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Everything posted by BarkLessWagMore

  1. Hoo Boy Bluefire. You young whippersnappers crack me up! Those are all great. Back in my day, we called memes fads. I think this one has real staying power, like lava lamps, pet rocks, and facebook.
  2. Happy Birthday Jim and Hunter
  3. I have no interest in playing arm chair GM as regards salaries and contracts he might command. Props to those that know such things. What I do know is that this team has had a miserable run for 13 years now and that the TV contract and Toronto series provides plenty of money to sign players. This guy is a very good player by league standards and will make pro bowls when/if this offense improves.His run blocking stats are off the charts as already pointed out. Oh yeah, he likes playing here too. What's to discuss? Sign the guy. Anything less is a major failure.
  4. He's in his 80's and his daughter is 24?!? Who do you work for, Jack Nicholson? Seriously, I think Pooj gave you good advice. I would add don't use the word thrill. It sounds contrived to me.
  5. Anyone doubting the NFL is the ultimate old boys network need only look at this hire.
  6. Anything made by Black and Decker. Their quality used to be top notch and now most of what they make is disposable garbage.
  7. Have very fond memories of a show he did at SUNY Geneseo in '81 or '82. I remember tickets were $3 (it was homecoming or something). I brought a carload from Bona's and my brother drove from Buffalo. He had just an amazing band led by Waddy Wachtel on guitar and we were right up at the stage as not many from the school were too interested in the music. Just an insane show. Warren was toasted out of his skull as he was definitely living the R&R lifestyle. Great memories.
  8. "In the news tonight, an alarming development as evidence has been obtained showing Germany has begun breeding a line of nazi pandas"
  9. The Sam Adams play was right in our end of the field. I just remember yelling "he can't turn the corner, can he?" and of course he did, and the place was just absolutely rocking. I think about as loud as its been since the reconfiguration, save maybe the Dallas monday nighter. My other favorite play from that day was the Bills stuffing Antoine Smith on the 1 on the last play to preserve the shutout. Great memories.
  10. Why the outrage 'sphere? What's a few webbed toes between friends?
  11. not digging the pessimism, but that was very funny. How about "our coach can beat up your coach"
  12. meh, PFT. What does the East Aurora Pennysaver think?
  13. Only because he meets the stringent test that Ralph has 'heard' of him. Of course, nobody has the heart to tell him that was from a Dr. Seuss book.
  14. Let's see, resign and get paid nothing or wait to get fired and receive the remainder of your contract. No way they resign. I am sure they are irritated because they are both human and no one likes their failures stuck in their face every day. And no way will a sale take place by tomorrow for tax reasons. Mary Wilson is in excellent health and far younger than Ralph and there will be many, many changes to the estate and capital gain laws before they will be relevant to her (at least unless something very unforeseen happens).
  15. I assume nothing. He's in charge until we're told differently. So those under him, reflect his wishes. And this deal is consistent with the borderline contempt he has shown WNY over the years. Not being an ass, I am happy the eam is staying for now. But teams sign 20 and 30 year leases all the time when taxpayers make $100m+ investments.
  16. Confirmed by the news, with details http://buffalonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20121221/CITYANDREGION/121229867/1109 35 mil from the team, very good 10 year term, ridiculous out after 7 years with no financial penalty, uber ridiculous Way to negotiate, Cuomo and Polancarz! And Ralph is an ass for making this short of an agreement with those demands.
  17. letting out a great big yawn. It was my favorite part of the game.
  18. Ha, I'm laughing Pooj because I meant to PM you to encourage you to check out this show in case you weren't already a fan. But you were on it as usual. This was a free afternoon show I am guessing. They played a theater in Philly last night I think. Since they are not coming anywhere near Buffalo, the wife and I are heading to Boston to see them next Thursday, combined with a visit with our daughter. Can't wait and the videos from the shows so far are really great. Thanks for posting!
  19. "I think I need bigger hands!"
  20. So last night we got Caitlin Koch performing an absolutely beautiful rendition of "God Bless America" at halftime. Literally brought a tear to my eye. And Toronto gets Psy in minute 14 of his 15 minutes of fame. Advantage, Buffalo.
  21. 69118 per buff news. Great crowd and pretty well behaved for a night game.saw a couple fights in the upper deck and none in the end zones
  22. Well, apparently Tennessee was able to get it done against us a few weeks ago. Good teams find a way to create mismatches (like the Bills secondary against any receiver) and for the Bills, that means getting it to Spiller, which is what should have happened. Gailey is a train wreck.
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