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Everything posted by BarkLessWagMore

  1. Jessie won the first set 7-5. 1-1 in the second. Come on JPeg.
  2. Bill AstrO'Zimmerman ‏@The_Reliant 3h3 hours ago "Beautiful Martha, I hope this letter finds you sitting down, as I am once again a general!" #JetsCamp pic.twitter.com/3WkDWwvUSe
  3. Our resident parking guru Hammer was on WBEN this morning discussing concert logistics at the Hammer Lot. He did a very nice job. Listen below. http://www.wben.com/Preparing-Parking-for-a-Concert-at-The-Ralph/21721277
  4. expected prep time 4 hours
  5. RIP. Thoughts and prayers to the family.
  6. Just got home from seeing Spy. Have not laughed that hard at a theater in a while. Highly recommend.
  7. Get that girl a sandwich. Stat!
  8. who owns both a mansion and a yacht.
  9. I'll take that bet. I sure as heck won't be. Maybe more people will than today, but it most definitely will not be mainstream.
  10. That's SeaBar http://seabarsushi.com/
  11. You have to be joking. All bias aside, Brady knew. You're kidding yourself otherwise.
  12. SI hit the newsstand today. I happened to be visiting a supermarket client of mine so I picked one up. Regional cover or not, it is awesome to see our Bills in the national spotlight again. It has been far too long.
  13. just last year. Stayed at this place: http://captainsmanorinn.com/ Very nice place and the innkeepers are really terrific people. The Cape is always crowded but this property was just in a quiet spot within walking distance of many excellent restaurants. Just a few minute drive to the ferry service to Martha's Vineyard as well as Wood's Hole. Highly recommend.
  14. Great tribute Steve. Please accept my condolences on the passing of a great man.
  15. I think I just heard Brandon Marshall drop an F-bomb.
  16. beyond belief. Maybe we can draft another RB in round 2 this year while all the good teams sign street free agents and low round picks and make the playoffs.
  17. "Do you like movies about gladiators?"
  18. OJ was born in Rochester? I had no idea.
  19. http://www.buffalonews.com/business/cornelius-bennetts-auto-show-appearance-canceled-20150206 Biscuit bailed for 'personal reasons'
  20. of course it's misleading. It intimates, as do you, that there was a number one choice who didn't get the job. She specifically states that they went into the search with an open mind and no clear cut favorite. Much ado about nothing and lazy "journalism"
  21. Ha, I saw the picture. Just my weak attempt at a bald joke. Again, great job!
  22. That is mostly incorrect. Players are employees just like any other members of the organization including the coaches. They receive (very complex) W-2's. You are correct that income gets taxed in the states that the team plays, but it is not quite that simple. As maddenboy pointed out, residency factors in importantly in this equation. If a player is a NY resident then they will pay tax on their worldwide income (just like we all do) and they will take a tax credit for the taxes paid to other states. As far as I would hazard a guess, Marrone is probably still a NY resident and will pay tax on any income he receives as long as he remains one, regardless of where it was earned. Interestingly (at least to me) there is no special tax code for athletes, these same rules apply to widget salesmen, lawyers, etc. The technology doesn't exist (yet) to enforce the rules against the average person and there is not enough money in it for the states to go after, but obviously there is with the athletes and their schedules are readily accessible, so many think these rules only apply to them. Also, most of the high profile court cases in this area involve athletes.
  23. Great work Jay! No better cause and to do it in honor of one of our own, Sweet Sally, is fantastic. It would have been nice if you had posted a "before" picture though.
  24. this could get INteresting.
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