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Everything posted by BobChalmers

  1. Probably because the methodology skews the list younger, and younger teams are typically worse.
  2. Gladly! As an Offensive Coordinator I think there were very few who had a problem with him. They scored way more points than they had any right to with their talent level. As H/C he was a bit overwhelmed.
  3. As others have said - you're confused about Pears - noone here ever said he was good - he's been decent at times.
  4. Glad they are settling on the right answer. What they end up doing with Kujo will be interesting. Can't imagine they give up on an early 2nd rounder, but boy does he need work - where can they stash him? Might be time to track down Tonya Harding's boyfriends... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonya_Harding
  5. He was practicing nearly fully against Steelers Thursday.
  6. Thad has regressed. The situation now is very different from the end of last season. His bluntness with that answer was very telling.
  7. Minor conspiracy theory - they wanted to bring their rookie (expecting it to be EJ) along slowly and knew Kolb's propensity for injuries made him perfect to start the season but leave an opening at some point. It was all brilliant until Bill Bellicheat sabotaged our field mats!!! As of Saturday night, Marrone is NOT.
  8. Can't agree with that - I'd take half those clowns over the BaddeusTool combo. Hobert was an ass, but he had real talent, and Ferragamo, are you kidding me? He'd start for us!
  9. Hehe - so true, I forgot! I haven't checked but I wonder what KC board posters are saying? Probably that the Chiefs rank 47th in the league at drafting!
  10. Dunno but he was all but full go against the Steelers in the joint practices - have to believe he's very close. So Kujo basically can't play at all? Oh well - it could be worse: "It's too early to push the panic button with Eric Fisher in Kansas City. But it's fair for the Chiefs to be concerned about the No. 1 overall pick of the 2013 NFL Draft. And it might not hurt to keep the button nearby." http://www.nfl.com/n...ou-need-to-know :doh:
  11. It's also more justified when your starting OL is actually out there and you don't have multiple unready rookies trying to get you killed. Even in the photo above you can see Henderson is losing his battle on the left side.
  12. Seriously - the fact that we've got 2-3 rookies out there getting a ton of starting reps means a lot has to be kept in perspective, although obviously Kujo's a horrible disappointment, I can't get too freaked out about a 7th or 4th round rookie struggle while we wait for Glenn and Williams to get back in there. Have to wonder if they will let Henderson or Glenn try ORT.
  13. This was a hard to game to interpret really - Bills starters lost on points while dominating on time of possession and yards - Brown TD was a blown play by two guys who aren't probably starters. Short-yardage OL work not good enough - some % of them aren't able to get low - but with Henderson and Richardson starting not surprising. Glenn will cure a lot of ills on offense. Gilmore's struggles are worrisome.
  14. Agreed - they find a way. Perfect world they'd want him on the P/S but he won't clear waivers.
  15. Exactly - right now they don't have a backup QB. At the end of last season I was pretty satisfied (not thrilled) with Thad - but he has somehow regressed to being as bad as Tuel, and Tuel singlehandedly cost them 2 games with HS level play.
  16. Yeah - he's starting to look scary bad bust material - this isn't premature - he is helpless against any speed at all.
  17. And I'd take him in a heartbeat. He can actually put together enough plays to win a game or two. Our guys are struggling against backups. How DID they regress so badly?
  18. In all seriousness, Thad and Tuel combined don't look like they make an acceptable backup. Somehow they have both regressed. They really need to think about trading for a legit backup.
  19. Yeah the St. Louis Cardinal goof was pretty brutally stupid.
  20. I really don't think that's what's at work in this case. Issue #1 is Bills fans are conditioned to expect failure. Issue #2 is that EJ was considered a reach by the national media and a project by many going into the draft. His performance overall last year was pretty decent but not compelling. Some are really annoyed by this thread but I'm an EJ (and FSU) fan and still think it's a damned interesting question. Let's provide a more interesting example that to me proves the question is valid (albeit unprovable). Would you trade EJ for the rights to Jameis Winston? I would in a flash.
  21. Kind of ridiculous since Spiller commented on these rumors - what, 2 weeks ago?? Are we to believe Whaley was unaware of Spiller's pressers?
  22. I love CJ - he's gifted and a great young man, HOWEVER: FredEx >> CJ and Brown/Dixon are the younger backup FredEx's, not CJ
  23. HUH? This is the exact opposite of what I remember. They showcased Lynch to up his trade value.
  24. I am a big Cousins believer - and was before he was drafted - but I seriously doubt Redskins trade him, and they don't need Spiller.
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