Wild Cards: 1)Denver As of today
Scenario 1: wk 16 wild cards 1)Cincy
NE over jax 2)Buf
Mia over jets
cin over den
kc over oak
This scenario puts us in the wild card by the end of the week, but does not put us in control of our own destiny, to make the playoffs here we need: KC to beat Jax and were in or a Denver loss to SF and were in....if KC wins were in regardless as we hold a tie breaker over them and if kc ties denver at 9-7 we jump both teams
Scenario 2: wk16 wild cards 1)Den
Jax over NE 2)Jax
Jets over mia
den over cin
oak over kc
This is the elimination scenario, were out if this happens even if we win
denver we cant catch because they hold a tie breaker over us if kc cant catch denver, we could jump over jax but is meaningless since the jets would hold a tie breaker. This is what we absolutely dont want to happen this week
Scenario 3: wk16 wild cards 1)den
Jax over NE 2)jax
Jets over MIA
den over cin
kc over oak
Similar to the scenario above but with a twist - the KC win on oakland, this keeps us alive going into the last week but we would need a Den loss to SF and a KC win over Jax. We would leap cincy on strength of victory leaving.
Scenario 4:
Jax over NE wk 16 wild cards 1)cin
Jets over Mia 2)jaX
Cin over Den
oak over KC
If this happens we need a KC win over jax leaping us over jax. A win by pittsburgh over cincy, a denver loss to SF. In other words we need alot of help with this scenario.
Scenario 5: wk 16 wild cards 1)cin
Jax over NE 2)jax
Jets over MIA
CIN over DEN
kc over oak
Similar to scenario 4 however with a KC win on Oak. If this occurs we need a KC win over jax in the final week or a denver loss. We would also need Pitt to beat Cincy in the final week since the JEts would have the other tiebreaker and we would need to rely on the cincy tiebreaker. Once again we would need alot of help.
Scenario 6: wk 16 wild card 1)Cin
NE over Jax 2)Jets
Jets over Mia
cin over den
kc over oak
in this scenario, we are alive but barely.....we need a kc win or a denver loss (kc and denver must tie 9-7 for us to jump) and we need a pitt win over cincy.
There are definitely more scenarios that could occur but they mostly would follow the same pattern for what needs to be done in wk 17. It is a very weird position going into the final couple of weeks and our chances mainly revolve on what doors are opened or closed this week coming up.
Obviously Scenario 1 is our greatest chance, under any circumstance there is no position where we control our destiny at all but scenario one gives us the best chance and most realistic help going into the final week.