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Andrew in CA

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Everything posted by Andrew in CA

  1. I don't know what the union would base their case upon- If Crow's issue was indeed lingering, he should have gotten the surgery earlier. It doesn't seem like there was any major discovery that would prompt surgery RIGHT BEFORE THE GD OPENER! but if there was, the Bills can't just wait around and hopes he plays well in a month. This whole thing just sucks....
  2. Why why why.... it's always something with this team.... W's are the panacea, but right now, I'm just frustrated and pissed...
  3. Ooh boy, a lot to handle, even a few days later. Thanks for the info- I've only just scanned it, but downloaded the citizens guide and will peruse it more thoroughly when I have some time. Economics and accounting are not my strong points, but I'm trying to get better. I realized wikipedia wasn't the best source, but I scoped it out and it conflicted with your statement, so I wanted to see more sources. Thanks for the info.
  4. The term "veep," especially written, really annoys me. VP is shorter, why the hell would anyone elongate an abbreviation??!!! Also, saying it is annoying, just say Vice President or VP. Veep is not a f'n word. I blame Newsweek.
  5. The right to succeed? Well, I don't know if that even needs to be enumerated.... isn't that truly a given?
  6. Hey hey hey..... BC 21 Kent St. 0. At Kent St. C'mon, it's a start.
  7. I feel yah re: football, that would be the hardest thing to lose! And hockey- you can't get hockey anywhere south. Although when I was in SA, I did pick up on rugby, which is a decent substitute. Good luck with your planning, I'm sure it will be exciting and rewarding, wherever you decide.
  8. Link on this? According to wikipedia, these three make up 42% of the budget- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_budget_(United_States)
  9. I'd be wary of Bolivia right now- some bad stuff could go down soon- http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7587544.stm. They recently elected a new President that is proposing a bunch of socialist reforms that will not be very popular with the resource controlling upper class. See what happens with the new constitution before making any definite plans. I spent 6 weeks on a farm in the Sante Fe Province of Argentina, about 2 1/2 hours north of Buenos Aires, and then another 2 near Mar del Plata, about 4 hours south of Buenos Aires. Both areas were gorgeous with a ton of land. If you are looking for a quiet country life to retire to, I would look into the Pampas region there. Not to mention trips to one of the best cities on the planet, Buenos Aires, would be manageable. Also, check out the area in and around Stellenbosch, South Africa. The dollar goes far there, and Stellenbosch is a nice college town right in the wine region. It's much safer than Johannesburg and the like, and it's surrounded by stunning mountains. Also, if you like wine, you'll be in paradise. It's also about an hour from Cape Town, the best city in the world as far as I'm concerned. If I have the opportunity to retire abroad in the future myself, I'll be looking into Stellenbosch.
  10. Click on the deadspin.com article I posted, it even has a short interview with the fan.
  11. This is the dumbest sh-- ever. This is so f'n stupid that people vote based on this, or if Barack is a Muslim, or McCain is too old, etc. etc. WHo cares who cares who cares. This is the failure of the American democracy- the douche and the turd. People think they have only two choices, and then vote for McCain because Obama won't give money to his brother, or vote for Obama because they want to be part of history by voting for the first black president (someone actually said this to me as their reason for voting for Obama). None of this matters, nothing will change, as long as we only focus on stupid sh-- and not realize that neither party gives a f what we think after we vote for them. Once they are in office, their goal is not to represent their electorate, it's to make money and to stay in office. The funny thing is, if people woke up and made them represent, our democracy would function so much better! I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not gonna take it anymore!!!!!
  12. According to Deadspin.com, he was a peaceful Red Sox fan- http://deadspin.com/5042588/so-yankee-stad...ather-seriously
  13. How long has it been? F Yes! Just give me something to look forward to!
  14. Without a doubt, I do not think the Bible is the end all be all. It is one of many access points I have used and continue to use to become closer to God. Now, I don't think you are talking about me personally, because I haven't preached this, but I understand and share your frustration with literal interpretation of the Bible. Personally, I hold the Gospels above all else- the rest is just metaphor, theology (I'm lookin at you, Paul), inspriation, etc. So, yes, that is rational. In fact, I don't think anybody has been talking about the Bible as the end all be all in this thread except you. I think your issue lies with "Evangelicals," whatever that means- Holy Rollers, fire and brimstone people that want to control you rather than bring you closer to God. I have issues with these people as well because I feel their agenda has more to do with control rather than belief, but I must admit I've never encountered one in person that I've been able to have a discourse with. Am I correct?
  15. I think the issue you have here SAM is that you need proof to believe in God and can't understand why others don't demand it. I won't speak for others, but I don't think I'm alone in that I don't require proof or physical evidence of God's existence to believe in it. I can't fully explain why I do or how I came to do it- it certainly took me awhile, and I don't belong to any organized religion- but I don't need to see "proof" that He exists to believe it. If you are unsatisfied with that, you are more than welcome to be, and if you wish to seek for more evidence or question the evidence you've been given, that's great. Keep seeking, just don't be overly frustrated when you run into people like me that just don't need to have everything explained in order to believe. Belief is something different than science, it is something different than anything, I feel. I just don't need to prove it.
  16. Another peeve I have is when people talk to you about how great a book is and then lend it to you unprompted. My old boss would do this to me all the time. He would drop a book on my desk, give me a spiel on how great it was, and recommend I read it. Dude, I've got books in the queue. If I really wanted to read it, I would ask to loan your copy. Don't presume that because you liked it you need to pass it on unprompted! I know the practice comes from a place of friendliness, but it's annoying.
  17. The term "veep," especially written, really annoys me. VP is shorter, why the hell would anyone elongate an abbreviation??!!! Also, saying it is annoying, just say Vice President or VP. Veep is not a f'n word. I blame Newsweek.
  18. Damn! I love that term....
  19. Is....is that a Ball-Hawking Defense I'm seeing??
  20. Pascal's Wager is absurd- I don't think God wants you to believe in Him just to hedge your bets. Besides, how much do you actually believe in and will you follow what you claim to believe if the only reason you do is out of hedging your bets (I know that is poorly worded, but you get my drift). Part of faith is not being able to quantify, define, or prove God in any way. I don't have a problem with believing in something I can't fully ascertain. I know I feel God and recognize God in different ways on a daily basis, and I know that others don't or feel Him more or in totally separate ways. Everyone's relationship with God can be different. If you really feel that you need solid, scientific evidence of God's existence to believe, then keep searching, I wish you success. But don't disparage others' beliefs because they don't require this. This has been a civil thread, so I'm not implying that you're flying off the handle or anything, but I think your definition of what God needs to be is just different than others'. And that's cool, good luck on your search.
  21. Shucks is that Langston Walker?
  22. There's that run D we know and love....
  23. Try reading the Gospels, then. Jesus talks about the importance of seeing the forest for the trees and not obsessing over tedious rules, but rather living life morally.
  24. Dead on. Matthew 6:5, one of my favorite chapters.
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