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Everything posted by Azalin

  1. people forget that GW Bush won the election for Texas gov in 1994 over Ann Richards largely due to his support of the right to carry concealed firearms law.
  2. impressive. you've either lived in DC quite a while, or you're a natural for the Senate. we need someone capable of addressing the sippy cup gap in this nation.
  3. you don't know anyone regularly treated at a VA facility, do you? if there was anybody more deserving of the highest quality medical care, it's those that have served the country and payed for it with their limbs and minds. not only do they often not get the care they deserve, you would hold that up as a model for the rest of the nation? you post to antagonize, not to discuss. this is just troll-sport for you. if you really believed half of what you post, you'd be too stupid to breathe.
  4. ...' a contamination of American Standards'..... is that supposed to be a bathroom/plumbing pun?
  5. imagine all the wonderfully foul jokes if Weiner was to somehow get the dems' nomination for president, and he ran against Jeb Bush......
  6. social media like facebook, PPP, etc would be fair game since it's all posted for others to see. when someone writes an email, especially one that's sent from one individual to another, how is that not private? or phone conversations.....how is recording telephone conversations and storing them not an infringement of our privacy? I guess I've been too naive all these years.....after all, if we're not saying anything bad, what do we have to worry about?
  7. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. we can have federal law legalizing abortion based on a 'constitutional righ to privacy', but all of a sudden that same protection of privacy goes right straight down the dumper when it comes to the feds collecting our private correspondance?
  8. not a single person that I know who was up in arms over the patriot act has uttered a peep over the NSA domestic spying revelations. before all this came to light, I would have bet everything I own that americans of all political persuasions would have been outraged and demand justice, but the silence from all quarters astounds me. "If you don't comply, it is treason," Mayer said when asked why she couldn't just spill details of requests by U.S. spy agencies for information about Yahoo users http://www.foxnews.c...intcmp=features
  9. but pinatas are usually filled with candy & toys, not hot air and excrement.
  10. well, one side is a private citizen exercising his right to protest while meeting his obligation as a taxpayer, and the other side is a department of public servants employed to collect those taxes. I think they should be grateful he didn't try to pay his taxes using postage stamps. just saying......
  11. he can say the same thing, can't he?
  12. if he's channeling an inner Churchill, it's Ward, not Winston.
  13. it seems to me like a much more reasonable and effective way to protest than the angry mob approach. besides, if the clerks weren't busy counting this guy's money, I'm going to assume that they'd be busy doing pretty much the same thing in accepting money from other taxpayers. the guy has a legitimate reason to protest, he didn't stop traffic or occupy several city blocks, he made his point, and gave them donuts.
  14. hot pockets? and you're a chef? and no love shown for chicken wings? I am so disillusioned....
  15. my hovercraft is full of eels.
  16. did you miss the bit where I said 'at least in part'? you have the reading skills of a flounder.
  17. two points: 1) they have to take it from you before they can give any back, and the reason you get any back is because you voluntarily gave them more than they were demanding from you. 2) in a country that was literally founded, at least in part, upon the protest of unfair taxation, you would have tax protestors arrested. why am I not surprised?
  18. good grief..... reminds me of the time I was seduced at an abstinance rally.
  19. no, I don't think drug dealers or cartels will fold up shop if weed was made legal. as long as there's a demand for illegal drugs of any kind, they'll be there to provide them. my point is that marijuana is the most prevelant, the most used, and the most benign by far of all the illegal drugs, and while the cartels, the mob, & other associated 'bad guys' will carry on just fine without it, you will be taking pot away from them, allowing users to invest their money in a home hydro system and a couple of sodium vapor lamps, and maybe a bong or two. nobody would be profiting off the backs of the veritable army of benign stoners in the US....not cartels, not dealers, not law enforcement, and not the government. concerning drug cartels and organized crime, I really don't know the best thing to do to combat them. making existing laws more harsh only serves to make the business more violent and drive the drug prices up. to allow complete free and legal use of any and all drugs would put a huge burden on an already too large welfare state. my personal belief is that in a free society, every individual has the responsibility to pull their own weight, and nobody can meet that responsibility indefinitely if they're a cocain freak or addicted to opiates or methamphetime. the larger problem of illegal drugs and addiction is beyond my ability to address, but I do believe that we can take marijuana out of that classification and not suffer as a society for doing so.
  20. don't sound so incredulous.......that kind of thing happens here a lot, from what I've seen.
  21. if it was legal to grow your own marijuana for personal use and illegal to sell, the vast majority of people who partake would simply grow their own. cartels & dealers would take a huge hit to their revenues, there would be less drug related crime, no government involvement involvement or taxation whatsoever.imho, the question of legality should not in any way be based on trying to establish a regulated industry.
  22. he even brought a box of donuts for those who were inconvenienced...... http://youtu.be/kPRGblJTPRE
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