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Everything posted by Fingon

  1. Such a completely pointless prison sentence. She is on a cocktail of very addicting and harmful prescription medications, and neither jail nor rehab will do anything. Since they are prescription, she can still take them in both jail AND rehab.
  2. What does a CEO making 300 times his average worker's salary have to do with anything? The last time i checked, the salary of 300 average employees was a drop in the bucket for most major corporations. It's a figure that is only out there to stir up populist rage.
  3. Do you sing the praises of Twilight as well?
  4. I think she has that backwards.
  5. Maury: You are NOT the father.
  6. Supposedly, Chad Jackson has been the best receiver during OTAs, so I wouldn't be surprised to see him as the #2.
  7. I would actually buy a pair of the standing buffaloes if they had my size
  8. If only i had midget feet.
  9. I posted this mainly to refute those who say that our defense will struggle because we are in year one of the transition.
  10. Vic Mackey and Omar Little need to be waaaaay higher. I'm very surprised that The Wire and The Shield only had one character each on it. I expected Jimmy McNulty or Shane Vendrell to be on there. You don't get to be the two best cop shows, and some of the best shows ever, without great characters. Hell, The Shield even made Anthony Anderson into a great actor...
  11. I own two Ipods, with one being a mini-Ipad, and I will not hesitate to show my disgust for the company. My beef is their draconian application policies, apple tax, arrogance, and mindlessly obsessed fan boys. I consider myself to not be beholden to any one tech company, rather I try and buy the best that is out there. I own a Windows gaming rig, HP laptop, Ipod touch, Ipod nano, Xbox 360, PS3, Linux netbook, and Blackberry Tour. I'm looking for devices that are well priced (no ridiculously huge markups like Macs or store bought HDMI cables) and work well. If i was interested in a status symbol or being "hip" I would buy more Apple products, but price vs performance greatly trumps style, in my book.
  12. Hmm, i guess Apple's slogan should be: The Iphone, just like every other phone.
  13. You would be right. It costs a tremendous amount of money to move an NFL team, and if the economy doesn't boom there is no way an owner could even make his debt payments. $1 billion for the team $500 million to $1 billion for the stadium $200 million to $1 billion relocation fee
  14. Found this on BB.com forums http://boards.buffalobills.com/showthread.php?t=257327
  15. One thing I've learned in life: You don't !@#$ with 4chan, they will mess your **** up.
  16. Want to save thousands of dollars? Build your own computer. It's easy, and far cheaper than buying a pre-assembled one.
  17. There is no "If" about Cowher hiring Gailey. Cowher recommended Gailey to the Rooney family as his replacement, and Gailey was was a lock to be Cowher's Assistant HC and OC.
  18. Also, I think everyone should start using the Nickelback internet meme. Nickelback is now a synonym for sucks. Example: Nickelback nickelbacks
  19. Al Qaeda nickelbacks
  20. At the most Gailey would have been unemployed until Cowher coaches next season.
  21. It's amazing how !@#$ing stupid people can be. Here is another fictitious drug than fear mongering reporters/parents went ape **** over:
  22. The game is not sold out. The Bills hold a lot of tickets back in hopes of attracting season ticket holders, and to make sure tickets can be bought leading up to the game.
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