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Everything posted by Fingon

  1. So, one of the most productive backs in the league, one of the best gunners in the league, a solid starting 3-4 DE, and a good backup LB constitutes horrendous to you? You must not be very familiar with the draft process if you think that's terrible.
  2. Does anyone really think they are going to move now? It seems like half the billionaires around here are bidding to keep the team in Buffalo.
  3. Wow, this thread should be closed before someone actually follows what some of these idiots are saying and tries treating cancer "naturally".
  4. It seems I know more about law than you do. All that language in the lease being pure bull ****? The Buffalo Bills signed the lease and agreed to the terms, so they have to abide by them. You are the only person saying that it would be easy for the new owner to break the lease, while every professional interviewed says otherwise. Try signing a lease for an apartment and then decide you don't want to pay for it. Yes, there is a chance you could win your case, but 99/100 you will lose.
  5. Lawyers aren't magic and they can't just make an ironclad lease go away. This guy has watched way too much TV.
  6. Did you guys hear that someone got raped? How dare they show such a violent and disgusting act? We signed up to watch people be brutally murdered and tortured, not sexual violence!!! rabble rabble rabble
  7. Straw-men... straw-men everywhere. There is no popular game that gives you points for running people over on the side of the street. I guess it's easy to argue against something when you manufacture your evidence.
  8. He got $5,000 with the rest of the cash going to attorneys and gift cards for everyone who signed up for the text service.
  9. Why would it be different than any other job? Is working at Hooters not really a job, and therefore they should be paid nothing? How about being a stripper? NFL cheerleaders entertain the NFLs customers which is the business that the NFL is in.
  10. They're suing because they weren't paid minimum wage. If the team didn't want to be sued, then they should have paid minimum wage or above. It's a pretty simple concept, if you want your employee to be somewhere or doing something then you pay them. You can't just hand them a $50 game check then expect them to practice and appear at events.
  11. If Matthews is there it's a no-brainer. He can play every single position on the line, even center. In fact, some scouts say that might be his best position. The amount of versatility he offers is well worth the pick. He probably won't be there at 9 though.
  12. Let's remember that the Wilson family gets to choose who they will sell the team to, and I know Russ Brandon is fielding calls from potential buyers. To me, that means that whoever has Jim Kelly has a big advantage over everyone else. I'm not surprised multiple groups have contacted Jim Kelly, but I ultimately think he'll go with Trump. JK and Trump have been friends since the USFL days and Jim even stayed at one of Trump's properties in NYC while getting treatment.
  13. I love the mental gymnastics that people in this thread are doing to try and convince themselves that if we draft a tackle at nine Glenn is gone. Why does it have to be like that? The cap is expected to keep growing at a fast pace so we can easily afford both.
  14. Terrible, Terrible opinion. Freddy and CJ are two of the most productive backs on a per carry basis in the NFL. I guess some fans want to go back to the 4.0 YPC days of Lynch and McGahee.
  15. "A New Stadium Working Group has been assembled to confront that reality, knowing all the while that the lease does allow the Bills to leave town relatively painlessly in 2020." I dont think you can describe a court injuction barring you from leaving as "relatively painlessly"
  16. The injunction can only happen before year 7 and from years 8-10. So a judge could order Bon Jovi or whoever to stop working on his plans to move the team until year 7. Which means someone completely unaffiliated with him will have to have a stadium ready for 2020. The team could then opt out for $28 million and move to that stadium. Then again, this all hinges on the chances of a modern NFL stadium just laying around vacant for the team to move to.
  17. http://www.buffalonews.com/city-region/under-lease-court-could-bar-any-new-owner-from-moving-buffalo-bills-20140412 Basically, they can leave in year 7, but any discussion or negotiations of leaving before that are a violation of the lease. This means the new owner would have to pay a $400 million fine in 30 days, and even then a court could order an injuction. This essentially means that the year 7 opt out is very unlikely to happen. Someone would basically have to build a stadium in the hopes that in 2020 the Bills would decide to play there. However, the developer wouldn't even be able to discuss the project with the Bills new owner until the opt-out came around. Does anyone really think a city/developer is going to build a billion dollar stadium without the commitment that a team will play there?
  18. The average NFL fan couldn't name 5 players on the Bills. I don't think they are the best group to poll about our future chances.
  19. Only a fool spends a lot of money on a ring anyway. You end up getting price gouged up the ass while the diamonds you spent a fortune on have a re-sale value near 0.
  20. Sounds like he has an addiction to prescription drugs. What's the big deal? Probably half the NFL is the same way as trainers hand out opiates like candy. If anything the DUI is the only real story here. I wouldn't be surprised if Irsay's doctor became a criminal target. After all, pretty much every street drug but weed is prescribed these days. Want some Meth? Prescription drug. Want some Cocaine? Prescription drug. Heroin? Prescription drug.
  21. Is that why they brought Stevie to the airport to pick up Mike Williams? Sounds pretty harsh to make a guy pick up his replacement then dump him.
  22. Corey Graham is the FS and Aaron Williams is the SS.
  23. Its all just Jackson's agent leaking false info to try and get teams to raise their offers.
  24. Corey Graham is 2 inches taller than Jairus Byrd.
  25. Why? Worst case scenario is that it doesn't work out and Duke Williams or Meeks beat him out for the starting position. Then you can just move him back to corner.
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