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Andrew in CA

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Everything posted by Andrew in CA

  1. It's the Anglican Church of South Africa. Just like the one in England, or anywhere else in the world. Pretty mainstream. It's not some crazy cult! David Koresh?!
  2. You're right, let's keep drafting QB's and filling up the line with retreads and no-names until we hit one that takes us to the top! I'm not excusing TE's play at all. He's played very poorly, and would probably be only slightly better behind a better line.
  3. I agree, GBay would be winning if it weren't for their porous line. Thank you for providing an example of poor line play = loss.
  4. I'd take Spikes off that list, I think the Bills ditched him at the right time...
  5. Do you think McCoy would have been able to do a damn thing behind that line yesterday? Could Johnny Unitas have won the game behind that line, for that matter? I'll keep saying it until we finally get one: BUILD THE OLINE!!!!
  6. I just picked this up last week and am really starting to dig it. Granted, I am a huge Pearl Jam fan, so I may be biased, but I think a couple tracks on here are amongst their best work yet, specifically "Amongst the Waves" and "The Fixer." At first I was somewhat turned off, since much of the first half of the album is punk-influenced, a genre I don't care for. But after listening with headphones on, there's a lot going on in the background on some of these tracks, and Jeff Ament is letting it rip like never before, on almost every track. They sound a lot looser here, like the previous album, and I think it works. The songs are short, crisp, and rollicking. The two ballads on here are obviously from Vedder's "Into the Wild" sessions, a must-have IMO. However, I think the ballads are out of place here and are kinda weak- they break the flow of the album as a whole. Overall, I'd give this album a 7 out of 10. Solid, definitely worth picking up if you like Pearl Jam. It probably won't turn on any newbies, but they're past the point of caring now, and I think that's a positive for the music. Anyone else check it out yet?
  7. The last 5 quarters of play have been horrible compared to the first 11 quarters.... it's night and day
  8. I'm not gonna blame Evans for a thing, b/c he has shown us nothing but positives when thrown the ball, and has been a + in run-blocking since he's been here. I'd love to see TE throw him the ball 5+ times a game, but it just isn't happening. As for #10, I agree whole-heartedly- for all our problems, I'm glad I'm a part of the Buffalo Bills community.... I just hope that one day we finally see a championship... I'm only 25 but I still pray that we get one before I go! And God knwos that's not a guarantee....
  9. A win means I get to cheer for 3 1/2 hours while drinking beer and eating wings; a loss means I stare blankly at a TV for 3 1/2 hours while wallowing in my beer and wings... It's sad, but at this point, actual progress with this team seems so distant that merely enjoying 3 1/2 hours of my week while watching them is all I hope for on Sundays.
  10. I agree. If they were losing but still playing hard, or smart, or just not displaying a total lack of football sense it wouldn't be so frustrating! I wish teams would see the Bills on their schedule and said, "Oooh, tough game." Instead, they chalk it up as a W. I was looking around the bar today at fans of other teams and trying to remember the last time I felt really good about where my team was (aside from the first 7 weeks last year, that was just a horrible tease...).
  11. Los Angeles, Toronto, San Antonio, off the top of my head...
  12. It's a Catch-22: if no one shows up, they claim that WNY is no longer a viable market and we lose the team. If we keep showing up for mediocrity, they keep giving it to us. Until there's new ownership that is dedicated to winning in WNY, we're stuck with what we have.
  13. Fitz is a career backup... do you really think he's going to lead this team into the playoffs? At this point, you take your lumps with the guy you have. This is a young team, it's not like replacing the QB alone is going to turn the team around. If you really want TE out after the season, draft a guy or get one in FA (I wouldn;t do this, but that's a story for another day)- there's no point in turning the season over to a no-hope backup QB.
  14. Easy there, boss- I'm a Yankees fan, too. I stand by my concern about facing Detroit in a short series. Their lineup isn't great, but their starting pitching is very strong at the top, which means you'll see it more often during a shortened series. Regular season success against a team doesn't always translate in the postseason. In 2006, the Yankees were 5-2 in the regular season against the Tigers and lost the ALDS; in 2007, the Yankees were 6-0 (!) in the regular season against Cleveland and lost the ALDS. That being said, I'm confident the Yankees will beat either Detroit or Minnesota in an ALDS this year- I'm just pulling for the Twins to take that last playoff spot.
  15. If you consider Flacco a "proven guy" coming out of college, I think we are not on the same page. The kid went to Delaware. How can that be considered proven?
  16. I'm not sure of the exact date this front office came into power, but let's take it all the way back to Todd Collins in Round 2, 1995. Since then, the Bills have drafted exactly 2 QB's, JP in Round 1, Trent in Round 3. I think you are unfairly characterizing the FO as drafting low round QBs and expecting them to be starters. Trent is the only example of this, and it can be argued that he was drafted to be a backup. Look, I would love to see a guy like Bradford come into Buffalo and tear the league up. My point is that it doesn't matter what QB they draft, it will be exceedingly difficult to succeed in this league when the OLine is as suspect as the Bills' is right now. If you have a solid OLine, it can do wonders for even run-of the mill QB's. It seems to me that if the FO is guilty of anything in the last few years, it's neglecting OLine prospects in the first few rounds (until this year, of course). Once they bring in a complete line, then you go and get your QB. At least, I believe that would be the most successful route.
  17. JP was a first round draft pick. I reiterate, the OLine needs to be solidified before we go drafting first-round QB's again. And relying on a proven college guy does not always work. Quinn, Leinart, Leaf, Harrington. All considered "proven" in college. Look at the list of Round 1 QBs from the last decade or two- it's a gamble. Throwing a guy behind a suspect line isn't the way to groom him to stardom.
  18. You make a good point... perhaps I'm overstating Stroud's age, because he has been playing well, as have Johnson and Williams... And the LB play has been subpar overall... Ok, I'll amend my list: I still think OT has to be the #1 concern- Bell may be good down the road, and Butler is already good, but frail- getting more depth at this position is imperative, in my opinion. After that, OLB should be #2, with DT or DE being #3- I still think preparing for older guys on the line (Schobel, Stroud, Kelsay) to diminish needs to be anticipated, but I do think you are right that the DLine has shown that that day isn't imminent- maybe its 2 years away instead of 1.
  19. Stroud is getting old, and the other 2 guys aren't the run-stuffer, double-team types that this D needs. I think it's imperative that the Bills get a guy to take over for Stroud in the upcoming years. As for the LBs, in the Cover 2 that the Bills run, you don't need stellar LB play- it's more important to have the line get penetration. If the Bills are going to play more man or abandon the Cover 2 altogether, then I'd agree LB would be a priority. But for now, the line needs to be concentrated on.
  20. 1- OT 2- DT 3- DE I don't care if Montana is taking snaps- until the trenches improve, this team goes nowhere.
  21. Oooh, I want to add Bob Ryan! I can't believe I forgot about him! I doubly hate him because he is a fellow BC alum and seems to go out of his way to ignore or disparage college sports in Boston. I'll take ANYONE hosting PTI over him.
  22. I agree with both you guys... after that 4th and 1 call I was just finished, as obviously Jauron & co. thought we were too. I stuck around because I've never turned off a Bills game on principle, plus I was at a bar and had to represent for Bills fans that we can suck up a loss.... God knows we're used to that!
  23. Anyone Baseball Tonight has been throwing out there for the last 5 years, aside from Showalter, Gammons, Olney, and Kirkjian. I know that seems like a long list of exceptions, but the list of perpetrators is much, much longer. Pre-2004ish, that show was can't miss tv for a baseball fan. Now you actually become dumber by watching it.
  24. I wouldn't doubt that... I like Maiorana and Roth a lot, and prefer the D&C coverage to the Buffalo News's, but that guy has been on TO's case since he signed. I listen to the D&C podcast as well as read the articles, and not a piece goes by where TO is not mentioned negatively- when will he explode??, etc. It's like they've got twenty "TO explodes!! TO's a cancer!!" pieces ready to go, and are just trying to get him to do it.
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