I'm the only one that would unwaveringly pick Fast Times. I love D&C, but I think Fast times is funnier and just as entertaining plot-wise. Phoebe is the icing on the cake, too
  4. If you're officially rich, you've worked too hard! Pay up!
  5. No problem. Jackson keeps getting better with every inning, it seems.
  6. The game is on right now. 1-1 in the bottom 6th.
  7. That's one of the funniest websites I've seen.
  8. Thanks, guys. I've had an action packed day so far, now a quick nap and then I hit the tizzown.
  9. Hersh was on Democracy Now (http://www.democracynow.org/) today to discuss the article. He seems convinced war is going to come, either through this administration or McCain's.
  10. Thanks- they are the two most important things to me
  11. Nice call- she may not be the hottest, but she's my kind of girl
  12. Pearl Jam- Vs. was the first one I ever purchased myself with my own hard-earned lawn mowing money, but I already had "Ten" and the Wayne's World 2 soundtrack at the time. I still have the album, but the case is pretty messed up.
  13. Few things are more despicable than hypocrisy....
  14. Unbelievable. I watched golf for the first time ever yesterday to spend time with my dad, and I was actually riveted. I do feel bad for Rocco, part of me was pulling for him. And his reaction when Tiger hit that birdie was like, "dude, I'm done." I'm hoping Rocco can hang for 18 today, but I wouldn't be surprised if this is over early.
  15. Hulu.com. You can watch a ton of movies and shows for free. You do have to watch 15 or 30 sec of commercials during what would be commercial breaks, but it's totally free and legitimate.
  16. That was pretty funny. The producer being bombarded walking out was the funniest part- what did he think was going to happen? And nice touch with the body-language expert on O'Reilly.
  17. It's worth it, though. Northern California is the best area in the world. I can't wait until I make enough to live there....
  18. Is it just me, or is Hulk the most boring of the Marvel characters as a character. Ok, so he's really strong. Big deal. When I read comic books as a kid, I always thought Hulk was uninteresting. I have no interest in seeing this movie, just like the previous one.
  19. The Great Escape Godfather is a given The cast of "Lost" sans Elizabeth Mitchell
  20. I thought I was the only person that enjoyed this movie! The only movie that readily comes to mind is "The Ninth Gate," one of my favorite movies. I've seen it many, many times and it never gets old.
  21. No. No. That's not true. That's impossible!
  22. In my view it is the people with the low mentality and low intelligence that blindly follow one party.
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