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Everything posted by Mike32282

  1. Hey bf1...you aren't going to be at the game, are you? Good! I will!
  2. I'm not trying to spam the site or anything because both of our sites get along pretty well, but it you are looking for some good history stuff and photos, check out our history index. Bill Choinski AKA Dozerdog has worked his butt off collecting history stuff and putting it together very nicely. http://www.billszone.com/mtlog/archives/20..._main_index.php
  3. I think the people are starting to see how bad that jackass really is and hopefully will vote him out. The problem that I have is that Major Johnson affects more than just downtown Rochester...he affects the whole damn city of Rochester, yet we never can vote for the mayor if we are out of the city. I'd love to vote him out. I can't stand him.
  4. Yeah, they have started to finally follow Buffalo. I blame that jackass major...Bill Johnson. Things won't get better until we vote his ass out.
  5. I was thinking the same thing.
  6. Canadian American Transportation Systems announced today that it will stop operations Wednesday of the high-speed ferry between Rochester and Toronto, claiming accumulating debt has made it unable to continue service. The ferry’s halt is a major blow to economic development efforts in Rochester and could be a major black eye for the community for decades. “This is a very difficult decision, but until the other parties involved fulfill their promises and obligations, we have no choice,” said Cornel Martin, president of CATS, in a news release sent out to members of Rochester’s state delegation. It’s unclear if and when service will resume. CATS officials could not be reached for comment. The ferry, which started service in June, has been stung by a series of problems, even before it officially launched. The private ferry company has been weighed down by some unexpected costs early on, including customs fees and high fuel prices. Also, the U.S. Bureau of Customs and Border Protection hasn’t allowed commercial trucks on the ship yet, depriving CATS of a much-needed source of revenue. CATS states in the news release that it has accumulated more than $2.1 million in debt with no offsetting revenues during a seven-week delay of the vessel, after it hit a pier in New York City. Operations were scheduled to begin May 18. Mayor William A. Johnson Jr. said he’s been pleading with CATS this afternoon to delay the ferry’s closure, saying he and other political leaders were working feverously to rectify outstanding issues. http://www.rochesterdandc.com/apps/pbcs.dl...NEWS01/40907003
  7. Lawton's agent has been trying to contact other NFL teams, in hopes of finding a place for the fullback. After the Bills cut him Sunday, Lawton told 7Sports he expected to make the practice squad and was told he wasn't on the active roster because of injuries to Buffalo's QB's J.P. Losman and Travis Brown; but obviously, that wasn't the case. http://www.kplctv.com/Global/story.asp?S=2...41&nav=0nqxQcOR
  8. Here's one thats more your style, cåblelady http://www.billszone.com/coppermine/albums...04/Pic7%7E3.jpg
  9. Can't wait to see cåblelady's response to Drew Haddad coming back again. She loved him...didn't she? This is for you, cåblelady... http://www.billszone.com/coppermine/albums...4/Pic37%7E0.jpg http://www.billszone.com/coppermine/albums...ew%20Haddad.jpg http://www.billszone.com/coppermine/albums...4/Pic15%7E3.jpg
  10. is it just me or does anyone else see Jason Gildon/Keith McKenzie/or Dominique Stevenson as players that the Bills would bring back after Lawyer Milloy is healthy again, after they cut Pierson Prioleau? Or maybe they are thinking that one of them could be a post-game1 signing...where the player's contract does not affect the cap...they are paid week2week...
  11. *cough* Jason Sehorn *cough*
  12. Me too...but i'm watching some current Practice Squads and a lot of people are keeping their own. Plus, there really wasn't anyone exciting out there. I guess it tells you how good the Bills did with the undrafted free agency and other things...
  13. Daryl Towns was with us in training camp and was one of the first cuts, along with Jason Peters. The Bills were able to sneak in both players.
  14. I think he'll be doing it until either Shaud Williams is ready to take over....or Terrence McGee is 100% healthy again...
  15. WOO HOO! My man, Jason Peters is back. I'm also glad to see Fast Freddy and Drew Haddad too. Plus, it's nice to see Sobieski back. It tells you that they are going to work with him and develop him. Maybe after a while with McNally, he'll be ready to join the 53 man roster and Pukecillo could be cut.
  16. Burns is versatile...he can play both FB and RB. He's the backup FB. Lawton would have only been the backup FB.
  17. You'll need it. I'm going to kick your ass, Rich. Errr.....I mean Thanks man!
  18. ROFLMAO! I agree. 1918 1918 1918! While the Red Sux have been waiting since 1918, the NY Yankees have won 26 World Series championships.
  19. I hope he does get cut. Then we would be able to hold onto a diamond in the rough or at least be able to keep out LS.
  20. However, Texas BEAT Boston. So we are still 2 1/2 games ahead.
  21. That annoys me. Those Super Bowl logos looked good up there and you always looked up and wondered when we'll put another one up. Any idea what they are going to do with those?
  22. From when I went to the two pre-season games...it looks like they are going to put the wall of fame on the other side of the stadium...remember where they have 12th man and the super Bowl logos? They got rid of the Super Bowl logos and I think they are making room to keep the WOF going.
  23. Fine, but you don't have to rub it in and piss me off. I'm already in a bad mood because the Yankees are losing 1-3 to the Orioles and the Red Sox are winning too and getting ready to come to 2 1/2 games behind the Yanks.
  24. I hate you! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
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