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Andrew in CA

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Everything posted by Andrew in CA

  1. I wish our country could get beyond the culture war bull ****. But as long as the president keeps doing cannonballs into that pool on a weekly basis, we never will.
  2. There was no invitation to be withdrawn. It hasn't been extended yet.
  3. Hey great podcast BTW Good enough for me
  4. Who is Joe Chenelly? What is his connection to the Bills? I checked out his twitter bio and didn't see any connection. Just curious.
  5. Right -- and who is available at WR? Marshall? Doubt Jets trade intra-division. Jeffrey? Maybe if the Bears are going for the tank, since he's they're only offensive weapon. This isn't baseball -- trades so rarely happen, I just don't see it.
  6. Crossing my fingers he is back for this game, but really Bills need him as close to 100% as possible for the NE-SEA-CIN run -- so if he's out against MIA I won't be too upset.
  7. Rex also stated that he expects Woods to play on Sunday so it may not be too serious.
  8. Nick Veronica tweeted that Gillislee said Shady will be OK and they're not worried. I'm thinking let's wait till Friday before we RIP the season.
  9. My week-late take: 1) Since when did flag = cops? Seems like an odd target to make this protest. 2) Since when did flag = military? Seems odd that many immediately jumped to "disrespecting the troops!" when Kaep said it is about police. 3) Why do we even have the anthem at every single sporting event? Seems odd. This whole thing and the reaction seems odd.
  10. Agree this is silly -- wondering who's feeding Cole this stuff.
  11. LMAO While it's a real bummer, I don't think this means a lost season by any means -- that being said if I'm wrong and the defense really bites it without Lawson and Ragland, please let the team really tank so we get the #1 pick -- enough 6-10/7-9. There's some good young talent on this team so for the long term, it might not be so bad if they blow it bad enough to get a real high pick and keep stocking the young talent.
  12. I get that, I mean who gives a **** about making this a left/right issue. IMO, we should be cycling the currency every 10-15 years. Let's have Tubman replace Jackson, and Wilson replace Hamilton, and Eisenhower replace Grant, and Zebulon Pike replace Franklin for awhile. Makes it a non-issue who's on the money and everyone gets their turn. Britain does this, I think.
  13. The Right is also upset, Greta Van Sustren suggested a new $25 bill for Tubman so we can leave Jackson on the $20. Who gives a ****.
  14. Who are the Hillary backers that post here? I don't think I've ever seen one.
  15. I do my cheap gambling at Treasure Island -- always seem to have good luck there.
  16. New Mexico is a one-party consent state, so he probably could use it in Court.
  17. Not sure I would go so far as to call it a totalitarian state but I agree that the bolded is spot on.
  18. Nice work keeping the line together! Now let's nail the draft!
  19. Hard to disagree with McKelvin. Aaron Williams has improved, as well.
  20. I agree, there are no excuses for a loss like that. This roster has too much talent to play like that. E.J. is now on the clock--he has six games to show he belongs in this league, or else it's time to pull the plug.
  21. This is awesome right now. Hope Bama drops another 28 in the second half.
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