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Everything posted by Azalin

  1. none. but then again, it doesn't need to be laced with anything. most europeans who smoke hashish mix it with tobacco. I'm sure some people still lace weed with other drugs, but with the ultra-high quality marijuana grown in peoples' homes nowadays, no one needs to lace it with anything. the stuff from my high school days ('72-'76).....even the legenday stuff.....doesn't come close in potency to what people smoke now. thanks! it caused me to develop a 99% blockage in my left anterior descending coronary artery and I had a stent placed to open it back up (just like GW just had). it still took me 5 years to get away from cigarettes. nicotine is by far the most difficult thing to quit that I ever tried, and if not for the newest e-cig technology, I'm sure I'd still be smoking.
  2. people's heads would explode of they knew what kind of crap goes into most cigarette tobacco. the good stuff is used for cigars (american cigars aren't anything to write home about either), pipe tobacco, and higher-end cigarettes like American Spirit. the normal 'class A' cigarettes use the lowest grade, and often scrap, tobacco....at least as far as I understand it. there's all kinds of chemicals added to make it taste better, sulphur to make it burn better (ever see a tiny cigarette 'flare up' as someone is holding a lit cigarette? that's the added sulphur), etc. as an unrelated side note, thanks to the new vaporizers, (like an e-cigarette on steroids) I have gone over 5 weeks without a cigarette after smoking for 39 years. I'm starting to feel a hell of a lot better, and both my doctor and my cardiologist are happy with the change, saying that the nicotine isn't my health worry, all the bullcrap I'm no longer inhaling in the cigarette smoke was.
  3. they could sure as hell make money piping some of that water down here to Texas.
  4. eighteen billion dollars in debt, and that's just one city. talk about kicking the can down the road. it's enough to make you wonder if they didn't just say to themselves 'hell, we're so badly in debt that we should just run it up to the point where it's impossible to ever pay it back, and hope we can talk the feds into bailing us out.' of course, no one would ever really do that.......
  5. while I agree with the 'prohibition doesn't work' part of your post, I can't help but bristle at the 'regulate it and tax it' portion. they get enough of our money in taxes as it is, and nothing will bring the quality of the weed down like having the FDA putting their hands all over it.
  6. people should at least be allowed to grow it themselves for personal use, with laws regarding sales left to each state. someone growing a few plants in a home - hydroponic system with sodium vapor lamps isn't hurting anyone, and should be left alone.
  7. it's hard to argue with this. besides, it appears that both sides have elements that would love to see the US humiliated, if not completely defeated. something else that bothers me is that after Snowden's exposure of all the domestic spying on common citizens at the hands of our 'trusted' government, I don't trust any of the 'intelligence' reports on who exactly it was that used the nerve gas on the rebels. I didn't take our government's word as gospel before, but I now have absolutely zero trust in anything they have to say, and that goes for both parties and on all levels. the president has already humiliated himself in the eyes of the world with his 'red line' BS. there's no reason to make the situation any worse for us by slinging missiles at targets that Syria has already either cleared of tactical equipment or fortified with human shields.
  8. my point is that they're not there. whether or not you, me, or anyone else believes they should haul their butts back to washington is irrelevent. it's like yelling at a security guard because he wasn't there to prevent a burglary on his day off.
  9. understood. that's why I found it offensive.
  10. I'm not a particularly religious person, but that's some pretty offensive stuff, imo.
  11. especially if it's stolen back from those evil corporate swine that are living high off the sweat of underpaid, exploited laborers.
  12. maybe I should have been more clear - I was referring to ANY constitutional provisions, not just this one.
  13. and all without government assistance. they're obviously cutting corners, ignoring safety regulations, and underpaying their employees.
  14. oh, I understand and agree with your point. it's just the complete lack of respect from this administration toward constitutional restraint often inspires bursts of sarcasm on my part.
  15. I know, right? I mean, who the hell calls anyone at 2am anyway?
  16. why would this administration suddenly begin to respect the constraints of the US constitution? it's not like it's ever mattered to them before.
  17. I couldn't possibly agree more.
  18. that's absolutely heartbreaking. I'm so sorry for your friend. I can't begin to imagine how terrible an experience that must have been.
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