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Everything posted by Fingon

  1. So your argument is that controlling acne is worth removing a pharmacy's rights to carry non-essential medication? Also, why the hell would i have to back that up? There are about 55,000 pharmacies in this country, and that number is always increasing. Your argument is that BC is essential to controlling the population of unwanted children, but BC is only 1.7% more effective than a condom. Keep on the socialist think tank... you will only bankrupt everyone before you realize carrying every single medicine ever invented is a waste of money.
  2. You are a complete fool. I suggest you acquire some better reading comprehension skills before you make an idiot of yourself.... too late. If you notice i said the pharmacy is within its rights to fire any employee that will not sell something. Apparently, you cannot read very well.
  3. I have said earlier that these pharmacies are within their rights to fire employees that refuse to sell drugs. However, should you be required to sell pistols if you are the gun store owner? Hell no.
  4. How about showing me that they won't be able to find another pharmacy? You can't. There may be a shortage of pharmacies, but it's not to the extent that you cannot find another. There is a thing in government called regulation within reason. Most businesses are regulated within reason, but not the medical field. You haven't given a good reason as to why these pharmacies should be forced to carry a non-essential drug. There are a million other options that a person can use.
  5. So we force people to do their jobs now? Socialism does not = good. Thats why drug and insurance prices are so high.
  6. Condoms are 98% effective Birth control 99.7% effective Oh my god.... 1.7% what a huge deal!! It's totally a huge deal that 1 in 1000 people might have to drive a couple hours for 1.7% more protection.
  7. So you are advocating taking away someone's rights because the off chance that they will not be able to obtain said drug? You people make it sound like there is 1 pharmacy per 1000 square miles. I GUARANTEE that someone will be willing to take your money.
  8. No, our health care is so !@#$ed up because the government requires pharmacies to stock every drug under the sun, and insurance to cover almost everything... no matter how rare. Also, are you denying that there are other options? Drive 2 miles down the road and go to another pharmacy... problem solved.
  9. OH MY GOD!!!! 3 hours?!?!? Are you serious... such a long time.... There are always other options for birth control. PS: We should take away someone's right just because someone might have to drive a little out of their way to get birth control pills instead of condoms?
  10. All i really care about is that our culture remains intact.
  11. Uh... since when is refusing to carry a certain medication akin to sacrificing people? If a certain pharmacy doesn't carry a certain medication... GO TO ANOTHER PHARMACY. There are plenty of people who will gladly take your money.
  12. They should have the freedom to operate their business the way they like. Government intervention is why our Health care is so !@#$ed up in this country.
  13. Sure there is... it's called freedom of choice. Should the pharmacy be required by law to carry a medicine that does not treat a disease? No they shouldn't. Maybe you can go to another Pharmacy, which will be more than happy to have you buy from them... but we shouldn't be forcing pharmacies to sell what they don't want to.
  14. Please, Pharmacists should be able to choose which drugs to give... it's called FREEEDOM OF CHOICE. If you don't like it, go to another Pharmacy... simple as that. Guess what? The free market will win out again, as those choosing to fill birth control prescriptions will make more money. Get your grubby government hands out of the health care market and then maybe it won't be such a mess.
  15. I'm pretty sure there will be no problem anywhere... if companies lose money because of it they will just fire the pharmacist. The whole issue here is CHOICE.
  16. No, but the vast majority of the drinks served are alcoholic.. to an extent that anything else is irrelevant when it comes to cash flow.
  17. How about the other pharmacy 2 miles down the road?
  18. So pharmacists only give out birth control pills now? That would have to be true for your analogy to be correct.
  19. Maybe you don't agree with birth control, and you view giving people the pills as supporting it? And yes... there is already a precedent for denying service based on religion.
  20. Should a doctor be required to perform a sex change if it will help eliminate the patients depression?
  21. Why should a Pharmacist be required to dispense birth control pills? He has a constitutional right to freedom of religion, and birth control pills are non-essential medication; they do not treat a disease or save a life.
  22. Also, 94% of the world's oil is controlled by foreign governments. That leaves 6% of it controlled by US oil companies.
  23. What does profits per capita have to do with anything? Profit margin is the only thing that matters. The fact is that gas is so high because of the massive taxes levied on the US oil companies.
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