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Everything posted by Fingon

  1. Pay three times their profits in taxes, or $4,000 a second. Imagine the price of gas without those taxes. http://abcnews.go.com/Business/story?id=5574568&page=1
  2. Obama certainly hasn't; he is barely leading.
  3. Looks to me like Obama represents Goatse.
  4. I remember Batch being very good when he started.... it's a shame he's hurt.
  5. 78% of union members agree with the secret ballot.... but i thought they were being intimidated? 84% of union members agree that there should be a vote on unions. You have no support even among union members. http://rpc.senate.gov/public/_files/022707SecretBallotDB.pdf
  6. How do you intimidate someone into voting anti-union if you have no way of telling what way they actually voted? I also find it hilarious that you are disputing the secret ballot. You are clearly beyond help if you think secret ballots are bad, as they are the most effective way of combating voter intimidation. Find me 1 source that says the secret ballot does not work. 1 source... i'll be waiting.
  7. So, we leave Iraq and create a genocide... and go to darfur to stop one?
  8. AKA the Fair Tax. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_tax
  9. The New Deal hurt low income people, a lot. It included some terribly regressive taxes, like taxes on everyday household goods. Social Security is a complete mess, and is massively inefficient.
  10. The same people who want us to leave Iraq want us to go into Darfur... talk about hypocrisy.
  11. You NEVER give a good reason as to why everyone needs to know who voted for what. Do you honestly think that non-secret ballots are less corruptable than secret ballots? You would have to be out of your mind. The fact is that anonymity protects those who decide to vote against the more vocal and powerful people. "The secret ballot is a voting method in which a voter's choices are confidential. The key aim is to ensure the voter records a sincere choice by forestalling attempts to influence the voter by intimidation or bribery." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secret_ballot You are truly a fool if you think this bill will decrease strong-arming. You also never explain how companies can influence the vote if they have no access to the records of who voted for what. PS: Guess what? Unions are as bad as employers.
  12. And what is the benefit of getting rid of the secret ballot?
  13. So how will eliminating secret ballots fix any of that? The employer can always go after the people who vote FOR a union, if they know who they are. Your excuses are laughable.
  14. Don't let him fool you with the Tax breaks part, all corporations get tax breaks not just oil companies.
  15. GG retirement funds. Oil companies make a 10% profits... hardly extravagant; Obama makes it sound like they are making $2 a gallon rather than 30 cents.
  16. To be fair, the Walmart thing makes sense for the majority of its employees. The bill the democrats want to push through will remove the ability for there to be a secret ballot when voting whether to unionize or not. That means employees can be bullied into voting for unionization.
  17. Great great great great grandson of Nathaniel.
  18. It's an internet phenomenon http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2828044/1/ video of someone reading it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtfEU-z8B88 an Excerpt:
  19. Now we can see why State employees suck. The private sector snatches up all the good people.
  20. Looks terrible. Typical Oliver Stone
  21. He doesn't get paid for the games he doesn't show up to.
  22. http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=tGVZar5hmMs&...feature=related
  23. Funny thing is... peters would probably have a new deal already if he had shown up to the OTAs.
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