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Everything posted by Fingon

  1. Have you even read the amendment? It goes a whole lot further than that. In 1935 the Supreme Court ruled that the amendment also forbade us from altering the terms of already established debt. Defaulting on the debt alters the terms of that debt, since the terms include timely repayment. You aren't going to find a Judge who will agree with you.
  2. The debt ceiling is unconstitutional anyway. The constitution says we can't default on our debt.
  3. You can't have order and peace when you are fighting a war. We've given criminals a gift of a hundreds of billions a year, and now we have to fight them. The ironic part is that war is far worse than the consequences of not fighting it.
  4. This, gentlemen, is how you perfectly execute the straw man argument. Do you see where he cleverly takes my response and adds things that I never said, nor implied, and knocks them down with an appeal to emotion? Flawless.
  5. There is a simple answer for it. Parents.
  6. Of course they need the tanks. How else is everyone supposed to get rich without buying tanks and building private prisons?
  7. So he got arrested for beating up a guy that attacked him with a baseball bat? Pretty bad ass dude.
  8. Bachmann is one of the few people I would vote for Obama over. We really don't need another person with an IQ under 30 in the White House.
  9. To be fair, anyone who votes for Bachmann shouldn't be voting anyway.
  10. Well, he did eliminate term limits, made himself ruler by decree, and shut down opposing media stations. That seems like a dictator to me.
  11. Rochester PD = Scum bags http://www.boingboing.net/2011/06/24/rochester-police-use.html
  12. The Old Republic coming out gave Galaxies almost no chance to continue. Which, IMO, isn't a bad thing... TOR will likely be light years better than Galaxies.
  13. That may be true, but the entire system is corrupt. The 95% cover for the 5% because cops don't rat on other cops.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxHPW-l88f0
  15. Then the cops go and harass the people who are supporting her. They literally brought rulers and measured how far people were away from the curb, and then gave them tickets.
  16. This is what happens when you video tape the police. They retaliate. Police harassment anyone? http://www.boingboing.net/2011/06/24/rochester-police-use.html
  17. The obvious consequences being an unlawful arrest and a large cash settlement from the city?
  18. And now the taxpayers of Rochester will be paying this lady a rather large sum.
  19. It's a start. Most of the DEA's budget goes to fighting pot.
  20. The cops fear video tapes for good reason. There is no thin blue line with video, there is no way to commit crimes and have your partner lie for you.
  21. Except there are witnesses that say the tape is the first point of contact, and the police report is full of lies.
  22. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/06/22/emily-good-arrested-videotaping-police-rochester_n_882122.html I'm sure the officer will be swiftly disciplined with paid vaca.. i mean suspension. Video #2: http://www.boingboing.net/2011/06/24/rochester-police-use.html
  23. I'm kind of shocked that I actually agree with Jimmy Carter on something. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/17/opinion/17carter.html?_r=2
  24. Do you know why the government has no say in who becomes a priest? It's because the Church is a religious institution. Try not hiring someone because they are a woman in any other field.
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