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Everything posted by Azalin

  1. well, this certainly is embarrassing....
  2. isn't it supposed to be 'for all intents and purposes'?
  3. they could at least have the decency to wear their clown-paint while on the job.
  4. personally, I think it's cruel for the circus to round up clowns like they do instead of letting them roam free in Washington like nature intended.
  5. I like you.....you remind me of myself, when I was young and really, really f***ing stupid.
  6. 'ignorance' is the key word, and ironically so because it's ignorance that is actually learned. I've never heard of anyone being a 'born racist'....someone has to be taught to be that ignorant.
  7. ISTP for what it's worth.
  8. how ironic....now he'll need to hire a bloodsucking attorney to bail his butt out of jail.
  9. looks like mr Big Bird needs to get an agent who can negotiate a better contract.
  10. come on....I mean, who really needs 20+ million dollars a year, anyway?
  11. can't federal employees still sleep on the job?
  12. some people really, really like guns? ....and either one could go off at any time!
  13. only because I have never heard anyone refer to the mechanical action of firing a gun as ejaculating a projectile. I apologize for my presumption.
  14. you've never used a firearm before, have you?
  15. washington is rife with wasteful spending, and like anything else associated with the federal government, the military has it's fair share of wasteful spending. nobody in charge is truly interested in reducing costs or eliminating redundancy, so just like it is with everything else in the federal budget (when they actually pass a budget), spending will continue to increase while beaurocrats continue to multiply.
  16. you may be right.....although I'm not convinced that we actually need a minimum wage, but that's a whole other topic and it's not really the point of what I was saying. I believe that the responsibility for obtaining supplemental income belongs squarely with the person who is underemployed. most people I know have had to work 2 or 3 jobs at one time or another.....it sucks, but you do what you need to do. what ever happened to the belief that if you have seven children and work as a short order cook for 35 hours a week, you're an idiot for having seven children and never learning any skills more practical than grilling burgers?
  17. and where does the employee's 'burden of support' come into play? it's neither walmart's nor the taxpayers' responsibility to make up the economic shortfall when some dumbass is trying to raise a family on a minimum wage job. this concept that we as a society have a responsibility to make up for peoples' bad decisions needs to go. there are too many people out there that really DO need financial assistance, and the more we supplement the incomes of 'underpaid' workers, the less get the help that they really need. consequently, the more underpaid workers we do help, the more underpaid workers we're going to keep getting.
  18. "In fact, Brown questioned why anyone would want to leave California for Texas. Quite the opposite, he said." well, here in Austin we add on average 1,000 new residents a day moving here, many of which are coming from companies who are relocating here from California. one of the reasons why housing costs and property values are on the rise here is because the people from California are used to paying much more for their houses, and what is top dollar here is still way less than what they're used to paying back in California.
  19. thanks.....I'll check them out for sure. I've not read much by or about Keynes, but I have read Henry Hazlitt's 'Economics In One Lesson' and I thought it made perfect sense.
  20. I didn't mean to imply that their politics played a role in their receiving the award, but I can see how that assumption could be made. I know that I have my own bias, but Friedman was always positive and easy to understand, where Krugman too often comes off as condescending and impatient. I'm no economist.....I learned that by studying basic economics (a classic case of 'once you know a little, you realize how much there is that you'll never know'). with washington politics dominating fiscal policy, where can a regular schmoe like me go to learn what is truly sound economic theory, and not just a load of partisan or ideological hyperbole?
  21. how on earth can two people with such opposing views on economics as Krugman and Milton Friedman both win the nobel prize in economic sciences? they would seem to be complete contradictions of eachother.
  22. it's better than going around half-cocked.
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