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Everything posted by Koufax

  1. But we have now lost tie breakers with all other 9-7s. So we can only get in if Ten, Bal, and Mia all end up 8-8. It could happen, but looking a lot less likely. The key is Miami losing to the Jets next week. With the new wrinkle of being without their QB makes it seem more likely. A Miami win mathematically eliminates us. Otherwise they have head to head with us (so an assumed loss for them or the scenario doesn't matter) and against the Pats who could be battling for homefield. Ravens need to lose three of four facing @Pats, Phi, @Pit, @ Cin, so plausible. Tennessee needs to lose two of three @KC, @Jags, Hou Just to be clear, I'm not even remotely thinking that this actually happens. But I think that the path to the playoffs was there and wide open when we were up 24-9 to the Raiders, and Rex coached us right out of it. But how cool would it be if they bench Tyrod, fire Rex, promote Lynn, and start Jones, and we win a very winnable game against Cleveland while Ten loses @KC, and Jets beat Miami? Regime change AND (faded) hope heading into the Miami matchup?
  2. Why call the timeout if you are going to walk on the field with a second left? Mail it in Rex.
  3. New kind of failure. Wow.
  4. Need a strike next week if changes aren't made tomorrow. Easy for me to say from San Diego, but time for an empty stadium. You won't miss much.
  5. Well, check clock management off the list of things Tyrod can't do competently. Wow.
  6. Two big run after catch plays...but Carpenter couldn't even let us have the moment.
  7. Didn't he have the check down on the Steelers sideline?
  8. Why is Jones a worse option or less prepared than Dax? With big run game and Shady? Especially against the Browns?
  9. Can we get some serious Boos if Tyrod goes out there please?
  10. So EJ the rest of this game and Jones next week?
  11. Just for the record, he wasn't open in the middle because Tyrod doesn't have a middle of the field.
  12. That should be Tyrod's last snap.
  13. Because we would have stopped Bell? Thanks Tomlin. Giving us three more plays of false hope, but Tyrod with a chance. Just have to stop running Shady up the middle. Gillislie power up the middle and Shady on screens where he is wide before getting the ball and can make a single cut.
  14. Coaches don't have a cap hit and the Pegulas are good for it. Time to pick a winner though as a replacement.
  15. Could have had Schwartz and continuity...I brought as much optimism as I could to this, but hoping next up on the carousel is a winner.
  16. Fire Rex. Bench Tyrod. Win three games. Sneak in at 9-7. Change course of franchise.
  17. Bye bye Tyrod. Can't find Woods right there, can't play for my team. Done.
  18. Tyrod and Rex scored a TD on their last career making drive. Not the same field position, but this drive again controls their future...tough to see us punt and win this game...need sustain and points or we can have the fire/bench Monday we have been talking about.
  19. But, but, but...it's slippery! #SadFacsimileOfAFootballTeam
  20. Not quite sure if it is the players or the coach, but not stopping Bell is a bad idea.
  21. Career on the line and Tyrod actually makes a play. Keep playing football boys...for all the crap and bad play, just find a way today.
  22. Gilroy! Playing hard for Rex and Tyrod!
  23. Tyrod...your turn to play good football for a whole scoring drive like your career depended on it...because right now it probably fly does. Don't score points here and the game starts to slip away. Don't win this game and you don't get to be our QB anymore. Can't QB for the Bills and you can't play QB for anybody. Points Tyrod...right now...
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