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Andrew in CA

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Everything posted by Andrew in CA

  1. True. It's night and day from earlier in the season.
  2. This playcalling sucks, why abandon the run????
  3. Hammer Quinn, make him stay down, yeah!!!!!
  4. Let's see, the D has been playing great tonite given the situations they've been put in so far
  5. Not getting any friggin breaks tonite.....
  6. Lynch is adding 2 yards a play on effort. He has a tendency to dance a la McGahee, but he doesn't fall down at first contact like that p***y
  7. I'd like to see an endaround with Roscoe at some point
  8. Let's go, TE! Get that confidence back!
  9. FTW, not going through the motions here
  10. What mode? TD BEASTMODE!!!!!!!
  11. General rule since BC joined the ACC- BC beats FSU when FSU's a better team; FSU beats BC when BC's a better team.
  12. Yeah, I've noticed that as well. The new trailer kind of brings some light to the story, but I would recommend reading the comic book first. It's a really quick and engrossing read. Wikipedia has a good synopsis, but don't read all the way to the end if you don't want to know the end of the story.
  13. OK, that's cool. I was worried the entire plot would be thwarted. Ozymandias's line to Nite Owl II and Rorschach after revealing the plot is the best in the story.
  14. Keira is a less attractive version of Natalie Portman, probably the sexiest woman on the planet, IMO.
  15. It's kind of intertwined and complicated, but a blunt assessment is in the link shrader provided.
  16. The ending didn't seem absurd to me- unexpected, but it's a comic book. I'm curious to see what Snyder has in store, but if it's some BS everyone holding hands ending I won't be pleased- I really thought they were going to be true to the original comic book.
  17. My lord, I can't wait for this movie. Why are you happy they've changed the ending? And how do you know they have?
  18. I'm still baffled that BC can win the Atlantic division if it runs the table- which I have no delusions about them accomplishing. And there are few teams I love BC beating more than Wake, since they've ruined a couple BC seasons of late- although one of those teams I relish a victory over more is FSU
  19. Sorry you're gonna see your team LOSE! Raji will be all over your backfield! Seriously, though, enjoy yourself, the only thing next to seeing the Bills in person is seeing your college team at home.
  20. Hahah, yes, that one's great! Cartman: "I love how he just imposes his will on other people!"
  21. I laughed at all the slapping.... I've definitely seen worse.... I can't think of any off the top of my head, but I've seen worse....
  22. FTW, don't ever take that away from me, Sirius!
  23. In the email I received re: the channel changes, it showed that the punk station is only temporarily an AC/DC station, and will resume its normal programming in January. They've done this before with Springsteen.
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