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Everything posted by Azalin

  1. no, chicken and cow made scapegoats of poor whare and dowphin
  2. and what has cream cheese ever done to you to deserve such slander?
  3. and as everyone knows, there is absolutely no difference between piloting the joint strike fighter and piloting a drone. such a shame so few are as gifted intellectually as you.
  4. I guess the takeaway is that if conservatives, liberatarians, or any non-liberal is upset over an american's death, then he must have deserved to die.
  5. aw, c'mon.....since when are relevant facts required to sustain a good arguement?
  6. what happens during a government shutdown? if wikipedia can be considered a 'neutral' source: 'In U.S. politics, a government shutdown is a situation in which the government stops providing all but "essential" services.[1] Typically, services that continue despite a shutdown include police, fire fighting, the National Weather Service and its parent agencies, the postal service, armed forces, utilities, air traffic management, and corrections (the penal system)' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Government_shutdown
  7. at this point in time, replacing figher jets with drones seems a bit like replacing eagles with mosquitos. maybe someday, but not today.
  8. one arguement I never hear anyone make is that by requiring identification in order to vote, you will be protecting YOUR vote from being used as part of someone else's voter scam. you want to make sure nobody steals your vote? they can't steal your vote if they don't have your ID..
  9. people like mr Belton risked their lives preventing Japan from invading our country. lets suppose for a moment they were not successful in that endeavor. what would have been the african americans' fate at the hands of these people? http://youtu.be/djZIpmp_nVo rip mr Belton. you deserved better.
  10. you make Curly Howard look like Albert Einstein. I've known flounder smarter than you.
  11. what generally happens is that the market adjusts. using automobiles as an example, if people aren't buying then the dealers provide incentive, usually by lowering their markup. they make less profit per car, but at least they sell them. in turn, they will save money other ways....less people buying means less salesmen needed, and more emphasis placed on sustaining the automobiles on the road by running specials on authentic manufacturer auto parts in their service departments. when people are spending less, the market will adjust on its own to accommodate consumers. good examples of how things get screwed up can also be found in the auto industry. in the early-mid 70's, japanese imports were like tiny little tin cans compared to american autos. no one payed them much attention until we had our fuel crisis with it's long lines at the gas pump and rationing based on license plate numbers. consumers began to buy more japanese cars, and as they did, the japanese began making them better - more solid, safer, and with increased fuel economy. they drove up the demand for them in the american market. the american auto industry reacted by lobbying lawmakers into placing a tarrif on all imports, which artificially inflated the cost of the japanese cars to the point where people were more likely to 'buy american' due to a relatively equal cost between the japanese cars and the american ones. instead of US automakers rising to the challenge of producing a superior product, they instead had washington intervene, essentially taking the benefit of competition out of the equation. that's one of the reasons there are so many japanese automakers with plants here in the US now. it's more cost effective for them to pay a higher wage to have them built here.
  12. didn't you used to go by the name 'combo'? you were more entertaining in those days.
  13. thank you.....my first good laugh of the day.
  14. what the hell are you talking about? can you not even stay on point from one sentence to the next? c'mon....trolls are supposed to be more fun than this. you can't even do that well.
  15. they're not creating demand. they're taking purchasing power from one consumer and giving it to another. that's not creating anything. and it costs tax dollars to pay bureaucrats to take from one person to give to another, making it a net loss.
  16. they are encased in an old, flabby body and sent to San Diego to serve as mayor.
  17. am I the only one who has never heard the term 'wood' used before?
  18. all good metal heros go to the same afterlife as strippers, female pornstars, and lingerie models. I kind of doubt that's in heaven, though.
  19. when the government taxes, they are taking money directly out of the economy. all that money that could have been spent on other things never sees the light of day.....it just goes straight into the government coffers. the money that gets paid to federal employees does make its way back into the economy, but only after a large portion of it is spent being handled by the bureaucrats that redistribute that money. it's an extremely inefficient way to return tax money to the economy.
  20. better yet, why not enlighten us on the mechanics of effective governent job creation so we can all understand the issue as well as you do?
  21. why, our government, of course.
  22. that might be a really, really good name for a band.
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