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Andrew in CA

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Everything posted by Andrew in CA

  1. I just got back from seein it... It was really funny and entertaining. Surprising violent, too. Franco killed it, and the big hitman, the guy that plays Daryl in the Office, was hilarious as well. I loved the scene with the girlfriend and her family at dinner. I definitely recommend it....
  2. I forgot about Less than Zero... I hated that movie, though. I read the book first, and the plot of the movie is so predictable and formulaic and unlike the book. They made Clay this respectable guy that was trying to save Downey Jr's character, I forget his name, but in the book Clay is just as much a lowlife as the rest of them. Sorry, I don't mean to harsh on a movie you like... to each his own... but I was not a fan of that one. So let's see if BEE can be 3/4 then.
  3. "Former lead singer of Lunar park..." haha...It looks promising... but I thought The Informers was his worst book. However, American Psycho the movie was phenomenal and The Rules of Attraction movie was good too- I think it captured the spirit of the book if not the actual plot- so maybe BEE can go 3 for 3. Still waiting on that Glamorama movie....
  4. Doctor says I need a back-iotomy.
  5. Abba-zabba, you my only friend!
  6. It takes at least 2 sessions to get high- no one does their first time
  7. Where did you get that from? I said it was a really important book to me. I didn't realize that expressing heartfelt sadness for humankind would be the only acceptable response to his death. to you and this thread.
  8. I don't know if I learned anything from it, per se. It was a bleak account of the gulags, which I knew little about at the time. It was important to me because it opened me up to Russian lit in general. What's with the ? You're not a fan of his work?
  9. Reading "A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" some 8 years ago is what got me into Russian literature. A really great short novel- I should read it again soon. RIP, and good work.
  10. :blink: That reminded me of this story about the Cubs' new Japanese import Fukudome and the signs the fans translated on babelfish. They thought they had written "It's gonna happen!" in Japanese, but it actually read "How unexpected!" http://blogs.chicagoreader.com/sports/2008...bare-cubs-fans/
  11. I never saw the Grateful Dead live but I've seen DSO many, many times and they rock. I've encountered older folks there that tell me they sound like the real deal. Regardless of their closeness to the original thing, they put on a really great show, I think you'll enjoy them.
  12. I think BC's ranking of #31 is the highest it will be all year. Enjoy it while you can!
  13. Brian Toal, LB, BC. He missed all of last year but comes back to headline a tough Boston College defense that will need to score multiple safties and various defensive TDs to win games. Coaches poll has BC at #31- sweet.
  14. Well, I for one don't care if Apatow/Rogan movies are predictable, similar, and use all the same actors- they've all made me laugh (except for Drillbit Taylor). I'm pumped to see this. And what about "Undeclared?" That was a great show that is now forgotten
  15. Oh, for sure- I guess I misunderstood the Facebook/Myspace angle. Totally makes sense as another means of communication and information on the girl.
  16. I would wager you're more informed and open than the average American. I would also wager that your people of your ilk are few.
  17. One: Let's stop calling CNN/NBC the "extreme-left" and Fox "extreme-right." They are center-left and center-right, respectively. Let's not act like there's really much difference in the BS they spew. Pepsi or Coke, that's all. The Cable TV News spectrum does not encompass the real far-left or far-right, so let's not pretend Olbermann is Marx and O'Reilly is Franco. Two: the disparity in viewership reflects the political stances of the nation- more people consider themselves Republican/right leaning that Democrat/left-leaning. It is more likely that a person would gather their news and opinion from like-minded sources, ergo, more people watch Fox.
  18. That's awesome, the Bills really fleeced those idiots. And like Lori said, tell you're cousin's husband not to change the freakin topic!
  19. The new/ potential future fans might as well. My soon to be 19-year old brother is a die-hard Bills fan, just like me, but can barely remember when the Bills last made the playoffs, let alone were a legitimate SB team. He won't ever defect, but he's admitted he follows Arsenal FC more because he's all but given up on the Bills ever being a championship team. Blah blah, my point is younger and potential fans, fans we need for the future of the franchise, don't think of the Bills as a one-time AFC force- we are perennial loser, the new Cubs, with Toronto breathing down our necks. We need to qualify for the playoffs soon or I fear we will lose many fans because of ineptness. This is somewhat Chicken-Little-ing, I realize, but I think the point has merit.
  20. Speaking as a 24 year old, I would never ask someone out via Facebook and have never heard of a connection made via Facebook/MySpace. We're still doing it the old-fashioned way- face-to-face, embarrassing rejections and all. I don't think Facebook/MySpace is so entrenched that women can be courted through it, so to speak. I do know of one instance where a female friend of mine was approached via Facebook and she called the dude a "chicken" in unkinder terms, so I would not recommend it. Maybe it would be more useful for breaking ice, eg: I saw you dig Goodfellas or the Decemberists on your profile, they are cool, yada yada, more than a dating forum. FWIW, I would ask her out like KD/BLZFAN suggested- to a meal, coffee, or drink, over a concert (more of a second/third date thing) in order to get to know her better and let her get to know you. That way you can know if she's worth your time before you start buyin concert tickets....
  21. Dude, c'mon, even without our signals, we would've lost 35-7. It was the gd Randy Moss show last year. McKelvin is a direct reaction to big WR's and our small CB's. Nothing wrong with that, and that doesn't insure success, but it can't hurt.
  22. Huh, I've never seen the big picture spelled out like that. Pretty sweet. Still wishin the best for Takeo.
  23. Ponson has given up 7 ER in 4 IP tonight (so far)- any more evidence needed that the Yankees need a starter to really compete for/in the playoffs? I still have faith that IPK can be a better replacement, but not necessarily a good pitcher (at least this year), especially after trading McCutchen. Will Washburn be better? He probably won't be worse. It's possible the Yanks could wait for Wang to come back, but I don't think he'll be 100% in 4 weeks, and Hughes is just too young to make a huge difference this year. Do they actually give Pavano starts in 4 weeks? Will hell freeze over? Or do the Yankees stay put, thinking Ponson and Rasner are acceptable 4 and 5 pitchers? If they don't make the Washburn deal, at least to see (barring the recent Seattle demand for a quality prospect- he's not worth it), I don't think the Yankees will do damage in the playoffs if they make it at all. And no, this is not a reaction to tonight's Ponson performance- I've believed this since Rasner's June ERA was 5+
  24. I would hope so- having a check down target would benefit TE a ton in a pivotal year. However, the Bills clearly don't have this guy, so I would agree w/ BillsVet that it will be Royal and it is indeed his to lose, much to my dismay. This is a position they must address in next year's draft, IMO, after all but disregarding it this year. Maybe someone as talented and intelligent as Ryan Purvis would be available in the 3rd?
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