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Everything posted by ThreeBillsDrive

  1. Let him sit and stew and whine in NE. The more off-field issues and distractions for the Patriots, the better.
  2. Ho hum It's all speculation at this point. The boards are changing weekly.
  3. Wow good find with that article So, would he be the starting back, split duties with A-train, split duties with a rookie and A-train backing up I hope we don't overpay for the guy
  4. We'll have to wait and see what his role will be next year.
  5. We know. This post ---> http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=61308 has been all over it all day Join our discussion there on the re-signing.
  6. Not sure whether to credit the guy for being a saint or to knock him over the head for delaying it. The longer he delays having it, the closer that his Viagra years will creep up on him. At least he won't be sparring with Willis in the headlines on out-of-wedlock babies
  7. Yeah, much like letting go of Deon Branch and going with a committee of receivers. How did that approach fare for them against Indy in the conference championship when it counted??
  8. Some good points in the article, but there are so many factors that come into play that could impact things once the season starts: injuries, productivity form draft picks, game-planning, free agent signings not panning out as expected, younger players stepping up out of the woodwork, older players playing more sluggish than expected. Pat will likely win the division. Bills will compete with the Jets for the 2nd spot .... one of the two may get a wildcard spot. The Fins are headed to the basement again .... defence is aging, and an offence-in-rebuilding phase under CC
  9. Thanks for looking after us. I noticed the "server busy" message too. Love the board. Go Bills in '07!
  10. Bush's highlight reel was really impressive. Does he run like this all the time?
  11. If not twin, then inspiration?
  12. A smart move DJ has always been a fan And Marv implied that they would re-sign him, without saying as much
  13. Of execs, Marv Levy = class act and gentleman
  14. His 4.8 yards per carry in the CFL make him look better than he actually was http://www.cfl.ca/index.php?module=roster&...&ros_id=859 He wasn't an impact player for the Argos before breaking his arm and wasn't an impact player after returning from the injury
  15. Happy Birthday JP!! Go kick some @ss in 2007!
  16. Keep banging because the Brazilian website you like to source for your Tom Brady information may lead you to some new insights.
  17. PRESTO! Wow, thanks for educating all of us with your media intelligence (obviously derived from reading Brazilian girly gossip websites that circulate rumours about Tom Brady's life). I guess the implication of what you're saying is right. Had Willis done similar interviews with more sources like Playboy, Hustler, and all the other girly magazines and perhaps other non-girly magazines, there would be more credibility in his statement that the Bills should leave WNY for Toronto. He said it in only "ONE interview", so perhaps he didn't mean it after all. And how provocative of you to inform us that Willis' interview was reported by many outlets. Many outlets? Really? Who woulda thought? Your law of repitition is at work again. Brilliant.
  18. Wow again, very, very impressive sourcing. You've provided Four more websites again citing www.Glamurama.com.br, a Brazilian girly gossip community. More recycling of the same source. If you would be kind enough to come up with 10 more websites that cite the same gossip from www.glamurama.com.br on Brady, perhaps the law of repetition may eventually support your exaggeration of Brady's situation.
  19. We can only speculate on Marv's intention at this point. We know what you cited above that Marv has said he wants to re-sign him. And DJ likes the guy. Is he capable of being a featured back in the Fairchild system. Very likely, no. But does he have one year of experience under the Fairchild system? Yes. Did he fill in admirably when Willis went out with cracked ribs. Yes, again. One would think that everything should point to us re-signing Thomas. But there's been nothing out there so far to suggest a deal is imminent or a certainty.
  20. Nothing like a little ad hominem trash talk (moron?) once one's citing of a Brazilian girly gossip website as the source of information to back up one's assertions is exposed. So let's run with it. If I am a moron, you are a pervert ... someone who perverts the facts in order to assert that a QB has fathered two, not one out-of-wedlock children. What does your source -- www.Glamurama.com.br -- have to say about other NFL players? I'd be curious to hear more nuggets of information from this Brazilian gossip community that you've cited. Keep us posted if you find any more juicy gossip.
  21. Ha! So the original source is an online Brazilian website gossip community: www.Glamurama.com.br "Posted Mar 8th 2007 9:01AM by Michael David Smith" on an AOL blog Very, very, very credible evidence. I'm impressed with your factual sourcing. Maybe www.Glamurama.com.br will provide some insight on NFL draft day as well. Did www.Glamurama.com.br have any gossip on what Dolly Parton's love life is like these days? Oh sorry, it's a Brazilian gossip community, so they may not know who our beloved Dolly is.
  22. A lot, actually. How heavenly to have a key player from our offense suggest to a magazine (a nudie one) that the team that employs him and his fellow players would be better off if they departed our beloved WNY for Toronto. Check your facts. Press reports show evidence of only ONE Marsha out-of-wedlock baby. Or are you exaggerating to support your illogic?
  23. I hear and feel your passion on this. But he's just doing his job. His primary role is to maximize the self-interest of his players. Are his tactics aggessive? Yeah. Do they work? Perhaps. Sometimes. Sometimes a lot. If he wasn't maximizing his players' best interests, he wouldn't continue to be hired by his existing client roster and future roster of clients.
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