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Andrew in CA

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Everything posted by Andrew in CA

  1. You may be right that the media would hold them in higher esteem and they Meyer would go down in history if he resurrected the ND program to a championship level... but I feel that ND fans in general (not you necessarily, you've always come across as a reasonable guy), like Yankee fans and Cowboys fans, for some reason feel that wins at their place make it more "special" than wins somewhere else. It's true that they have more fans so more people care and get more media slobbering so every win and loss is frontpage news on espn.com, but I resent that attitude in general. I think it only makes their status more legendary in the minds of those that are inclined to care about ND in the first place.
  2. I don't deny their academic standards are a handicap... I'm not sure if you even read my post...
  3. They constantly need something to talk about, and the first job opening of the year is prime fodder... The only way to quell all the Bills bashing is to actually go out there and get a top coach. So let them talk, and I hope we're the ones who are laughing soon enough.
  4. Leon might be one of the greatest TV characters of all time. When Larry was like, "He think that means you're sleeping with her!" And Leon replies, "I am !@#$ing her, Larry!" was freaking classic. His presence alone makes me laugh. And that was a great way to have the Seinfeld reunion, by the way... it was pretty cool. I love the tension between Jason Alexander and Larry. And having Larry do George was hilarious! I thought the did a pretty good job! When he walked on the set with the George "costume" I burst out laughing. A great end to Curb, if this is the final season.
  5. I wasn't going to chime in because I am biased, but this is the reason people hate ND. C'mon, he'd be a "legend" at ND? For Domers, sure, but give me a break! This kind of "holier than thou" mindset (no pun intended) is why people continue to celebrate ND's losses.
  6. No kidding- I had already given up on the season, so I thought gut-punch time was over. I doubt we'll see him next year, perhaps 2011 if we're lucky, and it'd take a near miracle for him to be the same player he was. Just a horrible blow to an area of such need on this team.
  7. Yeah I always went to O'Toole's- lots of Bills fans, but honestly, not a great place to watch a game. I think they meet in CP because it's a central location for the capital region, closer for people from Schenectady, Troy, and Saratoga, and it's really not far from Albany. I think if you had it at Lark Street bar, it would just be harder to access and you probably wouldn't get as big a crowd. I've never been to the one in CP though, so this is just conjecture.
  8. Great post, I think you hit it right on the head.
  9. Nice, thanks DrDank
  10. I wish... the game isn't on tv out here.
  11. That makes me laugh to hear Sox fans say that, because he reminds me so much of the guys on the '03-'04 Sox- "gritty," high-OBP oriented, and fun-loving, with a hint of redneck. So lovable when they are on your team, and so hateable on another's.
  12. Here's what I don't get about Yankee haters: I, like many, many other Yankee fans, became a Yankee fan when I was a kid. I didn't know about payroll or the douchiness of other fans (and most are douches, I can admit that)- I knew my dad liked the Yankees, and my grandpa liked the Yankees, and my uncles liked the Yankees, and it was great watching games with them and being a part of that fan experience, just like it is for many of us with the Bills. Once you realize all the other stuff, namely payroll, you're already a fan- what are you going to do? Drop your fandom on principle? If you can do that, you were never a fan to begin with. Fandom is cemented from childhood, at least for most, and it's based on location and family ties. How can you help it if the team you are connected to is the most successful and richest baseball team of all time? You aren't concerned about that when you're hanging out on July 4th with the fam, watching the game, when you're 8 years old. So what do the haters want- Yankee fans should just drop the team once they find out they have the highest payroll in baseball? Yeah, the successful teams attract a ton of bandwagon fans- what are the real fans supposed to do about it? Also, I laugh when people on here complain about the douchiness of Yankee fans and then turn around and announce their own Celtics fandom. You wanna talk about front-running douches?! Go to Boston and ask anybody wearing a Garnett jersey who was on the team in 2005. "Uhhh, Pierce..... I think they had Allen.... uhhh..." I'm not accusing those specific posters of being douches, but c'mon, you can't complain about the Yanks and then not expect to take some heat for being a C's fan!
  13. I definitely see where you're coming from, especially re: commercial breaks and the league taking itself too seriously. Like another poster in this thread stated, personalities like Rex Ryan, even though he's a rival coach, make the league more fun. Candor and emotion make the league more entertaining, not less, and I think Goodell needs to understand that. As for commercials, the amount and frequency is irritating, no doubt, and I don't think that will ever change, since that's where the $$'s coming from. Overall, though, I guess it's just a matter of opinion, and I wholly respect yours but just disagree. Football is the most entertaining sport, for me, and the NFL is a superior product to college because the quality of players and competition is more advanced and I thus find it more entertaining. Obviously, the NFL has its flaws, as I reiterate my surprise at the amount of people in this thread that are really dissatisfied, but I just disagree. It's got its warts, but I love it- I look forward to it when its over and I look forward to every single Sunday from September to January.
  14. I agree with WVU, the talent around the league is great, but the NFL could use some tweaks, namely in Top-10 draft pick pay. However, I'm surprised at the lack of enthusiasm for the league in this thread... it's the best sport being played at the highest possible level, no question! Personally, I love the NFL, and even if the Bills are out of it, I can be entertained by nearly any game. I don't think I can say that for any other sport, professional or amateur.
  15. I love it, I watch as many games as possible. Best sport in the country.
  16. Ok, I see. Thanks for the clarification.
  17. True, but it was incomplete or picked more often than it was successful, just like Trent (whenever he does throw it downfield). Right on, I'm not trying rehash another argument of who sucks worse.
  18. I don't know what that means.
  19. Henne just performed a great checkdown- look downfield at two guys then dump off to an OPEN RB with ROOM TO RUN. Why can't Edwards get this??
  20. I'm watching the game too, and when those passes were completed, it shocked me... and then I realized the only reason I was shocked was because I'm used to watching JP and TE throw.
  21. Tim, Thanks for continuing to contribute here. I read one of your ESPN.com posts recently, and while I agree with all your other points of why Jauron needs to go, I didn't understand this part: "... Jauron insisted that owner Ralph Wilson didn't make this call [to fire Schonert], so how a head coach can be so unaware of his own staff is beyond me. Jauron worked with Schonert last year but apparently made a total misread. " Do you take Jauron at his word and believe that he made the call to axe Schonert instead of Wilson? Because to me, it seemed so transparent that Ralph ordered the firing and made Jauron take the bullet that to consider any other possibility was laughable. This passage implies that you believe Jauron actually made the call. Am I misreading you or have I completely misread the whole Schonert situation? Love the AFC East blog, thanks again for your responses here, as well.
  22. I'm in too deep to give up now.. they're the first team I ever really got into and I've watched almost every game since I was 10 years old. If I could just up and leave, I would, but then I would never have been a real fan in the first place. I just hope that one day all this heartbreak will pay off.
  23. Haha, well, I still want to be a Bills fan, as crazy as that sounds... I just don't want it to suck this much!
  24. I want the Men in Black to come to my apartment and give me the mind eraser-thing- send my memory back to 1996 and forget everything that happened post-Marv...
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