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Everything posted by Fingon

  1. Not sure how much screen time a Special Teams Quality Control Coach will get. Quality Control coaches usually just write reports and work with the scout team. I'm not even sure we will have a scout team for special teams.
  2. The movie was definitely good, but had some really serious flaws. Finn's character goes from having PTSD to helping Poe escape in about 30 seconds. Poe even asks why Finn is helping him and Finn responds "because it's the right thing to do." It seems JJ Abrams had a hard time finding motivation for Finn's character so he came up with the hand-wavy line. Captain Phasma was completely pointless and could have had her part filled by random extras. Rey is inexplicably good at everything, she's a great pilot, can fix the Millennium Falcon better than Han Solo, and basically learns every force power instantly that took other characters years to use. Luke doesn't even use a mind trick until ROTJ but Rey uses one in the first movie, despite not having any training at all. . Also, all the character development she gets is that she was left as a child on Jakku. I didn't even get to the part where the plot is simply a rehash of A New Hope. Most of the characters are a rehash as well. The General Hux guy? Grand Moff Tarkin from Episode 4. The fat bearded x-wing pilot? Porkins from the original. Another death star? They even made fun of this in the movie with the "it's another death star" line. I'm guessing Episode VIII will take place on an ice world and end with Kylo Ren telling Rey that she is a Luke's daughter and they are family. Still, I'm glad the movie is no Phantom Menace.
  3. Apparently this movie only has a $5 million budget, which leads me to believe 99% of the movie takes place in the bunker. Probably the only thing we will get that will relate to Cloverfield is 30 seconds of the outside at the end of the film.
  4. He's not the DC. He has, however, won multiple Super Bowls and sent multiple guys to the pro-bowl as a position coach.
  5. Belichick did win two superbowls with the guy, while multiple LBers went to the pro-bowl.
  6. It's actually really funny watching people B word about Rob Ryan being brought in. Apparently the guy was good enough to coach LBs for four years under Bill Belichick, but will be a complete disaster here even though he isn't the DC. Had the Patriots rehired him, everyone here would be dipping Belichick's nuts in their mouth saying how good of a hire it was.
  7. Why would I? I just explained to you that you can sue for anything you want. I also explained that while you can sue for whatever you want, you are not guaranteed to win. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/mother-sues-city-900-trillion-yes-trillion-placing-213613703.html
  8. You can sue anyone for anything, that doesn't mean you'll win. I can sue you for using the user name Helpmenow.
  9. He's embarrassed so he wants to have cops patrol private lots? I'm sure they could be patrolling areas of Buffalo that deal with serious crime.
  10. https://twitter.com/boxxa/status/683699507238965248 The cherry on top of the "year in Bills fans" video.
  11. Boobie Dixon actually plays special teams and Felton is a fullback. Fred Jackson would be an inactive 4th stringer at this point. Fred Jackson would be a waste of a roster space since McCoy/Williams/Gillislee are all better runners at this point and he doesn't play ST.
  12. http://www.buffalorumblings.com/buffalo-bills-news/2015/12/27/10671528/marcell-dareus-injury-neck-shoulder-lost-feeling-bills-rex-ryan
  13. Another millionaire athlete accused of sexual assault? Color me surprised. I'm not saying she's lying, but the pot o' gold at the end of the rainbow is one check mark in that column.
  14. They're headphones that normally sell for $30 marked up to $200. http://www.techspot.com/news/61060-200-beats-headphones-actually-cost-18-make.html
  15. Yeah, but the only way to get compensatory picks is to lose players to free agency. So presumably the teams that don't get the picks have the advantage of signing other team's players.
  16. If i say you can't bring your cell phone into my house, and you do, does that give me the right to destroy it? Of course not. It being an "illegal" sign means you can ask them to take it down or kick them out, not destroy their property.
  17. Even in a civil case you need 50.1% of the evidence on your side. Sedita calling it a "so called case" makes me think even that would be a struggle for the accuser.
  18. Given all the "research" they did into the time period.... I can't see this being any good. https://youtu.be/sskjAib2vfo?t=288
  19. How much molly would he be bringing with him?
  20. Backup DE, CB (if McKelvin gets cut next year), backup ILB, Kicker (someone who can handle kickoffs and field goals), and OL depth. Pretty nice that almost every need is for depth.
  21. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/nations-first-marijuana-resort-to-open-in-south-dakota-owned-by-santee-sioux/ In case anyone is wondering, the Feds gave Indian tribes the OK to legalize/commercialize marijuana on their reservations. States can't enforce drug laws on reservations, so even though marijuana is illegal in South Dakota the Sioux are within their rights to do this. If this goes well you can bet your ass that other tribes like the Seneca will follow suit.
  22. This case was shot from the beginning. It's a he said/she said case with literally almost no evidence. Convicting beyond a reasonable doubt was always a pipe-dream.
  23. Nickell Robey is genetically engineered to cover an Edelman or Amendola type player.
  24. My two keys are: 1) Doubling Gronk 2) Single coverage everywhere else, with Robey on Edelman.
  25. Any lightning would mean they would delay the game.
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