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Everything posted by BarkLessWagMore

  1. OK, I'll admit I had no idea Ko was short for Yukota.
  2. I get that but it just hurts a little more coming from him because I really trust his opinion. I guess I was trying to delude myself that maybe I was overreacting and that things might be OK. When in reality I know we are in for another year of misery.
  3. I wonder if he was driving a BMW 750? “I’m SKOOBY with the Buffalo Bills. I am worth millions!”
  4. A lot of these have been just great. Buffalo Bills training camp 2009: "Our Dick's not hard, he's easy!!" Buffalo Bills 2009: "Friday's Champion"
  5. Fact, or your opinion? Link? Just because he brought Jauron back doesn't mean it was because he feels that is what gives us the best chance to win. When he says it was an easy decision to him, that is simply a reference to the choice of paying one head coach for the next three years instead of two. Now that is an easy decision for Ralph. And I have more than enough anecdotal evidence to support that hypothesis.
  6. Good one. Sundays free for Christmas shopping. Also, season ticket holders will never have to worry about those pesky playoff ticket deposits.
  7. The sheer outright hypocrisy is what is so funny (the way that a root canal is funny). Three weeks ago Ralph very publicly states that this team is seriously lacking in talent yet from today's press release comes this gem Can anyone believe anything coming from OBD these days? Just wow.
  8. His position on that list notwithstanding, the notion that Jauron makes $1.5mm for his incompetency is almost mind boggling.
  9. My source said the same thing. He believes it is about finally selling the naming rights to the Ralph. Welcome to "Depends Field at Ralph Wilson Stadium"
  10. You stay classy Lancaster. Well, the Bonnies have far more talent than they have had in any year since the scandal and they have a coach who can actually use it and develop it. I am very happy with the direction of the program. Keep an eye on Andrew Nicholson, who 11 games into his freshman year is the best player on the team and a 3 time A10 rookie of the week winner. He is a budding star. As for sucking, we'll see. That's why they play the games.
  11. Thanks for the link, hadn't seen that video yet. Thought you would be interested, I just received our 6 tix for the game today that I ordered through the UB ticket office and they are in the 200 level on the 40 yard line or so. I am very happy. I guess being a season ticket holder did pay off. EDIT: check out Matt Pearl from Ch. 2 blog about Turner Gill and some players being recognized on the way to a Sabres game. Matt's blog
  12. Ouch, that one hurt. Congrats to the Purple Eagles, they are a talented team. Bonnies hopefully learned they have to play exteremely hard every night just to compete. A few more non-cons and then off to A10 play.
  13. And you know this how? For all we know, that quote might have come from Tom Donahoe. I am not defending Brandon, but to use this quote as the basis for any conclusion is ridiculous.
  14. Confirmed. Although some cars are using the free section from the 290 to the 219.
  15. Unfortunately, that would be the Bills sideline.
  16. Those numbers are off I think on the UB side. In yesterday's News at the bottom of the article was this ticket update So it would seem we have sold 6,000 as well as of Thursday. Personally, I hope for a strong turnout from both sides as I love that college atmosphere when there is give and take between the fans. Should be a great time. Oh yeah, and I agree everyone should go. Let's fill the place.
  17. Yeah, that makes sense. Don't know what number I am as I only received my credit card receipt (not numbered).
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