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Andrew in CA

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Everything posted by Andrew in CA

  1. Fair enough. To clarify, I was wondering whether there was another conflict between Japan and Russia/USSR between the end of the Russo-Japanese war (1905) and the very end of WWII, or whether BritBillsFan was confused about the results of the 1905 war. DCTom gave me the answer, I learned something new.
  2. Thanks, I was unaware of that confrontation.
  3. Yes, I was curious if there was another confrontation b/w Japan and Russia/USSR between the Russo-Japanese war and the tail end of WWII, because the Japanese kicked Russian ass in 1905. Are you referring to me with this post? I think you didn't understand my question.
  4. UConn- one of the most lucid explanations of a theory I've heard. I like your analysis of the Alpert-young Locke scene, it really makes sense. Can't wait, just 8 hours to go!
  5. Yeah, I guess I didn't do much searching. I lived near Wrigley so I would roll my ass out of bed and head the the Sports Corner- decent tap selection and seldom crowded, so I always got the Bills game. Still, bummed I missed out. I did frequent Finnley Dunnes', the BC bar, however...
  6. TBC- where is the Bills bar in Chicago? I lived there for a year and never knew of one (only one football season).
  7. You're right that it's not that extreme, but c'mon, this is a ridiculous measure. Requiring someone to plant 2 trees? The government should encourage it with a reward, like a tax break, but to mandate it? This is the reason people do not want to take action against global warming; once the government starts mandating its citizens to act responsible for global health- and get away with it- what is the next step? Mandating citizens to limit their intake of saturated fat? Mandating cars with less than 15 mpg be taken off the road? It's a slippery slope....
  8. TITCR. I understand what Thurman is saying, but Lynch and Jackson are the only 2 guys on this team that stepped up at the end of the season. Marshawn may have left this game early, but the rest of the team was done six weeks ago. If Lynch had had a lackluster season with an obvious disdain for practice/teammates/contact/what have you, then I'd be furious. Let's not get in a tizzy.
  9. Who will be playing QB for the Jets when Favre is gone? And who will play QB for the Phins when Pennington crashes back to earth? Flash in the pan from the Jets, ytd on the Phins.
  10. A bottle of Talisker, 175 Anniversary Limited Edition.
  11. That's all well and good, but I would take the biggest douchebag on the planet for a head coach in exchange for just ONE superbowl victory.
  12. I like that first draft. Cushing and Mack in one draft, without having to trade up, would be ideal.
  13. It really is dead on.
  14. Best -> Forrest Gump
  15. Hey Canada, thanks for all the support. Now go get 'd and root for your piece of Leafs.....
  16. Hopefully, this will put an end to any Toronto talk.... These 's don't even like the Bills, and who would want this sad sack of losers postin up in their city....
  17. If they never existed, I would surely be a Giants fan, and much happier for it.... If they ceased to exist, the NFL would be dead to me, so the question is moot.....
  18. It's BEEN official... I'm only 24, so I won't act like I've been around forever, but this season is matched only by the 6-10 put up in 2003 in disappointment/awfulness, and we may soon surpass that if we keep this sham of a season going. It's so pathetic, I'm beyond pissed. And I know nobody cares, but I've just gotta vent. For the love of GOD, give us a winning team!!!!! Why!!!!!>??????!!!!!!!
  19. I don't know about that, the best HC in the league? He may be up for coach of the year, but would you really take Sparano over Fisher, Belicheck, Coughlin, et al? And SB talent on this team? There's a decent base, but no stars outside Evans and Lynch. Those are two good stars to have, but there is nothing going right and this DLine looks like crap.
  20. SI.com football columnist. Kind of a jerk/Pats homer, but not terrible....
  21. It's all fine and good to say it's unacceptable, but when will they F'n compete?! It's just.... so bad..... I don't even know what can be done. It's just so bad right now....
  22. Hey, if they tank bad enough, no one will want the Bills, and they can stay in Buffalo forever!
  23. Going 2-7 will do that to you.... it pains me to say it, but that's where we're at....
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