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Everything posted by Mike32282

  1. Awww...you liked my pic and you made it your avatar? I'm touched! B) You are right though. His freaking beak was huge. The second pic was where the trainer was trying to put a muzzle on his beak.
  2. That's with complete zooming. I only have 3.0 optical, and 3.1 mega-pixel. It's a nice camera, but the zoom sucks on it. I want to get one of the Cannon Rebel cameras. Those are freaking awesome for gameday photos.
  3. That's the one that Leftwich threw out of the endzone on the visiting team side. My friend has seasons over in section 118. Patrick said he caught the ball and hid it right away. No one bothered him for it. Plus, there was the ball that went in my area....section 123. I had one of my hands on it, but the guy in front of me had a perfect catch and caught it with both of his hands. He put it away right when he got and and was also never bothered.
  4. Yup, it's called the money shot. I just happened to be taking photos at the right time.
  5. LOL! I loved that I actually got that shot.
  6. http://www.billszone.com/coppermine/thumbnails.php?album=221 Here's the photos that I took from inside the Ralph at the Bills/Jags game. Tell me what you think. I almost got that Moulds TD catch, but I was like a couple seconds away from getting it.
  7. Thanks man! Was that only for the week? Or is it there every year?
  8. Where are they doing the show this year?
  9. ROFLMAO! I love it when us northerners start taunting the hurricanes. I was so upset that Frances didn't give us anything in NY. Maybe Jeanne will spare the South and smash into NYC or something.
  10. He's still doing them this year? Where's it at ? I used to enjoy going to them because he brought a guest and then they both signed autographs.
  11. I'm just sick of seeing that moron from Native Pride. His commercials are so cheesy. If I see them one more time, I'm going to scream.
  12. I noticed that too and wondered why the crowd started getting really loud when Drew and crew were trying to do the no-huddle. I'm guessing the noise was why they only did it for a couple plays and stopped.
  13. Plus, didn't the Bills end up taking a freaking timeout because Drew couldn't hear during the wave? !@#$ing idiots!
  14. Hopefully I get it today.
  15. Any reason for the delay? Don't they usually have them out to people in August?
  16. Don't they usually send the Season Ticket holders a nice little package with the media guide, pins, and decals for your car? What happened to those this year? I never got anything.
  17. I was just wondering where everybody will be seated. I'm a new season ticket holder, so I will be sitting in my seats in section 123, row 4, seat 3, with my buddy Ally. Anyone else in that section or nearby? Stop by at the half and visit. B)
  18. :D 1918! 1918! 1918!
  19. I was wondering that myself. You get a star RB in the offseason and brag about him and you don't even use him at all in the opening drive!??? you gotta be kidding me. Of course the announcers keep patting the Pats on the back tho. *puke*
  20. Dannys in Orchard Park has good wings too.
  21. See, this is what i'm talking about. IMO, that jackass should be voted out ASAP. I agree with Bob Lonsberry. He's a big monkey...actually !@#$ that....he's a jackass!!!
  22. I'm annoyed that non-City people can not vote for/against a mayor that really does a lot of things to !@#$ up our entire area. I think every town in Rochester should be able to vote for the city mayor. It's only fair. Everything that jackass does seems to affect us somehow.
  23. I don't think it's finished. I just think this is a terrible setback until the damn government lets them transport trucks for money.
  24. ROFL! Its not that bad. I actually like the home jerseys, especially with the blue pants.
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