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Everything posted by Azalin

  1. But they never actually go. They keep threatening that they will, but once again prove that their word isn't worth the paper they print food stamps on.
  2. That is the gayest $#%@ I've seen in a long, long time.
  3. There's a "It's not over 'til the fat lady sings" joke here somewhere, but I can't quite nail it down.
  4. Some are just being hypocritical, some are too entrenched in the bureaucracies, some are too cowed by media & democrat accusations of wanting to starve children & kill grandma, some are there only to serve their own interests, and the rest get no real support from their party to boldly further their agenda.
  5. Oh, for the love of..... There's not much more embarrassing than being a moron while calling someone else stupid. Okay, your serve.
  6. You're not particularly perceptive either, are you? Indeed.
  7. I thought it was funny because (and I may be going out on a limb here) in expressing your belief that Mr Austin should be remembered, you apparently forgot that his name wasn't Sam - it was Stephen. Stephen F Austin. I figured you were thinking Sam Houston. Innocent mistake, a little honest irony, a good chuckle from yours truly.
  8. The only thing you're underestimating is your intellectual adequacy.
  9. 1) Find anywhere on this board where I've parroted, paraphrased, or otherwise regurgitated anything from any source, right, left or center. You assume that because I think you're retarded that it's because I'm a right-winger, that "at our core, we're all exactly the same"? How %$#$ing brainless do you have to be to argue using the exact same thing I first criticized you for? You have the gall to speak in sweeping generalizations, accusing other people of making generalizations, and don't see the stellar level of moronic hypocrisy you're peddling? You're not even arguing the side of the left, you're only arguing the side of a complete $##hole. 2) You said "tee hee". kitty.
  10. The way I see it, if terms like 'book' and 'library' become too archaic for use in everyday conversation, then they become metaphors for "get your ass out there and $#%@ing learn something".
  11. Yes to everything above, plus one more point: TODAY'S DEMOCRATS ARE NOT LIBERAL. Once upon a time they might have been, but they no longer champion individual rights, property rights, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, etc, etc, etc. They are socialists. Socialists are not liberals. Disagree? Go to the %$#$ing library and read a goddam %$#$ing book.
  12. I imagine that if Jesus's step dad was named Adolf, then history might be a tad kinder to the name.
  13. I can't argue with that. When Kelly101 pointed out the inherent whiteness of the name Austin, I though "true, but nothing sounds whiter than the name Chad. Then I remembered the nation situated right smack in the middle of the African continent - probably not a lot of white folks living there, at least in terms of a percentage of the population. Now you have me laughing at the notion of renaming it "Shoniqua", and the absolute $#@%storm that would ensue were that to ever happen.
  14. I don't disagree with you, but the information is out there should anyone actually desire to learn about it. I never had a civics class in school, but it was pretty easy to learn the rudimentary elements of western democracy, capitalism, free enterprise, balance of powers, the three branches of government, etc, etc, etc. A lot of the problem is apathy - too many people just don't care enough. That doesn't stop them from having an opinion, though. All they have to do is pick a team to side with, and they're part of the twitter/facebook/whatever feed.
  15. Austin has been a leftist town for decades though. Between the UT campus and the state government being based here, Austin has a history of left-wing culture. That's not even counting the music & film industry presence. The truth is that since Texas is so much more affordable than California, Austin, Dallas, and San Antonio have all been luring many California-based companies here. The people who move here sell their place in California and can get a much nicer place here, but that's causing property values to skyrocket. The local economy is doing very well though. The city to watch for indications of Texas turning into a blue state would be Dallas/Fort Worth and the metroplex in general. It's a very big state though, with lots and lots of rural communities that are about as far from being socialist/leftist as is humanly possible.
  16. That pretty much sums it up. It's still a nice place to live, but it's getting pretty expensive as of late. It's not that bad. The leftist influx is still pretty tightly contained. Check out that detailed voting map and you'll see we're still very much a red state.
  17. That's exactly what I was thinking.
  18. I was hoping that this might die down before the national media got hold of it. These kind of things can usually be settled quietly and amicably if addressed locally, but once they hit the national stage it becomes a movement, and people become pissed off and destructive. My guess is that the local SJWs will soon be breaking out the torches and pitchforks over this new outrage.
  19. Whenever I'm drinking Bloody Marys in the car, I always use one of these:
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