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Dr. K

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Everything posted by Dr. K

  1. BilzFan in GA was a regular member of the board YEARS AGO. Besides, what he said was quite reasonable, and the angry response he's getting from some of you only proves his point (and that of others) that the board has gotten bitter and angry. Too many flame wars (though there were such wars going way back to the HyperBills board at the D&C, which I believe started this thing).
  2. I never miss a game unless I am traveling. I followed the Bills long before they could ever dream of being in a Super Bowl, so this is not new to me.
  3. You guys are missing my point. Sullivan may well be right about benching Bledsoe and starting Losman. The only reason I would not start Losman right away is that Losman probably hasn't had enough prqactice with the first team and is still not 100% on his healing leg. It's a judgment call that could go either way. But that's not the issue for me. The issue is the utter contempt with which Sullivan states his opinions. Sullivan is not some drunk in a bar, he's supposed to be a journalist, and he's not writing about life-or-death situations, he's writing about a game. If Mularkey changes his mind and starts Losman right away, and Losman stinks up the joint for three or four games, what do you think Sullivan is going to write then? You think he won't be screaming for Mularkey's and Donohoe's heads on a platter? The worst thing that could ever happen to Sullivan would be for the Bills to play well. He's been tongue tied for the last two weeks; I can just see him salivating as the Bills played so badly Sunday night--it must have made his day.
  4. Is that Condi "Bin Laden Determined to Attack inside the U.S." Rice? The woman who said she didn't bother to read the CIA assessment on Saddam Hussein's weapons programs before the war? The woman whose entire NSA career has been about covering her boss's butt, and explaining to him that Sweden is not Switzerland?
  5. Today's column sets me off. Even when he says things I agree with, the guy is a snide creep. It's not about his opinioins, it's about his dismissive "I'm a genius--you suck" attitude. I'd like to see him left alone in an alley with Bledsoe, Donohoe, Mularkey and a couple of Bills o-linemen. I wonder what would be left of him?
  6. I'm bearing up under the stress. Good practice for the next four years.
  7. I completely agree with Darin on this (!?!). Yes the Bills looked terrible Sunday, but reacting like your hair's on fire is stupid. TD is a fool when he drafts Mcgahee and he sits for a whole season, TD is a genius when McGahee gains 100 yards a game for three games in a row, and TD is a moron when the pats smoke the Bills in a Sunday night game. Sheesh.
  8. I agree. MM will not start Losman. Frankly, I don't know what the devil he should do. I'm glad I'm not the coach.
  9. It's too freakin' humiliating.
  10. I remember watching this one on TV. It was this game when I realized that the Bills were a special team that year. I seem to recall them having a similarly improbably comeback against Oakland during the regular season that year--am I wrong about that?
  11. 100% and 0 miles. I'm not kidding. Placing Missouri in the middle with no states around it at the start was the hardest one.
  12. Sure. I don't think science is incompatible with a belief in God, even with the Bible. But that involves treating your Bible a little less literally than the fundies are willing to accept.
  13. PS: 1) You obfuscate because it's FUN? Great. I was in the habit of taking you seriously, but I see you aren't serious, or at least you don't take this issue seriously enough to give a damn. 2) Life IS full of ambiguity. But the teaching of creationism as science has nothing to do with that, and if you can't see the difference, then I can maybe you should go back to school and get your degree in Leprecaun Science.
  14. When you say the inherent problem with creationism is that "it whitewashees over any issue that pops up with "God wanted it that way", and that it explains nothing, you are saying EXACTLY what I said, that it cannot stand the test of prediction and experiment. You accuse me obfuscation without showing me any obfuscation in my post.
  15. The efforts to shove "creation science" into the schools are not coming from the Federal government--despite Bush's sympathy with the religious right. The efforts come from state and local governments under pressure from religious nutjobs in the communities. It's possible the Bushies will get the Feds into pushing creationism in science classes. But so far the problem is not a federal one.
  16. Of course relativity theory has not been reconciled with quantum mechanics. And relativity theory may be overthrown by some successor theory, just as relativity modified (or "overthrew") the understandings that came from classical mechanics. But the point of this satire is that relativity theory (and all other scientific theories) are subject to test by experimental verification, and must be in accord with observable data. General relativity, which postulates the curvature of space, must be born out by observation, as it has been in numerous astronomical tests such as the curving of light as it passes a gravitational field. The difference with "creation science" or "Intelligent design" theory is that those "theories" predict nothing and are therefore not subject to experimental verification. A real scientific theory, as differentiated from a pseudo science trumped up to rationalize the Bible, arises from observation and predicts outcomes. The yahoos who say that relativity or anything else is "just a theory" do not understand what a scientific theory is and are simply trying to push their theology. They have no interest in or commitment to science. This country is in danger of letting people who are scientifically illiterate and religiously motivated legislate what will be taught in our science classes because a majority of the citizens are "Christians." Let them believe whatever they want, let them preach whatever nonsense they wish in their churches--but let them keep their hands off the science classes in our schools. This is medieval BS, and deserves any mockery, and any resistance, that rational people can muster. You studied physics, you know this. Why do you obfuscate?
  17. Nope, just Dr. K. I haven't been posting much for the last few months.
  18. from http://fafblog.blogspot.com Tuesday, November 09, 2004 classroom activities Hello class! I'm Mr. Fafnir an this is Mr. Giblets. As required by your school board, we'll be your science teachers today! I'll be doin your physics lesson while Mr. Giblets sits in the back throwin dodgeballs. We make learning fun! Today we're gonna teach you about gravity. Now you've probably heard a lot from your moldy ol science teacher Mr. Mold bout the moldy ol "theory a relativity." Well the first thing you ought to know about the theory of relativity is that it is just a theory an not a fact. It's sorta like sayin "yknow I got this theory that my wife, insteada runnin off with a lesbian, was abducted by a sasquatch." It doesn't mean a sasquatch or sasqualogical processes really exist. The sasquatch theory is just that - a theory. An alternate theory would be to say for instance that the sasquatch's evolution was purposely guided over the course of millions of years by a divine intelligence just so it would abduct your wife! That's a theory too! Today we aren't gonna just talk to you about some "theory" a relativity. We're gonna talk to you about science. Leprechaun Science. General relativity says gravity is caused by the "curvature of space" which is crazy. Space isn't curved! It's big an black an empty an fulla spaceships! If it was curved how would spaceships fly in it? They would Rosen into the curves an blow up an stuff! Gravity isn't caused by any crazy "curved space"! It is caused by scientifical processes such as leprechauns. Leprechauns are all over the universe grabbin onto matter with their tiny leprechaun hands an holdin it together. When you walk down the street insteada plummeting into pace it is because leprechauns are holdin you down onto the earth. Of course leprechauns are pretty small so when you jump you break free for a little while until the leprechauns grab you again! Yes Harold, the earth is also held in place by leprechauns. A chain of tiny leprechauns standin on each others' shoulders is stretchin from the sun to the earth. Everything is held together by leprechauns! No Jenny you can't see leprechauns they are too small! That's the whole point a bein a leprechaun! Like all scientific theories, Leprechaun Science is completely unverifiable. Ralph do you want Mr. Giblets to hit you with the dodgeball again? Mr. Giblets has a lotta dodgeballs! Now naturally you will ask "Mr. Fafnir well where did all these leprechauns come from?" Well they were put there by a giant leprechaun, or macroleprechaun as leprechaun scientists say, on account of leprechology is too complex to have originated without giant leprechaun intelligence. The macroleprechaun controls all gravity through the universal leprechaun field, but we can't see im cause he is too big! Wow! No, Morton, the macroleprechaun is not held together by leprechauns himself. That would be silly. Yes, Moo Cow, the macroleprechaun IS all knowing an all powerful! How'd you guess that? No, Ogo, teachin this class is not a violation of the first amendment, at least not until the court challenge clears up. Ralph you're just beggin for another dodgeball! Mr. Giblets! Mr. Giblets! ¶ posted by Fafnir at 9:26 PM Comments (24)
  19. I don't know what was involved in the smoking ban in NYC. I don't live there anymore, I live in a Red State. I did respond to one of your posts years ago saying that, as long as there is a no-smoking zone in the restaurant or bar, that's enough for me. I'm happy to fight for your right to smoke your cigarettes as long as I don't have to breathe the smoke or come home smelling like a trash fire. Same goes for noise ordinances and other such rules. Your right to be obnoxious ends where it interferes with my right to be undistrubed. In real life, compromises must be made, or course. There's tons of case law on such disputes, most of what Judge Wapner (my departed father's favorite TV show) spent his time on was just such stuff as this. I AM a professor. I have never downgraded a student because of his or her political views. I readily agree that most professors in the humanities are liberals. Most professors in business schools are conservatives. Forgive me, but I do not see much danger to our way of life from "militant liberal vegetarians."
  20. from The Medium Lobster at Fafblog (http://fafblog.blogspot.com): Attention All Democrats: I Am Your Only Hope. With the Democrats crushed under a monster landslide defeat of nearly three percentage points, the time has come to ask the inevitable question: is this the end? Is the Democratic Party billsfanone to oblivion? Has it lost all appeal outside its tiny, shrinking base of half the American populace? The answer, quite sadly, is yes... unless it follows the sage advice of the Medium Lobster, and quickly. Why did Democrats lose the election? Clearly, this loss couldn't have come as a result of the strategic and tactical masterminds behind Kerry-Edwards '04, whose cunning political maneuvering, clear message, and deft counter to every shameless smear from the Bush camp kept their candidates shining in the sun from March through November. Nor could it have been affected by the negligence of the modern news media, which remained a hawklike watchman of democracy, quick to counter every rumor, baseless allegation and outright lie from GOP operatives not with mere fact-checking but with the sullen and lifeless talking points of Donna Brazille. Indeed, in no prior election has the playing field been so level for a fight between a wartime president whose endless incompetence is repeatedly masked by a top-notch media team and overlooked by an oblivious press corps, and an able but wooden challenger with an inept staff and a play-doh running mate whose media narrative becomes hijacked for a week at the mention of lesbians. Truly this was a contest of pure ideas, and the ideas of liberal America lost. How can the Democrats regain the country? By adopting fresh, new, bold ideas. Specifically, the ideas of the Republicans from about twenty years ago or so. Your Platform: Equal rights, civil liberties, the separation of church and state, protecting and conserving the environment: these are bold, important, vital issues. The policies you hold on these are not merely critical to the soul of the Democratic Party, they are critical to the soul of America. Discard them all. Your DNC Chairman: Some have suggested Howard Dean, but his radical-left ideas on fiscal responsibility, health care reform and relaxed gun control laws would never find a broad appeal. Some suggest it would be better to reach for a bold new tomorrow in Bill Clinton, who would bring to the party all the fresh new ideas of 1992 all over again. But to connect with "Red America" - to connect with the Heartland and the South - you'll need a Democrat who truly understands and connects with the Heartland and the South, and is prepared to put a "Southern face" on the party. The Medium Lobster nominates the mummified corpse of George Wallace. Your God-talk: If you want to win the Heartland, you'll have to understand it's strange, foreign notion of "moral values" - values that are alien within your sodomy-ridden, fetus-eating Blue States. You'll have to do this by quoting the Bible - a difficult task, we know, as the average Democrat withers into dust upon touching a copy of the King James version, but if handled properly, with thick gloves and the proper counseling - the Medium Lobster understands that Steven Waldman is ready to lend a helping hand - you should manage to coax some Southern candidates, or perhaps even some Southern Black candidates! - to memorize a few passages (Note: you can steal them from hotels if you're not sure where to find a copy). Learning to mix "God-talk" with "regular-talk" is critical because without this skill, communication with otherworldly "Red-Staters" is next to impossible. You even may attempt to sell a Red Stater a tax cut or a farm subsidy - something a Red Stater is genetically compelled to desire - and they will automatically reject it without a Biblical mandate. When explaining the few issues you have left, you'll need to couch them in simple, direct, "moral" terms, like in the example below. Remember, the intrinsic rights of man are out; the arbitrarily God-given rights of man are in! When justifying gay marriage: INCORRECT!: "Every American should be equal before the law." LESS INCORRECT BUT STILL INCORRECT: "We are all God's children, and as we are equal in his sight, we should be equal before the law." MORE CORRECT: "God says gay marriage is good." CORRECT!: "And the Lord Jesus came down from the mountain and said unto Moses, verily, I command thee to be gay." With any luck they won't look it up. Remember: this is your party. And you can only save it by rendering it unrecognizable and treating half of America as if it has a mental disease.
  21. You deserve the SWAMI award. Congratulations. Really impressive!
  22. Veteran Sues After He Receives Duty Order HONOLULU - A veteran of the first Persian Gulf War (news - web sites) is suing the Army after it ordered him to report for duty 13 years after he was honorably discharged from active duty and eight years after he left the reserves. Kauai resident David Miyasato received word of his reactivation in September, but says he believes he completed his eight-year obligation to the Army long ago. "I was shocked," Miyasato said Friday. "I never expected to see something like that after being out of the service for 13 years." His federal lawsuit, filed Friday in Honolulu, seeks a judgment declaring that he has fulfilled his military obligations. Assistant U.S. Attorney Harry Yee said his office would defend the Army. He declined to comment further. An Army spokewoman at the Pentagon (news - web sites) declined to comment to the Honolulu Star-Bulletin. Miyasato, 34, was scheduled to report to a military facility in South Carolina on Tuesday Within hours of filing the lawsuit, however, Miyasato received a faxed letter from the Army's Human Resources Command saying his "exemption from active duty had not been finalized at this time" and that he has been given an administrative delay for up to 30 days, said his attorney, Eric Seitz. Miyasato, his wife, Estelle, and their 7-month-old daughter, Abigail, live in Lihue, where he opened an auto-tinting shop two years ago. His lawsuit states that Miyasato is suing not because he opposes the war in Iraq (news - web sites), but because his business and family would suffer "serious and irreparable harm" if he is required to serve. Miyasato enlisted in the Army in 1987 and served in Iraq and Kuwait during the first Persian Gulf War as a petroleum supply specialist and truck driver. Miyasato said he received an honorable discharge from active duty in 1991, then served in the reserves until 1996 to fulfill his eight-year enlistment commitment. The Army announced last year that it would involuntarily activate an estimated 5,600 soldiers to serve in Iraq, Afghanistan (news - web sites) and elsewhere. Army officials would be tapping members of the Individual Ready Reserve - military members who have been discharged from the Army, Army Reserve or the Army National Guard, but still have contractual obligations to the military. Miyasato said he never re-enlisted, signed up for any bonuses or was told that he had been transferred to the Individual Ready Reserve or any other Army Reserve unit. "I fulfilled my contract," Miyasato said. "I just want to move on from this, and I'm optimistic that I'll be successful." Miyasato speculated that he may have been picked because his skills as a truck driver and refueler are in demand in Iraq. He told reporters he did the same work as that done by a group of Army reservists who refused to deliver fuel along a dangerous route in Iraq last month.
  23. I'm not sure I understand. I do have a wife and daughter, but I haven't moved lately. Are we confused? I did recently have a story banned from a high school in Oregon for being pornographic.
  24. I don't know who the GOP will pick, but it won't be Hillary from the Dems. You guys have to get over your Hillary obsession. Do you see her in your nightmares? (I won't ask about your dreams).
  25. Great map. I like it.
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