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Everything posted by Azalin

  1. my dad would have taken me over to the house and made me apologize to the owner, then stay there and repair all the damages (no matter how many weekends and evenings it took) possible, and then work to pay off the costs of any repairs that had to be professionally done. I know this from experience. I was an exceptionally stupid child.
  2. is this the guy that the cops went after because he recorded them being abusive to a drunk woman at that 7-11 on Lamar on new years eve?
  3. that's a bit presumptive, don't you think?
  4. I believe you. I'm a bit surprised at just how bad it is, but I do believe you. I'm sorry you got hosed so badly.
  5. "does he have a muslimy name? that would be huge.'"
  6. it's disgusting that she's been allowed to keep her position. not only did she get a DUI and cause an accident, but she had an open bottle of vodka in her car at the time. if that had been you or me, we wouldn't be seeing the sunshine for quite a while.
  7. you're here in Austin too, aren't you? I'm kind of surprised that the issue wasn't as big a deal here as it might have been, considering everyone and their mother plays an instrument in this town. I once commented to a friend of mine that you can't throw a frisbee without hitting a guitar player, and he replied that you can't throw a guitar around here wiithout hitting a frisbee player.
  8. in fourteen hundred and ninety three, Columbus sailed the deep blue sea..... (Johnathan Harris as dr Zachary Smith, Lost in Space)
  9. I'm not a professional musician, but I've played guitar for 44 years and am in a band that performs in Austin. illegal downloading does screw people out of money, but the record companies are the ones that take the brunt of it, not the musicians. what usually happens on the artist side is that the record companies have less money to offer the artist for making their album and for funding a tour to promote the album. that certainly does effect the artist, but the big victims, as I've already said, are the record companies. unless you're someone like U2, Madonna, or Lady Gaga, as an artist you make most of yourr money in merch sales (t-shirts, etc)
  10. 'It will likely intensify criticism from those who believe that negotiating peace with the Taliban is a mistake.' gee, d'ya think?
  11. nothing. thus, the futility of gun control. it would have to literally be world-wide in order to work, and even then there would still be a black market for them.
  12. what ever happened to the good old days when an angry homosexual just threatened to scratch your eyes out?
  13. I heard a soundbyte on the radio driving back to work from my lunch break, where the Chicago chief of police called for stronger gun control laws. um.........
  14. you guys are forgetting.....it's Bush's fault.
  15. read what he said.....he wants the government shut down.
  16. the immature, irresponsible me would have Holloway round up 300 of his former NFL pals and go around trashing the houses where all these kids live. but that's the old, irresponsible, immature me. instead I would press charges against all of them, with a bit of leniency toward those that give up those that are as of yet unidentified. I used to do dumb stuff as a kid, but these kids make me look like a teenage Einstein. what a crappy thing to do to anyone.
  17. that's not a bias. I can't help it if you don't understand the constitutional role of the federal government vs that of the states. your ignorance is your antagonist here, not me. this alone shows your complete and total lack of understanding of the entire issue. it's not how the government, either federal or state, will improve my life. it's about how I will improve my own life.
  18. strawman alert. I'm not biased against government. I'm against the continuing encroachment of the centralized authority usurping the constitutional authority of the states. you're the only one talking about medicare. idiot.
  19. yep. that pretty much sums it up. biased? when I say that I trust NOBODY in the federal government, regardless of party, to manage such things? invest a few dollars in a dictionary, look up the word 'biased', and then read my post one more time. you sound like some ultra-right wing, swamp-dwelling inbred hick......murica! love it or leave it!
  20. there are some of us who believe that the feds aren't able to run anything efficiently, no matter who is president. I wouldn't want the feds in control of health care even if they resurrected Reagan or Lincoln to oversee it. I may be no fan of Obama, but that has nothing to do with my stance against the ACA. don't assume that this is all just anti-Obama posturing, because it isn't. he's just the one that put it out there.
  21. I'm part of Austin's underclass, and as such I usually hang out in tex-mex bars & restaurants drinking frozen margaritas and shots of Sauza Conmemorativo. on a more serious note, I've read this whole thread, and although I sympathize with CBIP's ordeal, I have to admit that it doesn't surprise me. the 'good old boy' network here doesn't only work for the 'good old boys'. if you're 'connected' at all, you've got power, and some take serious advantage of it.
  22. read it again, you boob. he said:'The reality is: the root cause of this is liberal eduction FAIL, welfare FAIL, liberal legislative/executive FAIL and corruption(see Detroit),and the cry racist wolf people. The root cause of that is: the need for a permanent underclass, from which liberals derive their power.' that means that all of the time, effort, and money spent on all of those programs, which were meant to curb crime by eliminating poverty and help provide gainful employment by way of raising education standards & creating a more qualified work force was a complete and utter waste, unless you consider the intent of those that implemented it to be to create a class of dependents & permanent victims. I submit that you are living proof of this.
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