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Everything posted by Mike32282

  1. Wow, look at all that crow being eaten by the media.
  2. I just hope it's individual intros. The place gets more pumped up that way compared to.... "Introducing the 2006 Buffalo Bills defense."
  3. WORST LOGO EVER! Damn you, Larry Quinn!
  4. Thanks for this thread. I was pissed when I got this junk. The CD was scratched and doesn't even work right in my computer. What a cheap POS. For the money we pay for season tickets, the Media Guide was always a nice extra thing to have. I'm going to email them.
  5. I just got a package from the Bills and it had my two pins inside and a CD, but no media guide. The CD says media guide and stadium info on it. Does that mean we aren't getting those nice media guides that they usually send season ticket holders or am I just missing it? The package was damaged, so I'm not sure.
  6. I was thinking the exact same thing. He's not a dropback passer. Why not let him use his other abilities too?
  7. The good news is that NFL Primetime will still be on TV. It's on ESPN after Sunday night football. It's now called NFL Blitz. The bad news is that NFL Blitz is shorter and on at like 11pm or so.
  8. Guys, if Willis gained that extra yard and the Bills scored on TD on that drive, it would have pretty much sealed the game. The Bills have always missed that killer instinct. Belichick always goes for it on 4th down, so does Parcells. I loved the call to go for it, but I would have done a QB sneak or A-Train up the middle.
  9. 1 penalty on the Patriots?!?! That has to be some kind of !@#$ing record, especially with how many times our punter was on his ass.
  10. Well, then I will see you in 25 years after I get out for choking Terry McAuley to death.
  11. EXACTLY! Good point. Time Warner would come to an agreement right away and pay big bucks if they could offer Sunday Ticket.
  12. Buffalo News doesn't know what the hell they are talking about. http://www.multichannel.com/article/CA6368...y=Breaking+News
  13. and as Bills fans, NFL Network is no big loss. You get to see all the games anyways and from what I've seen from watching NFL network a few times, you won't be missing much. They hardly ever talk about the Bills anyways. If Time Warner replaces that with another version of Empire, I bet most Buffalo fans wouldn't give a sh-- about NFL Network .
  14. You get OLN on the basic tier with Time Warner too.
  15. I'm totally with you on Leonhard. I'd love to see him stay on the team.
  16. No to Nall! Yes to JP!
  17. That's because i'm getting better at it. I went to camp almost every single day and night this year. Only missed one day.
  18. Thanks for the tips! That explains why I have problems during the preseason games at the Ralph.
  19. That's the problem...I don't do anything different. I still use the sports mode. I have a shaky hand, so thats the only one I can really use. BTW, these Kodak cameras really SUCK in the night.
  20. Okay, the pics are up too.... http://www.billszone.com/coppermine/thumbnails.php?album=401 I know they aren't anything near macnmotion's, but my camera is a piece of sh-- compared to his.
  21. He had a big red spot on it yesterday, according to Chris Brown.
  22. Sorry it's late, but I had to work last night and then went to camp this morning for the hell of it. I'm also uploading my pics right now. They will be here.... http://www.billszone.com/coppermine/thumbnails.php?album=401
  23. Tonight was the final night practice of the year for the Buffalo Bills. It was also the last hard hitting practice too. The players donned full pads and made quite a bit of contact, which they most likely won't do tomorrow. As usual, the team worked on the individual drills, special teams, 7-on-7, and the 11-on-11 drill. To start the evening off, the Buffalo Bills came out of the locker room and warmed up a bit. Some of the players tossed the football around, and others just did their own thing. Next, Bobby April had the special teams do a fake field goals. He had Kelly Holcomb behind center, while Brian Moorman was in the backfield. Moorman took the pitch and ran it in for the touchdown. They also had Moorman catch a pass from Kelly Holcomb in the end zone for the touchdown. And lastly, they practiced a field goal blocking drill with the lines. It wasn't supposed to be a full contact drill, as none of the players were wearing helmets. They were just having Brian Moorman do some fake swings as the guys would try to get in there and block it. However Moorman decided to kick it on the last play, which wasn't a good idea as the guys didn't expect it. The ball was blocked, but it was stopped by Chris Kelsay's bare head. You could hear the sound of the ball hitting his skull and the whole crowd went "OOOHHH" as it happened. Kelsay took a knee for bit and was a little woozy but he got up and was fine for the rest of the day. http://www.billszone.com/mtlog/archives/20...ort_8232006.php
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