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Everything posted by Azalin

  1. the 'spaghetti monster' meme has always irked me because it's purposefully disrespectful to believers in a 'higher source' by conjuring the image of some kind of interstellar, extra-planar mass of malevolent pasta & meatballs with a frown and likely a few fangs tossed-in for good measure. all I was trying to say is that people shouldn't get their pants in such a wad over what other folks do or don't believe. whether you say a prayer before eating your cheeseburger or roll your eyes at those who do, as long as you're not hurting anyone and are willing to live & let live, I'm okay with it. people who believe that there absolutely is a god require faith to adhere to that belief, as those who fervently believe that there is no god similarly require faith in that belief, since there is no way a mortal has to prove the point one way or another. my own belief comes from being raised attending a methodist church, and subsequently modifying my beliefs a little later in life though studies of astrophysics and cosmology. the result is that I'm pretty much a deist of the Jeffersonian/Franklin type.
  2. so, the mother is a shoplifter and the whiney, candy-*ssed neighbor is a died-in-the-wool commie? this adds a bit of color to the story....
  3. a devout atheist is simply the other side of the coin from a devout believer: they both hold to a belief that is impossible to prove one way or another.....both views require faith. personally, I think too many people focus on the arguement of whether or not God is real, and neglect to pay much attention to the actual philosophy promoted within the Judeo-Christian religions.
  4. I'm not sure what everyone's getting all worked up about......when I look at that mask, I see Satan, not the president.
  5. I think GW pretty much finished off any Bush's chance at the presidency for at least a generation, if not longer. otherwise, I'd agree.
  6. in my defense, I never said it was GOOD science....
  7. well, there's always consensus.
  8. they've produced debt, haven't they?
  9. I remember finding a paperback copy of of a joke book called 'sick, sick, sick' among the stacks of books my father had accumulated. there was nothing racist in there, but it was full of some impressively insensitive stuff that, I must admit, was pretty funny.
  10. I'm not so sure about that......they've produced one hell of an impressive amount of debt.
  11. okay.....from now on I'll substitute with the word 'flounder'. hopefully that won't offend too many sensibilities.
  12. well then, 'Seattle' sounds like an acceptable alternative..... besides, who'd want to say ANYTHING in Seattle?
  13. thanks! it was bugging the crap out of me trying to figure that one out. I knew it wasn't the most flattering of terms by the way it was used, but the word may as well have been 'armchair' or 'carp' without knowing its context. after reading that whole thread though, I am left with one question: why would anyone want to use the word 'portobello' when such a superior word as 'shiitake' exists?
  14. aw, I'm a Wednesday now? I was gone for a long time, so I don't even know what that is (other than the 4th day of the week). I was hoping to be able to deduce the meaning over time instead of confessing ignorance after being called one, but I see that is not to be.
  15. aw crap, now I feel like a horse's ass. what a B word. Tom Donahoe
  16. did you even read anything....even one syllable....from either of the links I posted for you? do you believe we have as little government as necessary? when something needs fixing or improvement in your life, do you take care of it yourself or do you look for/wish for a government solution to your problem? better yet, do you even give a cr&p or are you just being ignorant for entertainments sake?
  17. or perhaps the implication is that his policies have come full circle.
  18. there's a difference between freedoms taken away and freedoms infringed upon. think about it.
  19. sorry.....I didn't mean to spoil anything.
  20. why can't you spend a moment in research? it's amazing what you can learn... http://www.lp.org/platform The libertarian or "classical liberal" perspective is that individual well-being, prosperity, and social harmony are fostered by "as much liberty as possible" and "as little government as necessary." http://www.theihs.org/what-libertarian
  21. only after they take away all our food stamps, welfare, section 8 housing, wic, etc while forcing people to be responsible for their own lives. how insensitive and heartless these monsters are.
  22. and Ford didn't even take a government bailout....somehow, they managed to recover on their own!
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