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Everything posted by Azalin

  1. I'm not trying to be a wise guy with this question.....I'm honestly curious about this because I don't understand. if the GDP is the total market value of all good & services generated in the country in one year, how does that relate, in a practical sense, to the amount of money that the federal government overspends? I don't see how expressing a federal budget deficit in terms of a percentage to GDP makes any sense at all. isn't the most reasonable.....not to mention most accurate.....method of expressing a deficit done by comparing total expenditures to total receipts (revenue generated vs revenue spent)? I'd really appreciate it if someone could enlighten me here.
  2. this is where a very fundamental difference in the parties exists. democrats seem to believe they need to create a plan or a system to fix everything by either getting more involved or directly taking it over. republicans, among others, believe that most of the trouble was cuased by government involvement in the first place, and that by getting rid of the government involvement, most of the problems will go away. .
  3. who cheers for dolphins? fish-fondling cro magnons cry in your pillows
  4. but who needs jobs when we have unemployment compensation, welfare, food stamps, social security, disability, and section 8 housing? don't you people know utopia when you see it? and if for some strange reason anyone actually ever does need a job, the ever-expanding public sector ought to soon be literally bursting with employment opportunity.
  5. and a perfect fit for you.
  6. I do believe the implication is that 50% of total income going to pay all the various taxes falls shy of the actual amount. if you count things like how much oil/fuel/energy tax is reflected in the cost of say, fresh produce at the grocery store. there's the tax on diesel fuel for shipping the produce, fuel tax on the electricity generated to refrigerate it, property tax paid by the store that sells it, and on & on. they all figure into the equation as business costs, but they're still taxes that are ultimately paid by the consumer. some people are aware.....or at least suspect....how much of their income is actually going to taxes, but I believe most people would be shocked at how high that number really is.
  7. because unlike you, many people don't make such considerations when spending other people's money.
  8. agreed on both points.
  9. I don't think that's an unreasonable thing to say. often times it is selfish to have children late in life. for some, that's not necessarily the case, but you avoided making yours a blanket statement. there's not a lot of wisdon involved in becoming a parent when you're at the point where you may be considering retirement as a lifestyle option.
  10. who the hell knows what you're trying to point out with your oblique and smarmy little 'Walmart never presses charges blah, blah, blah...' BillsFanM.D. said pretty much the same thing I did, and when he called you out, you quoted him, yet claim to be responding 'mainly' to me. that's a dodge, and a lame one at that.
  11. why not respond with a little specificity? are you saying that because Walmart is 'doing fine' that it's okay to steal from them? is the implication that it's okay to try to scam Walmart if you're on government assistance? all I said was that Walmart was smart by not denying any of them food because they'd be eaten alive in the media had they done otherwise. I imagine that you know that as well as anyone else. apparently having a sense of honor or personal integrity is a radical concept, since Walmart was willing to take these people at their word under circumstances where most merchants would not. maybe you're just peeved because I think people who do things like that are trash?
  12. I think Walmart handled it as best as they could. imagine the PR nightmare had Walmart decided to suspend all sales until their system was back up. they would have been lambasted as being uncaring and greedy, denying poor people their food. how can people not be disgusted by the behavior of those 'shoppers'?
  13. you're quoting the constitution?! you??? really????
  14. nothing. why does it have to come from the government?
  15. 'I'm going to kill anyone who gets in the way of me killing anyone....' - Yellowbeard see, it's funny when Graham Chapman says it, too.
  16. or even Alex Jones
  17. average americans already have access to insurance and medical care, neither of which is a 'right', you osseocephalic toe-fondler.
  18. and yet you find my words ring true enough to quote twice.
  19. best laugh of the day so far. thank you.
  20. and all this time I thought that only Jim Carrey could speak so fluently out his own backside.
  21. per the US constitution, congress is required to present an annual budget. the house of reps has done so, but the senate hasn't submitted one in over four years.
  22. and don't forget his unforgivable exploitation of Sitting Bull and other once-proud native americans.
  23. oh, this mess can be traced all the way back to that SOB Lincoln.
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