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Dr. K

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Everything posted by Dr. K

  1. ...except for the penalties. I have reasonable hopes for the regular season. They may start slow, but I think, barring injuries, they will be playing good ball by the end of the first month. I like the play calling, the emphasis on running, the fact that the O-line may be coming around, Bledsoe's getting rid of the ball quicker. Shane Matthews, though he looked rusty at first, is oging to be a good insurance policy. he does nothing spectacular, but he is quick, moves in the pocket, gets rid of the ball, and handles the short passing game okay. For a run-first offense, he may be just the ticket.
  2. They've got to keep him. They guy is quick AND fast, like a water bug. I love the way he runs.
  3. local paper says 7 pm; Bills schedule says 8 pm. Can you help asap? Thanks.
  4. And please don't anyone think for a minute that I support either side on this BS issue. Personally, I think all parties involved in this stupid argument should be given a spanking and sent to bed without their supper. No matter how thin you slice it, it's still baloney. 7805[/snapback] Pardon me, but for days you ahve been bending over backwards to give credence to the SBVT when they have contradicted themselves repeatedly, been caught in more than one lie, and presented no evidence other than hearsay for their accusations. Now you're backpedaling and saying you're neutral. Right.
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