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Everything posted by Fingon

  1. Sorry, but you are wrong. If the plan was to move on they would have traded Spiller to the Eagles in the Bryce Brown trade instead of telling Philly to kick rocks.
  2. They were probably talking about this probably made-up story on Reddit that has made national news:
  3. Why are they burying him at 4th string though? Boobie Dixon has been ahead of him all TC, IIRC.
  4. At least when we traded Marshawn he was clearly not the best back on the team.
  5. How embarrassing for Bon Jovi. He can't make a bid that the trust will even accept, let alone buy the team.
  6. Why would we trade our best running back? Bryce Brown is a 4th stringer and FJ is 33. Oh yeah, I forgot the Bills don't really want to win, right?
  7. I love it man. Liberals B word about the US invading Afghanistan yet are nut-hugging Putin when he invades Crimea.
  8. Another sign this film will be complete garbage is that there is a review embargo up until it hits theaters.
  9. Perhaps Woods is having the WR sophomore slump. If you look at a WR production chart most WRs don't match their rookie production until year three. http://a.espncdn.com/photo/chartbuilder/Age-vs-Production-Running-Backs-Receivers1396880190285.png
  10. Which is partially why their initial bid was rejected.
  11. An NFL team seems to be more of a collectors item than actual business investment these days.
  12. I doubt it, as both parties are statists. The only difference is what part of your body they want the state to control.
  13. Farmers and state governments are to blame.
  14. This is why fertilizer run-off is a bad thing kids.
  15. Did you say to yourself "how can I make the worst thread ever?", because it worked.
  16. Or they could just pay Cordy what he wants and use Henderson's cheap contract to avoid paying a RT for 4 years.
  17. Not only nine Pro-Bowls, but eight straight. He's also got four All-Pros. Ruben and Polian are really the only ones with the accomplishments to make it.
  18. Soft tissue damage is really the only thing that would limit his athleticism, and reports are that there is none. His broken leg should actually be stronger after it heals. The biggest thing going forward will be the mental issues associated with such a gruesome injury.
  19. Guardians of the Galaxy is currently 92% on Rottentomatoes with 169 reviews from national critics. It's at 96% with the general public with over 100,000 votes. Seems like Marvel has it's next big franchise. http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/guardians_of_the_galaxy/
  20. The good news is that it was a clean break and there was no ancillary damage. He's going to miss all of next season, but should be physically back to normal for 2016-2017.
  21. No, they settled on some measly cash payment like 5k per year. Probably because Texas A&M knew they would lose their trademark in a lawsuit, and the Bills decided it would just be cheaper to pay 5k per year than file a suit. They can bully someone with no money, but will bend over backwards for someone with money to avoid having their trademark challenged.
  22. Depth sucks... What team are you watching?
  23. The Toronto group doesn't even have $1.5 billion. http://blogs.canoe.ca/krykslants/
  24. Honestly, the only preventative measure applicable here is "don't start a physical fight".
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