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Everything posted by Azalin

  1. Please tell me that's not real.
  2. "Who knows, maybe we’ll even execute them.”
  3. I believe that there are things we experience that we can't explain, but until I personally experience something truly compelling, I remain skeptical.
  4. Hank Kimball on Green Acres. Consistently.
  5. I can't believe people still pay any attention to him.
  6. Thanks, but none of my health issues are too serious, and haven't been an issue until now. As long as I can avoid developing symptoms, I'm certain I'll be fine. That said, oak pollen season is just beginning to ramp up, my car is sitting under a thick, green layer of the stuff, and everyone in Austin is wondering if what they feel is allergies or something worse.
  7. All anyone has to offer in the way of information are hunches. The medical and scientific communities are still coming to grips with this, while everyone else is either clamoring for answers, dispensing opinions, or making doomsday predictions. As far as I'm concerned, there's plenty to be concerned about. I'm in my early 60's, with COPD and type 2 diabetes. I'm staying at home, having my groceries delivered, and keeping everyone else the hell away from me. This may not be that big a deal to most, but it is to me. Until I learn otherwise, I'm watching and waiting, looking after myself, and keeping everyone else both at arm's length and in my prayers.
  8. I know the answer to all those questions - it's right on the tip of my tongue.....
  9. As far as I'm concerned, yes - absolutely. I used to go there all the time, usually ordering at least one jumbo with chili, mustard, and onions. Last time I was there (it was on Niagara Falls blvd near East Robinson) was before I moved away in 1982. Ted's is on my short list of all-time favorite places.
  10. Man, talk about "damned if you do, damned if you don't". Just when you think things can't get much more ridiculous on campus nowadays.....
  11. Exactly. I'd add that he won that election before having any kind of track record as a politician. Now he can run on reduced regulations, lower taxes, improved economy, fatter IRAs and 401Ks, and all his judicial appointments. I completely agree about Gabbard, too. The socialist wave sweeping the democrats nudged her and anyone like her too far into the margins.
  12. I don't believe that they will be able to control it. Pelosi, Schumer, and their ilk have been on a hate-fueled campaign against Trump, offering little or nothing positive to the American public. While they've been preoccupied with their vendetta, Bernie (and to a lesser extent "the squad") have risen to cult status with a large segment of their party. They have, in effect, rendered themselves largely irrelevant. To a bunch of socialists. It just seems that for a bunch of professional politicians, they've fumbled big time on a politics 101 level.
  13. Not only that. I truly believe that they run a very real risk of splitting their party. There are a lot older people and moderates within the democrat party that will support liberal and leftist policies, that absolutely will not vote for a socialist. There's a lot of younger people in that party that are very pro-socialism, and it wouldn't surprise me one bit if they became socialist independents if Bernie gets screwed again, and bailed on the party en masse. And if Bernie wins the nomination, I believe it will be the start of traditionalist defections from the democrat party.
  14. Just replace anything you give up with a new sordid preoccupation. For instance, give up trolling but take up farting on elevators. That's what I did.
  15. I've seen this before - I believe there's a longer version of it out there somewhere. Very telling that the MMGW proponents wouldn't even show for the debate.
  16. Interesting video explaining the 97% consensus claim:
  17. "Free is when you don't have to pay for nothing or do nothing, we want to be free, free as the wind." - Frank Zappa (Teenage Wind)
  18. I liked the bit where the exchange went: Dennis: "Why do you hate me?" Antifa: "Because you're racist". Dennis: "How do you know I'm racist?" Antifa: "I can tell by looking at you". Said with absolutely no hint of awareness of the irony or contradictive nature of that logic.
  19. Ah, but the Russians will secure the election for him, remember?
  20. Certainly nobody can blame you for that!
  21. This is always a fascinating topic for discussion, partially because because it pits the imagination against the hard realities of physics. I honestly can't argue with anything you're saying, and I can tell that you're familiar with the Fermi paradox as well.
  22. Quite literally the only time I can remember when he was speechless. I know his chances probably aren't very good, but I sure as hell hope he beats it. And ***** all of you who would wish him ill.
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