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Everything posted by Azalin

  1. Same here - called it pop growing up in WNY but everyone in Texas says soda. I avoid saying either by being brand-specific.
  2. It's been called a blessing, a quote, an ancient curse, and is a delightfully funny book by Terry Pratchett: "May you live in interesting times". It seems as if that's exactly where we are right now.
  3. Well said. If he keeps it up he'll be retiring in some serious style. On a more serious note, Greg is an excellent example of what bridges a real liberal with a true conservative. In most ways, the two are identical. How can one support support all the constitutional rights as a conservative without believing in all the freedoms of a liberal? People need to stop playing the stupid 'team sports, your guys vs my guys' politics and lean to $%#@ing think.
  4. You beat me to the correction, but you're exactly right. I posted in another thread, in one of my little rants that modern leftists are not liberals, and Greg is a perfect example of what I meant. Instead of going off on another rant over the difference between leftist and liberal, I'll simply repost something that we were treated to a few days ago in another thread (sorry - I can't remember exactly who posted it). This is the modern American left: There is nothing liberal about those positions at all. Those of you who believe yourselves to be liberals - what do you believe describes your own philosophies more: the willingness to question your former administration, or the signage posted above?
  5. You think that's bad? I heard country with autotuned vocals for the first time two weeks ago.
  6. I'll take music you can't hum even though it's in a major key for a hundred, Alex.
  7. Thanks - I didn't know where the Griffin reference originated, so I was wondering why he included that in his reply to me. With regards to comedians, I see a lot of people who are usually both original and funny, but are now neither; the same old insults over and over, they all say the same crap. Nothing original about that.
  8. Do you find that creating your own definitions in any way hampers your ability to have productive discussions? Don't be like Baskin; I've read plenty of your posts and know you're better than that. I'm not sure why you reference Kathy Griffin specifically, but I couldn't care less about what she says or does. Saying outrageous things about Trump is the only way she can get anyone to pay her any attention nowadays.
  9. He deserves a size-14 purple boot up his ass.
  10. I know you've been a member here at TSW for a long time. By any chance did you spend any time here at PPP during the republican convention? The republican primary? If so, have you forgotten the daily lambasting that Trump took from nearly everybody who even leans the slightest bit to the right? If not, you should scroll back a few pages and take a look for yourself. I think you are attributing an allegiance to the president on this board that largely does not exist, at least insofar as we/they comprise a body of "Trump supporters". If you ask me, what you're seeing is a reaction to the over-the-top nature of the daily rantings of those who not only oppose Trump and his policies, but truly believe that they are waging a justified campaign against an actual nazi. The histrionics would be entertaining if they weren't so shrill, so constant, and so brainless, and many people are getting pretty sick of the constant barrage we endure whenever we pick up a paper, go online, or turn on the TV. There's always been political humor in our society, much of it pretty harsh, but it's being amplified lately by a contingent of shrieking pinheads to a point where it's difficult to ignore. Stating such doesn't make one a snowflake; snowflakes are young leftists who cannot endure the perceived injustices of society without trigger warnings and safe spaces.
  11. When I arrived home from work, my air conditioning was on. The Russians reset my AC while I was at work just to drive up my electricity bill. Commie bastards.
  12. It was heavily democrat when I moved away, but that was 1982. I don't imagine much has changed though.
  13. If you're too lazy to do your job correctly, and your job is to present "the news", then what you're presenting is bull$%#@. In that context, the term "fake news" seems rather charitable, don't you think?
  14. Well said. Bonus points for "emasculated soy boys".
  15. Nope, it was Robert Redford. Hail Hydra!
  16. Perhaps this sort of thing is exactly why Elon Musk was selling flame throwers - 21st century idiot engagement.
  17. It's exactly this kind of crap that proves that they're just looking for things to be pissed off about. We've come to the point where it's actually racist to not focus on skin color. There's no point in even engaging this kind of idiocy.
  18. Colorblind racism? Now I've heard everything.
  19. Well, with unions on the decline, they need to recruit their thug-muscle from somewhere.
  20. If I see someone wearing a ski mask at a Bills game, I'll be sure to introduce myself.
  21. This. And this as well. I would also add the obvious - if your cause requires you to wear a mask, a hood, or otherwise conceal your identity, then you're probably engaging in contemptible behavior.
  22. For someone who likes to try to portray himself as an older, wiser soul, you sure do spew out a lot of idiotic, random crap. So much so in fact, that you're in no position to condescend to anyone.
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