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Everything posted by Azalin

  1. I remember the left going nuts when Arnold was scheduled to be a guest on Leno's show in the weeks prior to the election in california.
  2. and we're not even getting that.
  3. are you suggesting that a Canadian newspaper may fall short of the impeccable standards set by American newspapers?
  4. and the fortune teller didn't know the car was coming?
  5. quoted from the article: 'She offered the bus driver the money, but he refused, saying he only accepted exact change.' not to jump to any wild conclusions here or anything, but I'm going to risk the assumption that the driver refused her a bus ticket because she didn't have exact change.
  6. but can't you see that this is just another phoney scandal that's been ginned up to draw attention from the real issues?
  7. something worth considering is the peace that's existed between Egypt and Isreal since the days of Begin & Sadat. Mubarek kept that same policy in place. a good foreign policy with regard to Egypt could be helpful in retaining that peace, don't you think?
  8. shouldn't that be 3.5 generations?
  9. thank you....I don't know what came over me....I feel better now.
  10. rumor has it that they decided to pick up the story during Bill's second term because Max Von Sydow turned down the role of Jim McDougal, and Will Ferrell wanted too much to reprise his role as Janet Reno.
  11. well, if you're going to insist on bringing reality into the discussion, then I'll just have to take my idealism elsewhere.
  12. golly, it's so amazing how such an efficiently run government could possibly let something like this slip by unnoticed.
  13. among of the responsibilities of a free press is to hold all public servants, especially policy makers, accountable for their actions. are you willing to say that they've been applying the same critical eye to this administration as they did to the last one?
  14. what this all says to me isn't so much about the current administration, but the major news outlets. I don't expect them to give Obama the same critical treatment they gave Bush 43 (or Bush 41 or Reagan, etc), but their less-than-casual attitude toward whistle-blowers really cuts across the grain of everything they used to stand for. I'm not so naïve as to expect them to be truly fair and unbiased, but I never thought I'd live to see the press at large so blatantly set aside their responsibility for holding public servants accountable. by comparison with their treatment of Obama, the press turned on Jimmy Carter like they were starving piranha.
  15. just the title of this thread alone is great....
  16. if the kid hopped a fence to get onto this guy's property and it was 2am, then nobody should be surprised that he was shot. under the same conditions, I like to think that I would hold the gun on the kid while I phoned the police, but I'm honestly not sure what I'd do.
  17. holy crap...... http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2013/05/massachusetts-cannibal-admits-plot-to-kidnap-and-eat-a-child-in-dungeon-under-his-home-2640682.html
  18. when this first broke on the news, the very first thing I heard was 'the only minority juror serving on the panel believes that Zimmerman got away with murder', and it struck me how incendiary a comment that was.
  19. this one certainly fuels the imagination.
  20. I'd love to see a show like this catch on with american viewers. a little push back from a public irritated over not being allowed to do what they perceive as harmless and 'no one else's damn business anyway' is a good thing, imo. good luck with the show!
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