What does some drunk fighting a security guard have to do with people screaming in jubilation when something good happens? Go almost anywhere else in the world and people will be shocked to hear how prude and backward Americans are when it comes to sex/profanity. It's absolutely hilarious that people have no problem bringing their kids to a brutal and violent game, yet get offended if someone uses the F word.
Nope. Does it matter? All of this "family friendly" nonsense is about parents not wanting to explain things to their children... not any damage it will do to little Johnny.
This is the problem with Bills fans. If a player is not in the pro bowl his first year, he sucks. Bell is developing nicely, and it would be utter stupidity to sign a journeyman and stunt his growth.
Prosecutors aren't suppose to divulge information about cases before they go to grand jury to avoid convicting the innocent. Leaking things to the media contaminates the jury pool.
You do realize this has nothing to do with NYS, right? And furthermore, even IF they were bringing chargers against Merriman, they CANNOT talk to the NFL. It is illegal to divulge information about a case before it goes to grand jury.
Read the article. Merriman wasn't in possession of anything illegal. Border Patrol has no duty to provide the NFL with anything, and may be breaking confidentiality rules/laws.
NFL: Hi, this the NFL, we would like to speak about rumors that Shawne Merriman was detained at the border, and PEDs were confiscated
Border Patrol: Sorry, I can't comment about specific cases due to confidentiality rules.
The end.
Yeah, like the Federal Government is just going to give it to the NFL. Maybe I should contact Border patrol about getting some of the booze they confiscate everyday, I'm sure they would be more than willing.
Moran says he wasn't arrested because it isn't illegal to be in possession of them. That means there is zero evidence, other than hearsay, that it actually happened.
Not to mention the Bills would be starting a player that they know will be suspended for an entire year. If this rumor were true, Merriman would have been cut a long time ago.
If it was legal they wouldn't confiscate it. In fact, if it was anything legal, the NFL couldn't do a damn thing. The NFL can't suspend someone over rumors.