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Everything posted by Azalin

  1. I believe he's reacting to your implication that had the COVID-19 virus not killed them that something else would have: "There hasn’t been an uptick in deaths in America. What we’ve witnessed is old people dying of Covid 19 instead of what they’d otherwise have died from."
  2. If you're going to go on a misplaced apostrophe patrol, you've got a hell of a lot of work ahead of you. And when you're finished, feel free to scrub the board of all incorrect then/than substitutions.
  3. And I'm certain that Texas would be very glad to have him.
  4. I can see that we're each harping on our own points. Nowhere did I dispute any of your assertions that most health conditions that make us more susceptible to the ravages of COVID-19 are self-induced. That is undeniably true. My point has been that I believe you are underestimating the amount of people who, through absolutely no fault of their own, are in a higher risk due to physical conditions or maladies that are not of their making. Diabetes ain't all about pizza and cookies, and neither is heart disease. Lots of people with healthy lifestyles suffer them too.
  5. That was indeed the original point, but I felt that GETTOTHE50 had made a good point as well.
  6. It's not BS and you know it. Using yourself as a template with which to gauge the rest of society is a bit arrogant, don't you think? I'd love to have the opportunity to introduce you to the woman I work with who was born with a hole in her heart, who is perfectly capable of living a normal life but is very susceptible to cardiovascular issues. Or one of my closest friends, who has had diabetes all his life, and is a competitive martial artist and in excellent physical condition. Both of them are at increased risk of becoming seriously ill if exposed to COVID-19. It's great that you did what you had to and began improving your health and quality of life; that's something most of us could stand to do. The fact remains though that we're not all put together the same, and some of us are born at a disadvantage. That disadvantage may be socio-economic in nature, or it could be genetic. Don't be too quick to cast blame on them for something they may have had no control over whatsoever.
  7. That's a gross oversimplification. You may not mean to be, but it seems that you're fine telling everyone who suffer diabetes (of any kind), respiratory issues, or cardiovascular disease, "oh well, you asked for it".
  8. I think they have a pretty good idea what's going to be thrown at them at the daily press conferences by now.
  9. Which means that she prepares in advance before she goes on the record for the administration. If you ask me, Trump could use more of that.
  10. I'll be interested to see who, of the people I know, will defend this action by the SA city council. I already have the list drawn up in my mind, and will check it against my facebook feed over the next few weeks.
  11. Getting Walmart to buy from anyone but China would be a start.
  12. Money says her folks live here in Austin.
  13. I ask myself that every day.
  14. If all you're going to do is give people *****, can you at least try to make it funny?
  15. This sounds exactly like something the Texas Alcoholic beverage Commission would do. Bloody fascists.
  16. This is the sort of thing that people need to see, especially considering how little the American public at large understands about how we fit into the supply chain.
  17. And this related to COVID-19 how?
  18. Actually, they can. However, there is a caveat: https://www.history.com/news/can-the-president-and-vice-president-be-from-the-same-state
  19. I used to love Creepy Crawlers. I tell some of my younger friends about them and they listen in amazement at the hot plate (remember the molds got so hot that they had to be placed in the "cooling tray" - basically just a water bath), and the critters pried out using something like a cross between a sewing needle and an ice pick called the "prying tool". We also had Creeple People and the Fright Factory. The new "safe" version is just pathetic.
  20. If I tried to wear my hair like that, it wouldn't look any different than it does now - I'm completely bald on top.
  21. That is one of the most stupid things I've ever read.
  22. "Yeah, we're not great at this whole 'running a prison' thing," said the warden.
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