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  1. If they do not do the following two, I am canceling my season tickets: #2 Draft best available OT in the 1st round and #8 I would be fine with Tebow or LeFevour, or another QB to groom Doing both of those things makes me feel like there's a future -- surely not in 2010, but I will wait out the storm. If they do not do either of those, I am out. I feel like a schmuck for having renewed over the past ten years (I have had them for 25 years), thinking each year would be different. To increase season ticket prices $10 per game without having a product to back it up is a slap in the face. I cannot stomach watching a senseless debacle of effort and shoddy management of football operations.
  2. The one to Evans was certainly underthrown. I could give a crepe because it went for a TD, but we can't put on the blinders and pretend they were perfect passes. It's constructive criticism. I like what I have seen out of Trent over the past two weeks, especially with the increased chances he took down the field. I agree with a later poster that the timing will improve. Like I said, I am just happy to see Edwards throwing deep. It may not be a question of arm strength. It's timing, confidence, ... I think someone eluded that Schonert would put pressure on Edwards to be perfect. Van Pelt says take the chances. Go AVP!
  3. It was nice to hear the input from the old games -- long before I was born and watching. And the mid-80's games were played before my brain was recording football memories. Putting aside the Oilers "comeback" (which everyone has agreed was a comeback, more than an upset), it has been a long time since the team has surprised. Here's to hoping that we pull an upset for the younger Generation X'ers and the Generation Y'ers!
  4. Is anyone picking them to win? This should be a no-brainer, however, a .5% of me thinks there's a chance of a win. If it happens, will it be the biggest upset in Bills history? If you say no, what do you conisder the Bills biggest upset to be. I say, yes, it would be the biggest upset in Bills history.
  5. Thank you all very much for the input. I was thinking about heading up to Saratoga, but I might have been talked out of it. There was a cool sports bar on their main drag that I used to watch Sabres games at, but it doesn't sound too promising. I might have to try to Clifton Park route. If I think it's going to be a horrible game, and I'm going to be having more than a couple "sodas" then I'll stick closer to home. I appreciate all the recommendations! Thanks! Go Bills!
  6. I was just scheduled for work in Albany next week, and will have to catch the Bills game at a bar, or alone in my hotel room. What bar would you recommend? I would prefer a place with sound on the television, a good viewing, a pleasant crowd. And as few Mass-holes as possible. Are there any Bills bars in the Albany area? Thank you!
  7. I liked McIntyre at the end of the game. The Bears stacked the line and he still found some room. Simpson is done.
  8. Yeah, well you can also have sex with yourself, but it's a lot more fun when you really get into it and enjoy it with someone else, or even other people. I sympathize if you are handicapped or elderly and are required to sit, but if you have two good legs, you are just as able to stand, as the people in front of you.
  9. Ah, a topic that is dear to my heart. There is one thing much more annoying than the fan that stands up throughout the game -- the fan that is constantly yelling for that fan to sit down. Please, focus that energy on cheering on the Bills. I'm sure on the field, it all sounds the same. But from my seat, "D-FENSE" and "sit down" just don't mesh. I swear, some people go to the game just to yell at those people because they're having too much fun! It can be annoying when someone stands up for the entire game, but from 99% of my observations, and in my section, most fans are standing when the Bills are on defense, or they are celebrating a nice offensive play. It feels funny to sit and cheer. <yay, team... okay, now let's sit still.> You just can't get enough into it. Unless, of course, you're sitting and yelling for someone in front of you to sit down. Then of course, you have more annoying exuberance and energy than a crying baby.
  10. I have a number "11" jersey with "Bledsoe on it. I would like to have that changed to "Parrish." Does anyone know where I can take it for professional job? Thank you! Go Bills!
  11. I wish Whitner would have laid a little bit harder hit on that bastage.
  12. I guess I would be in favor of dropping the drinking age to 18. But, if it has to stay at 21, then allow kids over 18, but under 21 to drink under adult supervision. You could add another clause that says the guardian/supervisor is responsible for the kid's drinking and actions. So if he gets in a car and drives, the guardian is also fu$%ed.
  13. How many of those tickets for MNF were picked up by scalpers? Like I have seen at Sabres games, extra tickets get bought cheap by scalpers, and then scalpers rape the fans trying to go to the game. The end result is local fans cannot afford tickets at the resale price, but the other team's fans who are desperate for seats pay the price to go. I have seen Sabres games where it looks like Montreal/Toronto/Ottawa had more fans than Buffalo. I hope that doesn't happen with the MNF game.
  14. Well said. After reading the article, and seeing the projected finish, I thought about starting a thread that said exactly what you said.
  15. I know Madden is just a game, but for anyone that has played, isn't it a lot easier to stop your opponent when you watch them select their plays?
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