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Everything posted by Fingon

  1. who cares? He can always be cut in camp.
  2. He's actually on a cloaked Atlantis in the middle of San Fransisco bay.
  3. From BBMB: Per Scott Hanson hansonscott Scott Hanson Overheard from free agent CB A. Cromartie: "I want 2 spend more time w my family. I'm considering the Colts, Lions, Jags, Bills, Fins..." I guess Cromartie is considering us.
  4. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/05/25/AR2006052501729.html
  5. They implanted human lung cancer cells in the mice, and I've already proven it false that marijuana smoke is "lung killing". Can you show me one person that has ever died from lung cancer caused by marijuana? Oh wait, you can't. Funny, 50 years of people smoking the stuff, and not one person has died. If you can quote any actual science, I'm here listening. Please leave the evangelists at the door, though.
  6. CBS sports has us as the leaders to sign Clabo http://boston.cbslocal.com/NFL-free-agency-tracker/
  7. 20 bucks a month? Holy crap, that's highway robbery.
  8. Have you heard anything about Zach Miller, Kevin Boss, Stephen Cooper, etc...? There are a lot of players that haven't even been mentioned yet.
  9. Is this post a joke? * Emergency room visits for marijuana are on the rise? Who cares. That's like being concerned about more people going to the emergency room because of stubbed toes. There is no legitimate medical reason to go to the emergency room for marijuana. In fact, the CDC records exactly 0 deaths directly attributable to marijuana * Cancer.gov says marijuana will not only not give you cancer, but it has anti-tumor properties as well. In fact, it was shown that cannabinoids reduced lung cancer cell growth by 50%. http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/pdq/cam/cannabis/healthprofessional/page4 * The largest study ever done on marijuana concluded that it does not increase the risk of lung cancer, but those who smoked had a slightly LESS risk of developing the disease http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/05/25/AR2006052501729.html * And your last point? There isn't even a citation for it. The DEA simply cites Dr. James Dobson, a well known Evangelist who has never had anything to do with Columbia University. Just for good measure: Think marijuana makes you stupid? Nope http://healthland.time.com/2011/07/19/study-marijuana-not-linked-with-long-term-cognitive-impairment/ You cannot find one credible scientist that will list marijuana as more dangerous than tobacco... not one. You idiotically claim that pot is more dangerous that tobacco, but guess what? One substance has 400,000+ deaths per year attributed to it, and another has 0.
  10. Not really. I doubt most guys will get above the league minimum for rookies.
  11. Cam Newton is getting around 4 years $22 million, so I would assume Dareus will get around $4-4.5 million a year. The rest of the rookie class salary's are negligible.
  12. They list Zach Pinalto TE as having signed with the Bills. Solid, if injury prone player.
  13. SS Sidney Glover WVA http://twitter.com/#!/AthleteAdvisor Edit: SS Sidney Glover WVA TE Zach Pinalto UNC S Dominic Cook UB LB Brian Duncan Texas Tech P Reid Forrest Washington
  14. http://rotoworld.com/headlines/nfl/206824/ravens-tell-todd-heap-hell-be-released-too edit: more players cut http://rotoworld.com/headlines/nfl/206826/ravens-release-mason-heap-mcgahee-gregg
  15. So, how do we get above the salary floor if we don't sign anyone? Lower tier FA's ain't gonna take up $30 million.
  16. It doesn't make any sense. We have so many young guys on the defensive line, that Jenkins would just take much needed playing time away from them.
  17. Not to mention Jesus never actually said "May he who has not sinned cast the first stone." That **** was added to the bible in the 2nd or 3rd century.
  18. Right wing extremism is forcing your hokey religious morals upon everyone else. Ala Bachmann and her pledge to ban abortion/porn/gay marriage.
  19. Have you even read Martin's books? There is a reason so many have dubbed him the "American Tolkien". Martin's epic will always be vastly superior to the mess that was Lost.
  20. It sounds like it was a fundamentalist christian terrorist attack.
  21. I hope karma is real, and someone does something far worse to her.
  22. Let's see... People who made billions vs people who make money being athletes. I'd say there is probably a very large intelligence gap between the two. Hell, Cromartie can't even remember the names of his own children.
  23. Why the hell do the players even care about revenue sharing? It doesn't effect them at all, and helps ensure every team can spend up to the salary floor.
  24. Why would they change? You can't over charge for hardware if your OS can be installed on any system.
  25. So it doesn't make you stupid, and won't give you cancer... Why is it illegal again? http://healthland.time.com/2011/07/19/study-marijuana-not-linked-with-long-term-cognitive-impairment/
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