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Everything posted by Azalin

  1. there's a difference?
  2. not quite......he'd need to find a way to tax it.
  3. maybe I'm missing something obvious, but why do IRS agents carry guns? do tax collectors feel as if they need to extract our cash at gunpoint?
  4. if you have the opportunity, you won't regret going. Tony and Geezer alone are worth the trip.
  5. from what I understand, Rick Ruben had them sit down before recording and listen to their first album from start to finish. I've heard a lot of mixed reviews from fans, but I largely agree with your description...it's a good, solid album that sounds like the old Black Sabbath recording in a modern facility. it's all a matter of what you like, but I'd rate it way above Sabotage, Technical Ecstacy, and Never Say Die, and on par with Volume 4 or Master Of Reality. I got the special box edition from Best Buy which includes a second disc with four bonus tracks and a '13' t-shirt (which to my complete shock and amazement was my size: XL). now I'm debating on whether or not to see them when they come through Texas. I saw them in 1978 at the Niagara Falls convention center, then again in 1980 when Dio was their singer, then again in Dallas in 1999 on their reunion tour, and lastly at Ozzfest in Denver around 2003-2004. knowing that this is likely going to be their last hurrah is sad, especially with Toni Iommi still receiving treatments for his Lymphoma.
  6. just for that you must hand over your gorilla suit.
  7. did anyone catch this in the opening paragraph? "On Flag Day growing up, I used to always wave a flag with my GRANDSON, and it hit me that the victims of that horrible tragedy won't ever be able to do that," said Curtis Lewis, the group's gun violence prevention coordinator.
  8. everybody, regardless of party affiliation or philosophical differences should be in agreement on this.
  9. I don't care what laws are passed, there's only one holiday associated with any type of garment that I ever plan to observe: http://mikelynchcartoons.blogspot.com/2012/02/video-national-gorilla-suit-day.html
  10. quoting from the article: " Shenita McLean was representing Fight the Power, a Pan-African organization of students at the University at Buffalo, at the rally. She is from Buffalo's East Side and is pursuing a Ph.D. in physical anthropology. She said she has felt like a victim of racial profiling, particularly in suburban areas. " you mean that feeling you get when you're passing through a neighborhood consisting of a majority of people of a different race and/or economic status than you, and you feel really out of place.....like you really stand out and everyone there notices you? being a very pale person of Irish descent and working in Austin's east side, I am well acquainted with the feeling myself. maybe if I go protest, I can raise awareness and bring some common sense solutions to end this kind of bigotry, so I can go anywhere I want and never feel awkward or out of place again.
  11. that all sounds reasonable, but where then to 'thralls' fit into the pecking order?
  12. I'd be interested to know if that keeps the feds from collecting it. I wouldn't expect it would though.
  13. I've been in telecom for the last 19 years, and I can tell you that the phone companies only keep those records for billing purposes, and they purge them after several months so they can have the server space to continually update them. from what I understand...and I may be wrong...the feds are taking those records and storing them permenantly in a massive database of their own. I do not like them having that information, whether they plan to do anything nefarious with it or not. perhaps my comparison to the feds snooping through our personal mail was a bad one, but I believe that both activities merit the same level of outrage by the public.
  14. how is he not being specific? accumulation of private phone records and email exchanges to review or for storage in a national database?! it's a mystery to me why even the most rabid lefties, righties, and liberatarians aren't in complete agreement over this. how is this any different than if the feds opened and read your personal mail while it's enroute to you via the postal system? do you need to have the fourth amendment cut and pasted here so you can see it for yourself? in my opinion, everybody with a functioning cerebrum should be appalled and outraged at this, regardless of their party affiliation, and I would just love to see a level headed attempt at explaining anything otherwise.
  15. you're obviously forgetting that our constitution is a living, breathing document that requires modern interpretation and occasional adjustments due to the unforeseeable societal needs of advancing American society.
  16. you mean other than the feds sticking their noses into our day to day affairs?
  17. I couldn't agree more. well said.
  18. in the long run, pretty well.....he has a hell of a lot less people that hate him as a senator than would hate him if he had won the election. that's got to count for something, right?
  19. you've got my vote, especially if as president, you are also your own secretary of state. didn't McCain call it 'straight talk'?
  20. she just happens to have been MO's great, great grandmother and that qualifies her for a statue? former Arkansas senator/governor Dale Bumpers was my grandfather's cousin.....do I get a monument too?
  21. it's a new tactic....release as much scandalous material as you can at once, so there are so many threads to unravel that nobody can make any sense of anything.
  22. I've been surprised at this as well. Karl Rove defending the data-gathering, and Michael Moore & Glenn Beck both calling Snowden a hero.....it ain't what I'm used to.
  23. this is exactly what people can expect to hear from the left about this, the IRS scandal, Benghazi, spying on AP reporters, and anything else that may come up between now & 2016. there was a time when I believed that there were true believers in the american left that actually had a pragmatic side to them, but I was either wrong or they have all died in recent years.
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