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Everything posted by Mike32282

  1. I was thinking about emailing it to the site admin and then ask for an autographed pic or something. Maybe a jersey...I'm not picky.
  2. Thanks for the compliment. It wasn't bad. But I hate the rain. I would rather have it snow.
  3. Is that why Jay changed his screen name? So we can't blame him for the Rosen ?
  4. That's why you looked familiar.
  5. Seeing how I tailgate in lot 1, pole 5...I am going to make an effort to stop by the TBD tailgate sometime this year. What time is a good time to catch a bunch of people?
  6. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: BTW...it was nice meeting you. Not matter how plastered you were.
  7. I know they are a little late...but I just got done uploading and I figured I'd share. http://www.billszone.com/coppermine/thumbn...&page=1&sort=na
  8. No...he can have fun with them himself.
  9. Nope, nothing yet. i'll work with them and get one somehow. It's my new goal.
  10. Michael, Thank you for visiting www.takeospikes51.com and for sending over the photos. The end zone picture is awesome! We were trying to find it for a while now. We really appreciate the pictures, and we will add these photos to the site soon with credit to you. Please feel free to send any additional pictures in the future. Thanks again, and go Bills! www.takeospikes51.com
  11. This is just wrong... Last Week's Challenge In keeping with the time-travel plots plaguing Star Trek Enterprise, the Challenge was to name some aspect of the NFL timeline that future space travelers should come backward in time to alter. Carol Lang-Drapala of Norman, Okla., wants the Federation crew to prevent the Houston Oilers of 1992 from blowing their 35-3 playoff lead over the Bills. Carol -- the Oilers could have done that themselves simply by running the ball in the second half, rather than repeatedly throwing incomplete and stopping the clock. ------------------------------------------------------------------- I love this one. Dorsey Howard of Harrisburg, Pa., suggested the Enterprise should return to the Music City Miracle game and use its advanced sensors to show that the "lateral" was a forward pass. And this one... Many readers, including Charles K. Smith, suggested that time travelers should make Scott Norwood's last-second kick in the Bills-Giants Super Bowl go through. Charles, my feeling is that Norwood's kick did go through, but sinister Giants fans from the future altered the timeline. Jason Sheehan of Newport News, Va., adds that if the timeline was altered so that Norwood's kick goes in, the Bills would surely still be wearing red, white and American flag blue -- not to put too fine a point on it, but the single-most successful color scheme in world history.
  12. Hmmm...maybe I should sue Jay for using my pic as his avatar.
  13. Sweet! That's perfect for my desktop. Thanks.
  14. Yeah, but that was the size the ap site had it at.
  15. Already tried it. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  16. This isn't the same one...but it's another good one and shows Bledsoe leading the prayer.... http://www.buffalonews.com/graphics/2004/1...08billsnotz.jpg
  17. So would I. I was going to snap the photo myself, but I was too busy praying for Big Mike myself.
  18. http://www.billszone.com/coppermine/albums...BDAE91D32A6.jpg
  19. Thanks for telling me, Jay! I'm trying to get them to use my bowling shots next. B)
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