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Everything posted by Fingon

  1. Many of the words were created by GRRM himself, and the likelihood of creating a language that has Lord of Light and Golden Hand being almost identical is extremely low. Especially, since the words for sun and gold share no relation. There is actually a dictionary with all the words and their definitions. http://wiki.dothraki.org/High_Valyrian_Vocabulary You can see that the two terms Aeksio Onos and Aeksion Ondos are indeed correctly translated.
  2. Why wouldn't the court enforce the non-relocation provisions, as both parties signed the agreement? That's what people don't get here. Enforcing the lease is the DEFAULT position of the court, which puts the burden on the party trying to get out of it.
  3. Families don't spend as much money as four guys each buying eight beers. Besides, they have a family section now anyway.
  4. Makes sense... the only reason the law exists is puritanism.
  5. If you guys want to know the identity of Azor Ahai check out this link: http://www.reddit.co..._is_a_valyrian/ Aeksio Onos = Lord of Light in Valyrian Aeksion Ondos = one of the characters we've met There is a very, very good chance Lord of Light is mistranslated. It would not surprise me at all if it was originally the 2nd phrase but someone decided that didn't make sense and changed it to the 1st. Seems like a very GRRM thing to do considering every character says prophesy is very misleading.
  6. I'm thinking Arya escapes while the Hound and Brienne are fighting. They've introduced Braavos with Stannis going there, and it's been in the main title credits the last couple weeks. Plus, Arya going across the narrow sea is vital to her story-line.
  7. http://i.imgur.com/4xuuxcf.jpg It's clearly Brienne.
  8. It's pretty much confirmed at this point that it will be Brienne vs The Hound. There are trailer screenshots of the Hound squaring off against someone wearing Brienne's armor. There are also leaked Emmy submissions that confirm the Hound losing an ear and sustaining a compound fracture to his leg. The actor that plays Brienne has said in an interview that she bites a man's ear off and spits it in his face. Arya won't trust Brienne because of her Lannister blade and will run off to Braavos. Then Lady Stoneheart will appear as the very last scene. I'm really excited to see how they handle the Hound's "death". It's pretty much fact at this point that he isn't actually dead.
  9. The wildling army is about 15,000-20,000 strong if you count actual warriors and those fit to fight. The rest are either too old/young to fight or not equipped to do so. The majority of the wildling host are non-combatants following the actual army. Also, it's a 700 foot wall... only a fool would send a huge force to be slaughtered. It doesn't make much sense to expend all your strength even before you get through the wall. Far better to probe your enemy's defenses.
  10. There is a 0% chance the city of Hamilton would even allow an NFL team there then. An NFL team would be the death of the CFL.
  11. Agreed, and good luck with the NFL allowing someone to violate a court injunction.
  12. Maybe you should look up the NFL revenue figures. More than 80% of total revenue is from shared league sources, which means that the teams get 1/32 of every dollar spent in that area. So the new owner would only be able to increase a small portion of his revenue pool. That's why no one is jumping up to move a team to LA. The biggest benefits to being in the market are revenues that you will only see 1/32 of.
  13. The Bills lease allows the county to get a court injunction blocking any move out of the Buffalo area. The team agreed to these terms and it would take something extraordinary to overturn them. If anything a court will default to enforcing the agreement that both sides signed.
  14. No, it shows you the value of local sports TV contracts in LA.
  15. GOT now has more weekly viewers than the high-water mark of The Sopranos. 18.4 million vs 18.2 million http://marquee.blogs.cnn.com/2014/06/05/game-of-thrones-trumps-sopranos-and-more-news-to-note/
  16. Her twitter has clearly been hacked. No way someone over 40 knows what half the memes she posted are.
  17. Pocker passers are so 2014, because those are the only ones that play full seasons.
  18. The point is that this lady is now going to lose her kids. He saved two little children from that... "person". I think that alone is worth it. Also, from what I understand he had his music too loud when he started his car which "scared" her children. Do you really think a lady that crazy needs very much to get set off on a tirade like that? He wanted to publicly shame her for her comments, and it worked big time.
  19. Wow... So much money for a guy that has a LONG way to go as a pocket passer. This is a huge gamble.
  20. Hah. No. Jerry Sullivan should not be anywhere near the roster of an NFL team. He hasn't even been suspended by the league yet.
  21. If they get the next two episodes right they will be the best that the series has to offer. The Oberyn/Mountain fight is really just a warm-up.
  22. Businesses shouldn't have to hire women either. Having a woman as a boss violates a Christian's religious freedom. How dare a woman be able to tell him what to do? 1 Timothy 2:12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.
  23. Religious freedom doesn't extend into discriminating against others. There is no right to discriminate because it says so in your book. We don't allow many things in religious books to be done anymore. Should we allow Jews and Muslims to execute their children because it's their religious right? Not everything said in an ancient religious text has a place in modern society.
  24. So what if it was a Mormon bakery that didn't want to make a cake for a black couple's wedding? Mormon scripture considers blacks tainted and unable to participate in many Mormon rituals. Only in 1978 was Church doctrine "amended" to allow blacks to marry in Mormon churches. Many Mormons still cling to the old ways, just as many other Christians do.
  25. This is an obvious ruling. If this guy doesn't want to serve gays he can move to a state where they are not a protected class. This is the equivalent of a Mormon refusing to serve black people.
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