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Everything posted by Fingon

  1. Well, there is a systemic taint within our police departments in this country. People become cops because they want to beat and kill people, not because they want to enforce the law. Even worse they have the same code of silence that any street gang has. How else do you explain this? They let a man bleed to death because they wanted to help cover up a massive !@#$up by a fellow officer. They ignore his pleas for help because they want to claim that they didn't know he was shot. They have the audacity to say they didn't hear the point blank gun shot, and are heartless enough to tell a dying man to "!@#$ your breath". Largest street gang in America. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/video-shows-tulsa-man-shot-deputy-meant-stun-article-1.2181787 There are hundreds of more examples.
  2. What a terrible argument. Is someone not a true Muslim because they only prayed 4 times yesterday? Is someone not a true Jew because they didn't sacrifice their finest bull? There is literally no such thing as a true Muslim/Christian/Jew because EVERY one of them sins in some way.
  3. Are you really that ignorant? There are prescription opiates that are MANY times stronger than heroin. Perhaps you should actually research the problem before you comment. It will save you from asking completely retarded questions like that one. It would also inform you that the recent boom in heroin use is caused by prescription opiates. It doesn't take someone with an IQ over 100 to realize that an increase in people addicted to $100 pills would lead to more people using $10 heroin.
  4. Cops break NBA player Thabo Sefolosha's leg: http://www.tmz.com/2015/04/10/thabo-sefolosha-arrest-video-nypd-officer-swing-baton/
  5. UB didn't want to pay the guy as much as other people did. It's as simple as that. I don't blame him for taking more money, as you can tell that UB isn't committed to a winning program.
  6. http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/terence-p-jeffrey/cdc-us-heroin-deaths-nearly-tripled-3-years-wh-mexico-primary ​Those prescription opiates sure are a whole lot safer than the devil's weed.
  7. No, because Gabriel the angel doesn't exist.
  8. Why is it not comparable? Suppose a Mormon doesn't want to serve black people because they are cursed. How is that any different than not wanting to serve a gay person because they are a sinner? It's no different, as you are denying service based on a factor that someone is born with and cannot change. Your flavor of discrimination is slightly different, but it's still discrimination. You don't get to say your discrimination is justified because your religion is from the bronze age and Mormonism is less than 200 years old. Ah yes, lets conflate denying an entire group of people basic services with YOU being the oppressed one. hahaha.
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Rights_Act_of_1964 Fity one years later are we are still debating the same things, only this time people don't want to serve the gays and not the blacks.
  10. 90% of people have herpes by the time they turn 60.
  11. The Bills are in line for a few compensatory picks next year. Jerome Felton's contract (4 years $9 million) and Clay's (5 years $38 million) contract are the only ones that count against us. We've lost Searcy (4 years $24 million), Pears (2 years $5 million), Lee Smith (3 years $9 million), Scott Chandler (2 years $5 million), and C.J. Spiller (4 years $16 million). Incognito and Harvin don't count because they were cut by their former teams, and McCoy doesn't count because he was acquired by trade. I wouldn't expect a 3rd or a 4th, but given we have a net loss of three UFAs, I would expect we get at least a couple late round picks. I know there are some sites out there that have gotten close to nailing the formula the NFL uses.
  12. Funny that there is so much hatred and strife between three religions that all branched off from the same Sumerian/Babylonian gods.
  13. Mathis is zone blocking guard that would not fit at all in our power scheme. He's under 300 lbs and relies on his athleticism at his advanced age. Pass
  14. If it's a passing league, then that means defenses are built to stop the pass, not the ground and pound. LB are smaller, faster players, and nickel being most team's base defense means an extra corner will be on the field.
  15. The Bills currently have $33 million in cap room (before Clay) next year, assuming the cap doesn't go up at all. We all know it's going up at least $10 million, with some claiming it could be as high as $160 million. This leaves the Bills with ample room to re-sign their own players, including Dareus. Especially since their commitments for the 2017 and beyond drop down to $80 million, which means they can minimize the cap hit next year and increase it in the following years with no problem. Dareus getting a Suh deal next year would actually help our chances of of retaining him because that would mean his cap hit would only be $6 million next year. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/03/07/cap-could-hit-160-million-in-2016/ http://www.spotrac.com/nfl/buffalo-bills/cap/2016/ http://www.spotrac.com/nfl/buffalo-bills/cap/2017/
  16. Maybe, maybe not. EFFECTS OF CHRONIC OR REPEATED EXPOSURE: Nicotine is a teratogen (capable of causing birth defects). Other developmental toxicity or reproductive toxicity risks are unknown. The information about nicotine as a carcinogen is inconclusive.http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/ershdb/emergencyresponsecard_29750028.html Still 10000x better for you than smoking cigarettes. I don't smoke or vape, btw.
  17. The Bills are currently $36 million under next years cap (probably a good $10 million more given the rate the cap has been rising) http://www.spotrac.com/nfl/buffalo-bills/cap/2016/ While they have $69 million in cap room for two years from now. Again, this is $69 million under the current cap of $143,280,000. The cap in 2 years will likely be above $160 million. This is also without rolling over any unspent cap. http://www.spotrac.com/nfl/buffalo-bills/cap/2017/ It seems like the Bills are in great shape to be able to re-sign Dareus, Gilmore, Bradham, and Glenn.
  18. Post Mccoy and Hughes deals, and yes it accounts for Cassel coming of the books. We are at $38 million right now and the cap should increase by at least $10 million next year. In two years our free cap jumps to $70 million if you assume the cap remains stagnant.If it continues to increase at 10 mill per year we are looking around $90 million in cap space. Plenty of money to spend.
  19. Cassel is a free agent after this year.
  20. We currently have $38 million in cap room next year, and that doesn't account for the cap increasing. If we don't sign anyone else we should be looking at $50 million in space.
  21. The Bills have $50 million of cap space next year.
  22. Next year's cap space (pre-Hughes deal) assuming the cap stays the same: $143,280,000 - $97,390,923 = $45,889,077 The following year (2017): $143,280,000 - $63,836,016 = $79,443,984 Assuming the cap rises $10 million per season that would put us around $50 million next season and $100 million the season after. http://www.spotrac.com/nfl/buffalo-bills/cap/2016/ http://www.spotrac.com/nfl/buffalo-bills/cap/2017/
  23. Before the Hughes deal the Bills had $50 million in cap space next year. They have $100 million in cap space in two years.
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