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Everything posted by BarkLessWagMore

  1. Imagine if he gets near someone's Golden Retreiver. Same result.
  2. From the horse's mouth, Russ Brandon confirms the Bills are not interested in Vick. Thank god.
  3. The Senator thinks the Bills should hire Mike Leach
  4. Until reading this, I never knew SBU had established an award in John's honor. Now that I do, I can only say how well deserved it is. John and I were good friends back in the day. We worked together at the campus radio station and shared our love of all Buffalo sports. Most of all, he was just a great guy who is missed by all who knew him. While not blessed with quantity of life, he clearly was with quality. Sorry for the off topic post, but seeing his name brought back a lot of great memories from what seems like eons ago.
  5. For city related photos, get some ideas from this website http://www.buffaloscenicprints.com/photos.htm some really good stuff there
  6. Or maybe he meant Oye Como Va. Could be a big Santana fan. To paraphrase our illustrious leader Dickie J, "typing yiddish sayings on NFL message boards is hard. We did it perfectly in practice on Friday"
  7. Are you sure none of the above are registered? Where is our star power (other than SKOOB of course)?
  8. You probably know him by his given name, Billy Joe William Smith
  9. "as God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly"
  10. Very cute dog. Congrats. I'll nominate Cosmo. He looks a little Kramer-esque. [/seinfeld references]
  11. I'll go with the Ask Tim Graham, version 2.0, which has somehow managed to devolve into the 15th rehashing of the Sopranos ending and all the nuances therein.
  12. Well where else would they hold it, Mississaugau? Oh, wait. I really hope they leave it where it is. The folks in Roch do a great job hosting it.
  13. Can't wait to see how this looks. Hope they pair it with the white pants. That was a great look back in the 60's.
  14. I didn't know he was gay (not that there's anything wrong with that). And how exactly did you see him do this?
  15. And why wouldn't he? As if being in the city during that time would make him more qualified. I'll take a fresh face with new ideas and no cronyism any day of the week. Good luck to the young man. Here's hoping the system doesn't grind you down like it has virtually every other qualified candidate we've had in WNY.
  16. Steve Earle is one of the guys with Michael McDonald and Rhett Miller of the Old 97's is with Moby
  17. Wow, I posted this yesterday afternoon and came in this morning to see I got flamed. Tbone, you are incorrect. Ralph's wife would receive a step up in basis. I never said she would avoid estate tax on the value of the team (or the cash if she sold the team), but she absolutely would not pay income tax on any capital gains unless the team appreciated further from the date of death value if she sold it. You are confusing two entirely separate parts of the tax code (basis rules versus estate taxes). And it is a marital deduction, not a marital exemption. Maybe that is what is confusing you. I don't have time to give you all the citations, so in the immortal words of Marv Levy "look it up Thurman". You may want to be a little more careful (or sure of your facts) when accusing someone of committing mass malpractice, whatever that is.
  18. you mean could. Depends on the provisions of his will. This is the key point in this whole estate issue. If he wills the team to his wife, she can sell it to whomever she wants, not necessarily the highest bidder. And she can attach whatever conditions she can negotiate into the sale (i.e. -- team has to stay in WNY). Your analysis of the tax is right on if that scenario plays out. If the team is left to his estate, the executor and/or trustees (I am sure several trusts will be involved) is obligated by law to secure the highest amount possible for the benefit of the beneficiaries. In that scenario, Buffalo is SOL most likely. I can't believe I just posted in a SKOOBY thread. D*mn you Chef!!
  19. My sources deep within tell me the actual plan is for Gruden at HC with Mooch as the OC. The last stumbling block is the contract. Ralph is offering $50k (that's $50,000) plus all the Mighty and Labatt's they can stomach. They are holding out for a lease on a BMW 750. They have agreed to carpool to reduce their collective carbon footprint. The problem is trying to find one as we know nobody in WNY can afford such a finely tuned machine. Look for a presser by draft time. Mark my words.
  20. two older guys who I feel never got their due as guitar players were Dave Alvin (of The Blasters) and Dave Edmunds. As for newer groups, I think Tad Kubler of The Hold Steady is one of the best out there right now.
  21. To me, this is where an agent earns his money. How Parker could allow his client to go on national radio and admit that (along with his previous startling admissions) is beyond me. Every time this idiot opens his mouth he costs himself money down the road. Whether it be the next contract, a renegotiation, or even endorsements, none of this stuff helps. Great job Eugene and Jason, you two deserve each other. Enjoy Philly and those forgiving fans.
  22. I try not to get too worked up one way or the other about the schedule, but no home divisional games until after Thanksgiving is just ridiculous. How hard is it to balance the schedule a little?
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