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Everything posted by BobChalmers

  1. I am a little surprised only because I thought the Bills had more than their share of expatriot-Buffalonian fans in other cities for work opportunities - the late Tim Russert, Wolf Blitzer, Diane Macedo (Fox Business News Hottie), and myself for example! ... Oh never mind - read that backwards - I would be interested to see which teams had the highest/lowest percentage OF THEIR FANS that lived near the team. The Lions are the THIRD most popular team in Detroit behind both the Tigers AND the Red Wings. Yuck.
  2. Really? Not me - I thought he played really well WHEN he was healthy, but when the heck WAS that? And on the cheap he'd be a great backup where maybe he wouldn't get hurt playing part time.
  3. I would sure hope so. Also Pugh and anyone else at SU. Those 60 slots are considered precious - wasting one on a guy you should already know well is silly.
  4. Kaepernick is younger than Flacco as you qualify - but there may be a deeper truth to your point in that even - which is how does a running QB survive long enough to become a veteran like Flacco, much less Brady or Manning? That Kaepernick was as good as he is/was though at such a young age may be what tips the scales - college QB's are throwing more - even the most moble of them - so they don't need as long to develop, which means over time the NFL may have a steady supply of effctive young ones, and not unlike the RB's today they may have much shorter careers and become much more expendable.
  5. Oh c'mon now DrD - Madonna's entire schtick from the very beginning is her whore-i-ness. Surely you know this. The others you mention have songs about said sex/drugs but the sex and running around in lingerie WAS (and largely still is) Madonna's thing. She spawned the entire fashion and legions of "Madonna-wannabes" remember entrely based on going out in public wth lingerie showing. It is what it is - I'm not busy hating on her either - just trying to keep it real with the comparisons. Closest male match to her message-wise would be Prince - and he's one hell of a better dancer and an excellent guitarist to go along with all his sex-focus.
  6. SF is actually an odd example to use for the "draft a QB, dammit" line of reasoning, since they had already turned their team around by fixing the defense with a collection of game-changing LB's, starting with the next great MLB/ILB Patrick Willis. They won a ton of games with a long-struggling QB Alex Smith.
  7. Don't be depressed - just be happy that there are QB's out there and the Bills will upgrade immediately when they get off their rears and get one. Glennon though? I keep hearing he has this big arm but I didn't see it at all during the Senior Bowl week nor did he use it much during the season. Comparisons to Flacco?? Joe Flacco wasn't as skinny as Glennon in Middle School - no thanks. Wilson's got an arm - and if you want someone with all the tools and throws a strong NFL fastball just stick with Manuel.
  8. Another 49-year old here who doesn't get your problem with Beyonce. Not the kind of music I buy but she's talented and gorgeous and I thouught the overall stage production was awesome. And no, no trouble understanding the words for me - you might want to check on some combination of your home theater/TV and/or your hearing aid, gramps! As for other enterntainment reviews of the SB - I thought the Jennifer Hudson/SHES kid performance was weak but Alicia Keys right after is another lovely lady with a knockout voice and she was terrific.
  9. Wow Manuel at #8 - yikes. I'd like him in the 2nd, and we'd probably have to trade back into the first to get him, but he's awfully scary at 8.
  10. No I think they were thinking 4th for Cousins - but the 'skins picked a few spots in front of Buffalo. I assume they were surprised the Redskins took a second QB. So for the Bills to get him they'd have had to trade up or grab him in the 3rd.
  11. I am pretty convinced the one player Buddy's comment is most refering to is actually Kirk Cousins. The Bills had him in town before the draft and I really don't think he would have gotten past them in the fourth, but the Redskins surprised them taking a second QB so soon - just a few picks before their own.
  12. You really understate how bad Barnett is against the run too here! Oh no - it's pretty awful.
  13. Yeah - that comment had me confused too...
  14. I think I'll cut Marv a bit of slack on htis one - it wasn't as obvious RB's had so little value back then as it has become since - and the other RB taken before Lynch - Adrian Peterson - was enough a difference maker to justify his pick. Having said that - it would be hard to defend anything Marv did as a GM. God bless him he was a wonderful head coach - as a GM - he was just plain awful. His FA moves were worse than any draft.
  15. I think you are overestimating the going rate for 2nd hand RB's - it's not high. Very few RB's are even taken in the first round anymore, and they have the shortest careers in the NFL - a 4th and a 6th is really not an insult at all. Lynch also had off-the-field issues that lowered his value some - you could argue the Bills should have spotted that before drafting him, but it's not part of his "play" you were discussing.
  16. I don't know it won't happen again - part of that may tell us how much was Nix/Gailey vs. Whaley. The Whitner move was well before their time so I can't hold that against the current regime. I do tend towards optimism or at least giving a new staff enough fair treatment not to blame them for mistakes that weren't on their watch, or expect them to "repeat" mistakes they had nothing to do with. It's an odd thing, but many of us as fans have more of history with the team than the majority of folks in the front office - and we see things in the context of the whole history of the franchise probably much more than they would. If we want to be objective though, we have to realize that and that just because Levy or Donahoe had a pattern of doing something wrong really has no bearing on what Nix/Whaley might do. Right now it would be fair to blame Nx big time for not drafting a QB - I think the way to explain how he got there would be that he failed to understand that you have to "reach" past where you think a QB belongs because the league environment and demand for QB's has changed. Nix's failure to recognize this and adapt is a failure of his overall competence. On the other hand, going back to the Donohoe era and trying to project his mistakes onto the current guys is just silly and unfair.
  17. My name is Bob from Maryland and I'm right on with all of that. The amount of over-thinking or otherwise just plain stupid going on with some of these is evident by how easy it was for the slightly above-average fan to see immediately that they were reaching. You overstate a little on Whitner - by all accounts here in the Baltimore area, he was fully expected to be the Ravens pick - only a few spots after the Bills. They were delighted though to see Ngata fall to them, who EVERYONE had penciled in for the Bills. Last year, as it was happening, I was delighted with the Glenn pick (steal), shocked by Graham, and disappointed they passed over Russell and let Cousins get away to the Redskins. That's not hindsight - that's as it was happening. This is where it's clearly not the fans who are being stupid - we read all the stories about Ngata and didn't get why "he didn't fit the system" was a reason to ignore the obvious pick. It was obvious to everyone at the time watching at home - the Bills were being stupid - we were all right and they were wrong. Happened way too often with this team.
  18. Hardy would not remotely have fit my description of "completely dominant player in college". He was one of half a dozen 2nd round WR's in a draft with no 1st round WR's. Warrick was THE MAN in college - one of the top WR stars in years. His projections were huge - it's not like he was drafted too high based on all the assessments.
  19. Exactly. Oh btw, Mallett was drafted in the 4th round by the Pats to be a long-term project so... I've been saying for a while he's the next Mallett - arguably without the attitude baggage Mallett supposedly carried. That does not equal a first or second round pick.
  20. Thank you!! Folks, as I said before, the broad general consensus of IMPARTIAL (outside/national) observers has been that the current uniforms with the white helmets are among the best in the league. The red helmets may bring back memories of Super Bowls (lost), but strictly in terms of looks they are horrble. "But there's no denying that a few years ago the Bills were the worst-dressed team in pro sports, and now they've become one of the better-looking NFL teams by going back to a retro look" Worst to first (or nearly so) - c'mon guys why even discuss screwing up the best thing the team has done in a decade???
  21. That Blue/Gray look from the Bisons/early Bills is brutal. Sadly my son's college uniforms are roughly the same scheme and it is seriously boring in real life.
  22. Not really no. Some you can tell right away are a mess. Bills fans were dancing in the aisles about getting Lynch and Poz and Edwards and A's all around from the pundits. As a matter of fact though, 2007 WAS a pretty good draft in terms of what the Bills got vs. what was available.
  23. Warrick has to be among the biggest and most surprising busts of all time. He was a completely dominant player in college but somehow none of that translated to the pros.
  24. Hey - the Bills got the 2nd best RB available, and incredibly Trent Edwards was the BEST QB in the draft that year (unless you think Kolb is going to suddenly turn it around), so getting Trent in the 3rd round deserves some credit. Poz as a second rounder is fine - not what we wanted or was hyped to be, but he's still a starter in the league and is near the league lead in tackles regularly. Hardly anything resembling a "bust". Lynch was running behind an awful OL in Buffalo - he is clearly a more or a run threat than Morris ever was, and particularly with his between the tackles violence.
  25. Red helmets looked like junk. The team uniforms are now widely regarded as among the best in the entitre league. Why on Earth do people want to undo that?? Get over it, please. I realize for a modest slice of the fan population who grew up with them, they seem normal, but the red was a blip in the team's history, and added only for the pathetic reason of trying to get Joe Ferguson to throw fewer INT's. Nobody thought they looked better then either.
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