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Everything posted by Fingon

  1. Yeah, which is why the Catholic Church is being forced to ordain women as priests because it violates their civil rights. Oh wait.
  2. You can't force a Church to marry anyone. They are a religious institution, any such statute would quickly fall in court.
  3. I don't see how this stops you from inhaling cigarette smoke. People lit up in the stands all the time, even though it was banned. This will just make more people do it. These people use the most addictive substance on Earth, and they already flaunt the rules in great number. This just makes that guy who had the courtesy to actually go to the designated area smoke in the stands or bathroom. The most ironic part, is that you will probably inhale more smoke after this rule than before.
  4. You forget about the peripheral effects of the drug war. There are just as many, if not more, people working to enable addicts to take drugs. What are the bangers on the corner going to sell to make money? Legalizing would remove organized crime's #1 source of revenue. No longer would our inner-city youth be enticed by the easy money of the drug trade. You want to get rid of gangs and mobs? Take away their money. Prohibition was the reason Al Capone owned all of Chicago, including the police force, and it's the reason you can't walk through many poor areas of Buffalo. There is a reason that the mafia was at it's height of power during the 30's. It would seem the lessons of history are lost on many people.
  5. Legalizing weed would hurt the cartels badly (take away 60% of their revenue), but the real problem is with hard drugs. You simply can't keep throwing people in prison. It doesn't work. We already have 25% of the world's prisoners, despite only 5% of the population. About half of those prisoners are in on drug crimes. Legalizing weed won't help, simply because the vast majority are in the clink for drugs other than weed. I'm afraid your solution will only end up greatly increasing the prison populations. The only true solution is legalization and regulation, but I seriously doubt that happens. There is just too much religious and political clout against the idea, despite all the evidence pointing to the failures of prohibition. The UK had to eliminate the scientific oversight of their drug policy because they couldn't come up with scientists willing to support the war on drugs.
  6. Agreed, KW is top 30.
  7. Peter King had Kyle Williams as 1st team all pro, and he doesn't make his top 100 list? Edit: The rankings only go to #31, so it's safe to say that King will have Williams somewhere on his list.
  8. If he is more involved in the offense this year he could be. The only way I see the team dealing him is if he is having a great year before the trade deadline. Some contender might want to add him to help their young QB, or to put a WR needy team over the top.
  9. The deep web is 91,000 terabytes, while the surface web is 157 terabytes. The vast majority of it is perfectly legal. The fact is that you need TOR to access it, and it is information anyone who did a simple google search would stumble upon.
  10. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_Web It's basically the wild west of the internet. It's all the information that is not used by search engines, and is many times larger than the "normal" internet. If you google "Hidden Wiki" it will come up with lists of a bunch of different categories. WARNING: DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINKS Many of the sites on the "deep web" are highly illegal. In fact, the front page of the Hidden Wiki links to: child porn, drug trafficking sites, assassin for hire sites, anonymous banking, and other illegal ****. You can find a picture of it here: Edit: If you google it, don't click Hard Candy.
  11. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-13624303 The sad part is that the only thing that is keeping a logical policy from being enacted, is the tremendous prison and law enforcement lobbies.
  12. If you have the money, it would probably be a good idea to hire a private investigator. Any contact between the two "witnesses" won't stay secret for long.
  13. I'm not surprised. Hawking is a man of logic.
  14. If there are enough cops to deal with this kind of crap, then there are too many cops.
  15. Yes, which is why people are shooting each other over alcohol and cigarettes every day.
  16. What's worse, people doing drugs, or bodies in the street? Our nation needs to ask itself that question.
  17. Wouldn't the owners also assess a relocation fee to whoever is trying to move the team?
  18. Rogers Communications can't own the team. Ted Rogers died, and corporations can't own NFL teams.
  19. Not to mention the city is essentially robbing people for the guns. I'd wager most of the hunting rifles and antiques would fetch a lot more money from hunters or collectors. You would have to be extremely stupid to trade your gun in, and I think it's wrong for the city to prey on the retarded.
  20. The Federal government has admitted that marijuana may actually cure cancer. Here is one of many studies linked: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/pdq/cam/cannabis/healthprofessional/page4 It's too bad really... I love my country, but it pains me to see science being openly shunned in our society.
  21. This controversy is retarded.
  22. I agree. I think Miami is going to have a terrible year. They have a very good defense, but I have a feeling Henne is going to fall flat on his face again this year. Not to mention they probably won't have Ronnie Brown back, so they will take a huge hit in the running game.
  23. So will you come back to this thread and eat crow when some other NFL team gives him a big money deal?
  24. That makes no sense at all PTR. No NFL team is going to give a rats ass what some ESPN power rankings say. This is about as stupid as the people who say Gabbert was a media creation.
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